The North Face/Prime Minister and Mrs Muscat sponsorship update

Published: December 2, 2013 at 11:58am
Mrs Muscat leaves her The North Face jacket unzipped to reveal the vast The North Face logo on her chest.

Mrs Muscat leaves her The North Face jacket unzipped to reveal the vast The North Face logo on her chest.

The prime minister wears a huge The North Face logo in red emblazoned on his back. Mrs Muscat puts on a cap with The North Face logo to speak to interviewers on camera. She is also wearing The North Face logo on her chest and jacket.

The prime minister wears a huge The North Face logo in red emblazoned on his back. Mrs Muscat puts on a cap with The North Face logo to speak to interviewers on camera. She is also wearing The North Face logo on her chest and jacket.

A member of my international worldwide network of spies has sent me a close-up photograph of Mrs Muscat at the finish of yesterday’s charity run/walk, which shows clearly that even she – and not just her husband – was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with a huge The North Face logo.

This means that Mrs Muscat was wearing a cap, T-shirt and jacket, all with prominent The North Face logos. I have no way of knowing whether her trousers were The North Face too.

And to make it even more obvious that she and the prime minister were actively promoting the brand, her T-shirt was chosen with a large central logo on the chest because she was also promoting a jacket. This means that a logo on the back, or a small logo in the normal place just below the shoulder, would have been covered. She also left her jacket unzipped.

The prime minister, on the other hand, did not wear a jacket and had a huge The North Face logo emblazoned on his back.

32 Comments Comment

  1. tinnat says:

    Mrs Muscat clearly went to her hairstylist before the fun run.

  2. ciccio says:

    So did Adventure/the Abelas make a gigantic contribution to the Community Chest Fund in return for this exposure of The North Face brand, aimed at increasing their sales, or did they literally take a free ride on the back of the prime minister?

    Or did they pay HIM and Mrs Muscat?

    What does Banif, the official sponsor of the President’s Run, have to say about this?

  3. etil says:

    Probabli qed jithallsu tal ‘promotion’ – Baqalhom x’jinhanzru – lanqas li qatt ma kellhomx flus, dejjem iridu aktar.

  4. L.Gatt says:

    Is Joey also balancing a Banif Bank Balloon over his head? Another sponsorship perhaps?

    [Daphne – Banif sponsored the event, legitimately.]

  5. Hotelier says:

    Their stock price is on the rise this morning!!

  6. Gorg Borg says:

    Vera Karnival dawn in-nies.

  7. minn mars says:

    One word fits all: ridiculous.

  8. Jozef says:

    There’s something very wrong with a prime minister who won’t choose the event T-shirt like everyone else. Wearing it signifies community and being part of the group.

    Trust them to spoil this one as well.

  9. ciccio says:

    Does the “briksa” (that’s how the prime minister sees the Code of Ethics for Ministers) say anything about this appalling behaviour?

    Is it possible that it does not say anything about the undue association of the prime minister with private business and interests in public?

  10. Comment says:

    How fake her smile and hand gestures are.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Why is the PM’s wife carrying a shoulder bag? It’s a marathon; you want to shed every useless gram. And the giant bangle? Or is that a survival kit?

    • La Redoute says:

      That bag? It must be the most expensive thing that Joseph Muscat ever bought, more expensive than the house he didn’t buy to live in.

      It’s not a marathon. It’s a showboat. They walked, not ran.

    • Jozef says:

      Naqa’ soup u salad ghal Joseph taghna.

      • ciccio says:

        More like a blood pressure monitor and a defibrillator, I’d guess.

      • vanni says:

        That bag is where Mrs Muscat stores her large collection of sex-toys and E. L. James novels, for the next time her husband doesn’t notice she’s around.

    • Hmm says:

      I see a lot of useless kilos by her side which are worth losing.

  12. U Le! says:

    If Muscat has been going to the gym daily for a number of years, the least he could have done is jog, not walk with the older ladies.

  13. mattie says:

    The brand is for mountaineers, skiers, snowboarders, for people who practise extreme sports.

    Would anyone here wear safety shoes just because they’re durable, waterproof and hard wearing? No.

    Then why would one wear The North Face if the brand is made for people who practise extreme weather sports?

    I’m just curious – what are we trying to prove here? That we go skiing regularly, mountain climb the Dolomites every other week?

    What a farce.

    • Nerd of Redhead Dancing The North Face says:

      The North Face, Quechua, Salomon, are all brands made for skiers, mountaineers, extreme snowboarders and tri-athletes.

      The fabric used by for these brands is durable, waterproof and it resists extreme weather conditions, thus keeping the human body comfortable in extreme circumstances.

      There are no extreme weather conditions in Malta and no extreme sports people except for a couple of surfers who ride the waves in winter and some cyclists who risk their lives cause nothing’s been done to safeguard their safety so far.

      So yes, people who wear the North Face brand in Malta must be thinking they’re climbing Mont Blanc, each time there’s some walking marathon they participate in to collect money for charity.

  14. Antoine Vella says:

    Some people might wear North Face because of the Muscats’ promotion. Others will not touch the products with a barge pole, for the same reason.

    It’s not very clever to use a controversial politician as a promoter.

    • Tinnat says:

      To be honest, I really don’t give a hoot if the Prime Minister wears well-known reliable brandq. All I know is that he looks like a twat in the North Face jacket, just like his wife looked ridiculous in the Gucci boots.

  15. Matt says:

    Fl-ewwel ritratt wiccha ezatt bhal tas-Sunday Circle gie.

    • La Redoute says:

      She really should do something about those teeth, given that we’re going to have to look at them for at least another five years.

  16. P Shaw says:

    I never realized that Mrs. Muscat has horrible teeth and consequently a horrendous smile.

  17. Joseph says:

    Once we had ‘pajjiz tal- Mickey Mouse ” it’s seems that we are turning to be ‘pajjiz ta’ Mickey u Minnie Mouse.

  18. Mario C says:

    “Dan il-programm jinkludi xi tqeghid tal-prodott”.. Messagg qabel jidher il-pm fuq it-tv

  19. Admiral Akbar says:

    I’ll be impressed if North Face manage to wrangle a sponsorship deal with Silvio Parnis.

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