How do our our socialist prime minister and his liberal, progressive wife feel about promoting this?

Published: December 2, 2013 at 12:38pm

The North Face sweat shop labour

The North Face 4

The North Face

The North Face 2

19 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    And can the PM give us assurance that his padded jackets were not stuffed with the feathers of force-fed geese?

  2. Neil says:

    They can’t get a single thing right. Blatant incorrectness of almost every sort is their trademark. They never see beyond the tip of their noses, still stuck in the old, ‘u ijwa, mhux xorta’ days of being the opposition.

    Oh how we miss those days!

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Virtually all multinationals make profit out of exploitation. With this as a setting, politicians are expected to work together in order to monitor the respect of human rights not to encourage their abuse. Clearly this is a concept that is beyond Muscat’s cognitive faculties.

    Besides, I think Muscat’s limitations are such that he does not even understand the difference between a socialist and a socialite. Gawdu minn fuq dahar il-poplu!

    • Jozef says:

      You nailed it, it’s beyond his mental capabilities to align his position and selection of product.

      In his position, if he chooses to decide he’s an asset, if he however doesn’t, whatever he does becomes a liability.

      Or better, Muscat should, even because he can, determine the nature of the product instead of being consumed by the product itself. In 2013 materialism has long been a two way system, this when political leaders are in dire shortage.

      If he can’t, as is clear, the shape of things to come in manufacturing will be primitive, rough and unevolved. Imagine trying to explain the potential of wired clustering.

      He is not a politician if he can’t see beyond a label or its proposed aura. Never have democracy and production been so interlinked.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        “He is not a politician if he can’t see beyond a label or its proposed aura. Never have democracy and production been so interlinked.”

        Mussolini’s dream was to break the barriers between businessmen and politicians…

      • Jozef says:

        He managed when he threw money at steel foundries and heavy manufacturing plants.

        As did Hitler. Supremacy was sought, an omen, in motor-racing, land, sea and air, Balbo an inspiration to Charles Lindbergh, the Nurburgring and Tripoli’s race track the places to go.

        Ford was notoriously anti-semitic and GM, producing the Dodge truck, embarked on the acquisition of Bedford and Opel in the late thirties, LJK Setright’s famous quote, ‘a world truck for a world war’.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        Jozef, I’m aware of all those history facts. Now, try to explain them to the PM.

  4. Jozef says:

    Then there’s their other object of desire, a constant during the campaign. Produced in a ‘factory’ where nets had to be installed around the building to prevent suicides.

    If they have to endorse anything, they should really exercise their power of discernment.

  5. Sufa says:

    “This does not negate the fact that Dr Sammut plays a dual role in the Ministry, as a consultant and as a businessman, but Dr Farrugia does not see a conflict of interest in this.”

    • curious says:

      So, for the Minister 96% of the shares are ‘some shares’.

      Where’s the research and the ‘due diligence’? Ahseb u ara kemm se nafdahom fuq ic-cittadinanza.

  6. TinaB says:

    Michelle Muscat: “Owkej? Orrajt? Illum mhux wahdi gejt.”

  7. Joe Micallef says:

    This perfectly exposes the amorality of the communist/ socialist mantra.

    Contrary to what they claim it is not a universal political philosophy but an egoistic geographical narrow-minded action.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    How appropriate, The North Face for the brazen-faced.

  9. Kukkurin says:

    The Prime Minister needs to come clean on this.

    I would not put it past him to have negotiated a sponsorship deal. He is after all charging the public purse handsomely for the use of his own car.

    In any case, it is wrong for a Prime Minister and his wife to promote the commercial interests of one particular enterprise, even if they are doing it as a favour to a friend and party supporter, and not charging them. Surely there must be a law prohibiting that.

    If not, certainly food for thought for the Law Commissioner.

  10. ian says:

    Socialist, my arse.

  11. Ian says:

    I hope you’re not serious about the we-shouldn’t-buy-brands-which-use-cheap-labour argument, Daphne?

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