It’s Muscat and his government themselves who are damaging Malta

Published: December 15, 2013 at 3:48pm

Cuschieri Muscat

Joseph Cuschieri has uploaded on Facebook the prime minister’s words that those who damage their own country have no place in the “Malta Taghna Lkoll project”.

Some project.

Muscat pretends to miss the point that it is he himself and his government who are causing Malta most damage through their plans to sell passports, their corrupt liaison with big business, with a man blacklisted by the World Bank and another one sacked as EU Commissioner, and their schemes for unneeded power stations and land reclamation – to mention just the most obvious.

Those who try to stop this dangerous nonsense are not harming Malta but trying to prevent more harm being done to Malta.

47 Comments Comment

  1. Bubu says:

    Malta taghna lkoll is a “projett” now?

  2. Watchful eye says:

    Mhux ovvja. Fis-slogan ‘Malta taghna lkoll’ hemm hemm dik il-kelma invizibbli ‘Laburisti’.

  3. Augustus says:

    L-akbar hsara lill-pajjizu ghamlha Joseph Cuschieri meta ceda postu lid-danger man.

  4. Wistin Schembri says:

    To remain part of Muscat’s project, one should keep silent on Muscat’s actions.

  5. hmm says:

    I believe he can throw half the Labour parliamentarians in that bag, as they are doing the most damage to Malta’s credibility.

  6. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat, who has been damaging Malta’s reputation at least since 9 March 2013 with his scandalous decisions, has no moral authority to tell us who is doing harm to the country.

  7. Jozef says:

    Muscat should explain how he intends to deal with those who won’t have anything to do with his project.

    What final solution is required.

  8. Foggy says:

    Does he have aspirations to royalty? Joseph Cuschieri III indeed.

  9. anthony says:

    How strange.

    If it is others who are damaging the country, why on earth did this twerp not go ahead with his citizenship fiasco as it was originally planned and voted for?

    I wonder what made him U-turn.

    I can very well imagine what happened in Sri Lanka.

    Somebody there gave him short shrift.

  10. Dissident says:

    Joseph Cuschieri III?

  11. Johann Camilleri says:

    So my sister and her husband are at Melita FC last Saturday morning, as my young nephew trains there.

    Joseph Muscat is there too watching his daughter play football as he does practically every Saturday morning.

    My nephew is in a different class that ends earlier then young Ms Muscat’s class and so left earlier, at about 11:30.

    About 15 minutes later, whilst stuck in the usual traffic down regional road my sister and her husband heard a siren behind them and assumed it was an ambulance and so dutifully crammed to the side like everyone else.

    Imagine their surprise when they see it was no ambulance at all but the PM’s car preceded by what they assumed was his bodyguards’ one with sirens wailing!

    Obviously the PM cannot be expected to wait in traffic like everyone else can he, and it couldn’t have been in any emergency since he was sitting down on his rather voluminous back side draped in Northface clothing for the preceding 90 minutes, unless he was in a hurry to get to the in-laws!

  12. ken il malti says:

    From “taghna lloll” placards to poverty awareness initiative placards in Zabbar.

    Joseph Muscat is sure whittling away fast what accomplishments the PN have done in 25 years.

  13. Gary says:

    Meanwhile, Gasol (part of ElectroGas) have released their interim financial statements for 2013.

    Retained losses of 24 million.

  14. VR says:

    Muted totalitarianism

  15. Newman says:

    In other words, Muscat is saying: ‘those who oppose Government policy are enemies of the State’. Doesn’t that sound like something a totalitarian dictator would say?

    • Spock says:

      Well remember what totalitarian regimes he’s hobnobbing with now . ‘Ghidli ma min taghmilha , u nghidlek x’int ‘

  16. The Shadow says:

    A colleague in Brussels commented, your Prime Minister wants Europe to share your “burden” but will not share with Europe the 650,000 euro that will be paid to your country for granting non-Europeans Maltese citizenship which make them a burden on other European countries.

  17. Betty says:

    Jekk tikkritika l-istupitagnijiet li jirnexxilhom johorgu bihom kull gimgha il-genji ta’ Muscat tal-PL modern, tkun qed taghmel hsara lill-pajjizek hux Cuschieri u allura wkoll mhux fl-interess nazzjonali. Ghal ftit ighidilna wkoll li “jekk mhux maghna, kontra taghna” u neqirduk, bhal ma kienet l-ghajta ta’ l-MLP antik. L’hemm sejrin intom, imma ahna mhux se noqghodu kwieti u teqirdu dak li l-PN irnexxielu jikseb.

    Aqtaghha patpitu u dalwaqt naraw lilek u lill shabek taqghu ghaz-zufjett fil-Parlament Ewropew, jekk ma tifthemux u tibdlu l-ligi tal-IIP flimkien mal PN.

    Jekk le, Scicluna ghamel figuracca imma int u shabek l-MEPs tal-PL se taghmlu hsara lil Malta u ghidli int imbghad ma liema progett taghmel. Nistennew ir-rizenja tieghek imbghad.

    L-ewwel tbazwru u tippretendu li naghlqu halqna.

    Ghandek xi cans, ja nkompetenti.

  18. H. Prynne says:

    Cuschieri makes the assumption that we want to be considered as being a part of their stupid project/road map/clowns pretending to govern/whatever they now want to call it.

    After all, what’s in a name compared to the major fuck up that is this administration.

  19. Riya says:

    Il-hsara ghamila kull min ivvota Labour ghax il-Labour dejjem hekk ghamel. Tal-Labour kull meta kienu fil-gvern dejjem ghal buthom hasbu u mhux fil-gid tal-pajjiz.

    ‘Malta taghna lkoll’ huwa slogan ezatt bhal ma’ kien dak tas-70 ‘Malta Marida Medicina Mintoff’. U min ghex iz-zminijiet ta’ Mintoff kullhadd jaf x’gara fil-pajjiz ghax gabna nghixu go pajjiz ghar min tat-tielet dinja, korruzzjoni enormi, u jekk ma’ tkunx tal-qalba ma tahdem imkien, swat u tortura mill-pulizija u sa hansitra qatlu n-nies u anke frame-ups, u ghamilna shab mal-ghar pajjizi tad-dinja.

  20. ciccio says:

    Oh, look, Cyrus Engerer was not concerned about “damage to Malta” when the Evening Standard published an article about a fire on a bendy bus in Malta – as long as he blamed it on the Nationalist government which had introduced Arriva into Malta.!/photo.php?fbid=612891215418241&set=pb.212468218793878.-2207520000.1387140138.&type=3&theater

    Engerer not only posted a picture of the newspaper article on his political Facebook, but he also added the comment “L-Evening Standard tiddiħak bil-mod kif Londra bellgħat il-bendy-buses lill-Gvern Nazzjonalista.”

    He did not defend “the country” even though this was an accident and it happened during a Labour government – instead he pathetically attempted to blame the PN government.

    I don’t think it was the Nationalist Party which fed this news to the Evening Standard – what do you think, Cyrus?

    To date, the Labour Minister for Transport has refused to publish reports about the fire accidents, and Arriva claims that arson has not been ruled out. I strongly believe there was sabotage.

    Labour. Hypocrites.

  21. Josette says:

    Għażiż Sur Cuschieri, jekk Malta tagħna lkoll tinkludi nies bħalek u bħal sħabek, li l-unika ħaġa li s’issa wrewna hu kemm huma bla skrupli u kif lesti jwaqqgħu isem pajjiżna għaż-żufjett, mela jien żgur li ma rridx inkun parti minnha.

    Jien Maltija u kburija minn pajjiżi u nweġġa’ meta nitpoġġa f’pożizzjoni li nkun nixtieq niddefendieh u ma ma nkunx nista’ – u dan l-aħħar, kważi kull deċiżjoni li qed jieħu dan il-Gvern qed tpoġġini f’dik il-pożizzjoni.

  22. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Define “hsara”, idiot.

  23. Riya says:

    Dawn iridu jitkellmu?

    Meta inbidel il-gvern fin-1987 anke private bit-turisti attakaw gewwa l-Marsa biex jaghmlu hsara lil Malta.

    Missom jisthu. Min jahseb li dawen inbidlu mignun.

  24. Alex says:

    And who will decide who are those “harming the country”.

    Joseph the emperor?

  25. Riya says:

    For Joseph Muscat and all the PL all those who are telling the truth about the political situation in Malta are harming the country.

  26. Pippa says:

    So, according to Joseph Cuschieri if you criticise the government you’re working against Malta’s interest.

    Mr. Cuschieri, according to you what should Dr. Gonzi have done to your party during the last legislature?

    You criticised the PN government whatever it did. You helped and encouraged- you know who- to interfere in every way so as to bring it down. You voted against the budget and then adopted it lock, stock and barrel in March – just a few weeks after your vote.

    Thank God the PN was a democratic party. But is your party democratic or is it dying to follow in the footsteps of the Chinese and Russian governments?

    I think you all need to examine your conscience and turn away from the temptation to embrace the practices of totalitarian regimes.

  27. Riya says:

    Prosit Pippa.

    It is also important to remind young people about the fact that the Fenech Adami’s family and his private house were violently attached because he used to tell the truth about what was going on in the country at that time when Labour were in government.

    But I am sure that Joseph Cuschieri and his friends feel very happy that this grievous incident had occurred because they really hated Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami cause he was an honest man and who was the person able to save Malta from the embarrassing situation the PL brought us in with their stupid and egoistic political decisions.

    The PL was never able to destroy Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami in any way not even with violence, but Dr. Fenech Adami with his honesty, mental capacity, and political ability destroyed three PL Leaders one after each other. i.e.

    Mintoff, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Alfred Sant

    I wonder if any other political person was able to manage do this even in other countries.

  28. verita says:

    The PL catch phrases have always been the same. Here are a few.

    Shun the British.

    British go home.

    L-ghedewwwa tal-poplu.

    Mhux fl-interest tal-poplu.

    Indhil barrani.

    Min mhux maghna kontra taghna.

  29. Riya says:

    ‘To date, the Labour Minister for Transport has refused to publish reports about the fire accidents, and Arriva claims that arson has not been ruled out. I strongly believe there was sabotage.’

    From Minister’s Mizzi facial expressions on TV you can immediately conclude that the report will be somehow manipulated before it will be published. Moreover, one could establish this fact because it is a stupid excuse to say that such type of report cannot be published immediately for security reasons.

  30. Riya says:

    U jaqbdek id-dahq b’dawn in-nies li jghidu, jew li jissehu Ministri tal-Labour.

    Ma’ jippublikax ir-rapport dwar l-Arriva minhabba ragunijiet ta’ sigurta’.

    Mela qed nitkellmu dwar xi rapport dwar is-sigurta’ tal-Istat jew?

    Imma b’min iridu jidhqu u jqarqu dawn hekk imsejha Ministri tal-Labour?

    Veru trid tkun stupidu, injorant u mbecilli biex temmen hrejjef bhal dawn.

    Il-Ministru Mizzi jahseb li kullhadd ghandu mentalita’ medjokri bhal tal-Laburisti.

  31. Gaetano Pace says:

    Have we all forgotten the steretyped LABOUR gimmick of an excuse to save its face crying loud even in Parliament “MHUX FL-INTERESS TAL-POPLU” when questions were asked about their grapes gone sour. Here it goes again with the slight difference that now NEW LABOUR is repeating OLD LABOUR phrases. Labour never learns.

  32. Joe Fenech says:

    Try and get that across to the Labour people!

  33. Riya says:

    I am certain that after only eight months all Maltese people of good faith and reasoning have realized that this government was completely unprepared to take over the running of the country. I say this in view of the fact that you have to be stupid and not realize that all the Ministers who were put to test only made a chaos.

    The major fiasco was made by the Minister of Finance when he, as a Minister of Finance, went to explain the budget to the EU. He made Maltese people, including Labour supporters of good faith feel so embarrassed with his performance let alone his blatant lies. This Minister should also tell us exactly by how much the vehicle’s registration and road tax have increased as he failed to specify and be clear during his budget speech in parliament.

    Whatever Dr. Manuel Mallia, in his position as the Minister for the Police and Security of the State did was highly criticized by many people in responsible positions, and this for example applies to the appointment of the new Police Commissioner, the fact that he was personally involved during the interviews of the members of the Security Services. Not to mention the involvement of his Chief of Staff even in grievous and stupid incidents, and his personal interference with serious Police duties. But, the most grievous for Dr. Mallia’s position was the introduction of the sales of Maltese Passports, and to add insult to injury, it has now also transpired that this issue was planned before the election between the PL and a private foreign company which also abated, maybe also financially, the PL during the election campaign. This system is not only being highly criticized by most of the Maltese population but also by some government representatives in parliament, who although they voted in favour, they gave their views and admitted publicly that they voted that way against their principles. Even the President of Malta seems that he is not sure of his personal decision after signing for this Law. We have also heard the Minister of Finance, a professor, saying during his budget speech at the EU meeting that the system was being misunderstood. If this is the case the Maltese government should sue many foreign newspapers for publishing the system not as being implemented by the Maltese Government. But we will wait and see how this issue will materialize.

    After all those nice words we heard from Minister Conrad Mizzi before the election, all he did is employ his wife with a salary of €13000 a month and she does not even have an office where to work from. So one seriously wonders what her actual task is.

    All we heard from the Minister of Transport Malta, Joe Mizzi, is the bad service that Arriva are providing but nothing as yet has ever been done except a report about some incidents which he, till now, also failed to publish.

    A positive action was taken by Minister Marie Louise Coleiro cause she employed I cannot recall how many relatives within her Ministry.

    The Minister of Health have been telling us on a daily basis that the problems at Mater Dei have been solved and all is under control and in order, including the supply of medicines when a report by John Dalli revealed otherwise.

    Another positive and very serious action was taken by the Prime Minister himself, when he primarily threw some good money in his pockets by hiring his own car to the government, giving a present to the PL of €10,000,000 and employing a good number of his friends with the public sector..

    These are some brief points.

    But were is the road map that we were promised to secure our family’s future?

  34. aidan says:

    Joseph Cuschieri gawdih kemm tiflah il Facebook tieghek ghax wara l elezzjonijiet tal Ewropa int ma tibqax tissemma iktar bhal ma gralu Franco Debono wara l elezzjoni ta Malta, u mieghek jisparixxi l ghaziz huk Manwel.

  35. Kukkurin says:

    The Malta Taghna Lkoll Project was an elitist club from day one of Labour in Government from which we have always been excluded. Whatever is soon-to-be-unseated MEPJoseph Cuschieri ranting on about.

  36. J. Borg says:

    I have always said that this is a government of Doublespeak, and when they say “Tista ma taqbilx maghna, imam tahdem maghna”, this actually means “Min mhux maghna, kontra taghna”. At last their true colours are starting to emerge…

  37. zaren says:

    Jidher li dejjem qed jingħalqu f’kantuniera……..l-istorja tirrepeti ruħha u min jinsa jerġa’ jġarrab. In-nazi, l-ewwel qabdu mal-Lhud, imbagħad mal-protestanti, fl-aħħar kien imiss il-kattolici u dawk meqjusa bħala għedewwa tal-istat.

    Qtilna l-wiżża li kienet tbid il-bajd tad-deheb u issa qed induqu bajd maqtugħ……..nulla da far….peccato

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