Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is seeing yet another woman: this time, it’s Lara Boffa, who he put on the state payroll as ‘personal assistant to senior management’ at the Malta Council for Science and Technology

Published: December 19, 2013 at 6:42pm

Lara Boffa - Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Lara Boffa and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, walking on the Birgu waterfront holding hands last Sunday night.

Lara Boffa and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, walking on the Birgu waterfront holding hands last Sunday night.

I had heard about this a couple of weeks ago, but didn’t wish to report it as I didn’t think it could be possible that Pullicino Orlando has already moved on to his second woman since his second wife walked out recently.

But now a reader has sent me this photograph of him walking along an otherwise deserted Birgu waterfront late last Sunday night, wearing his orange trousers, with a “tall woman with long brown hair”. The person who sent it to me said: “When they saw me and my husband get out of our car, they began walking very, very fast away from us. They were alone together and they were holding hands.”

I sent her a photograph of Miss Boffa’s face as she had no idea who the woman with Pullicino Orlando was, and asked her whether this is she. She confirmed that it is.

Meanwhile, I am more than a little unnerved by the way I am able to read this creepy man. When Lara Boffa was recruited as PR official and ‘personal assistant to senior management’ at the Malta Council of Science and Technology, some months ago, I knew instinctively that Pullicino Orlando had recruited her personally because he fancied her. Personal assistant to senior management? He’s the senior management.

Miss Boffa had kicked up a bit of a stink at the time because I suggested as much. Some people might think that he fell into her lap when she was already in the job, as often happens in offices. But I think he put her there so as to be able to fall into her lap more easily.

So how does Mariella Mifsud fit into this sordid picture? Probably in roughly the same way as a stepping-stone in a murky pond.

41 Comments Comment

  1. Betty says:

    And I’m proud of it.

    Kull razza ghanda l-paljazza.

  2. Allo Allo says:

    Kemm jghabbi Alla jbierek, hux. Must be the orange trousers.

  3. Robert Barathian says:

    How cute. What’s the age gap ? He’s after bimbos now.

  4. Markus says:

    The news is confirmed as I have it from employees at the MCST that JPO is with an employee……i.e. Ms Boffa

  5. Jacob says:

    Speaking about that little shrimp, you have your spies, I have mine.

    Pullicino Orlando was on flight KM117 from Gatwick to Malta today. A good friend of mine was on the same flight.

    Pullicino Orlando was in economy class. He was seated in the emergency exit row. Normally you have to pay an extra 25 euros for that, but he was placed there after it was obvious nobody else had booked that seat – or at least he did not sit there straight away but was taken there by an attendant who looked to my friend to be very chuffed to have him aboard.

    He was sitting a couple of rows behind my friend who unfortunately did not want to risk a scene and take a photo.

    During the first hour Pullicino Orlando downed at least 3 whiskies.

    Normally one pays for alcohol on Air Malta, but if he paid it was an extremely fast move, unable to be seen. Or perhaps he has a tab?

    When lunch was being served he was given the meal same as everyone else by a different attendant, but then the attendant who took him to the emergency seat row signalled for the meal to be taken back, and thrown away as it was opened, and JPO was served with a meal intended for business class travellers.

    After that Pullicino Orlando put down the book he was reading, “The Honoured Society” and ‘fell asleep’ with very rosy cheeks.

    He was quiet until some time later he ordered a coke and again paid so quickly for it, that it couldn’t be seen with the naked eye.

    Who needs to pay for business class?

  6. TinaB says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Lara Boffa and Chou.

    Poor Chou.

  7. Lina Caruana says:

    To be expected. He now has another Helen of Troy.

  8. Denis says:

    So Lara Boffa has a trash fetish.

  9. Grezz says:

    Lara Boffa must be having a lot of this, given her latest “acquisition”.

  10. Gahan says:

    If it’s a short man in orange trousers, then it must be Jeffrey. Those must be his lucky pants.

  11. Rosie says:

    Obviously, Lara Boffa isn’t into real men.

  12. C Mangion says:

    No wonder she’s all over the cyber bullying bollocks like a butt rash in September’s humidity. What an ambitious girl, bless her.

  13. Osservatore says:

    I have it on good account that Lara Boffa was wrested into her post at the Malta Council for Science and Technology by no other than Pullicino Orlando against the better judgement of all those who may have deemed her unfit for employment.

    We all know y now that he has no judgement or very bad judgement if any.

    One therefore wonders whether the only way he could find into Miss Boffa’s knickers was through a state-funded job which was neither a necessity for the MCST (they are not exactly NASA) nor his to give as a grace and favour position and a way of obtaining sexual favours.

    This relationship sounds awfully cheap and tacky (any relationship with this shallow man will henceforth be considered such), but it reaches a totally new level of depravity when taxpayer funds are blatantly traded for sex.

    Italy had Berlusconi and Ruby. Malta has Pullicino Orlando and Boffa. Not exactly the same calibre of people (Scicluna has it that we’re short of these), but whenever you are seen as paying for sex, either in cash or kind, directly or indirectly via the taxpayer, only one conclusion can be reached.

  14. Joe Fenech says:

    I’m sure that given their strong ethics, one of them will resign as would be appropriate when two people in a high position become a couple.

  15. bob-a-job says:

    This just proves that some women love a big prick.

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I’m off to buy me a pair of orange trousers, because it looks like it’ll be cold turkey and cooking sherry on my own again this year.

  17. eve says:

    Kemm hi belha, miskina.

  18. Neil says:

    “And ah’m proud of it!”

  19. Dick Dastardly says:

    The caption in the picture is wrong. I think it should read: “Biex Jeffrey ikun tieghi wkoll”.

  20. edgar says:

    Jeffrey believes li fuq tlieta toqghod il-borma.

  21. Joe Fenech says:

    So what happened to the hairdresser? Has JPO discovered an allergy to ginger felines?

  22. Mr Meritocracy says:

    How old could Lara Boffa be? 26, 27 maybe?

    Quite gross for her to be going out with a 50 year old, and even more ridiculous that she is dating someone who has fathered a child roughly the same age (taking away a couple of years).

    [Daphne – Oh come on. She’s in her mid to late 30s at least. She doesn’t look even remotely as though she is her 20s. Yes, still an age gap, but hardly appalling.]

  23. ken il malti says:

    Does she spend half her wages on bright red lipstick?

  24. Rita Camilleri says:

    What do they see in him? Not only he is not in the least attractive, but to me he is bit ‘funny’. Mur gibu xi George Clooney dan.

    [Daphne – Rita, you should know by now that Maltese women of a certain age and type without a man are forever on a desperate hunt for one, to the point where almost anything will do as long as it showers, is fairly solvent and has some kind of real or imagined status. If only they would be more like men, who never bother when they’re single and see themselves as a prize who must avoid capture rather than as somebody with a debilitating condition who is pitied and talked about. Women see themselves as being left on the shelf, but men never do.]

  25. Kelinu says:

    For Lara, Father Christmas has come early.

  26. Laraboffasage says:

    She is 33.

    [Daphne – She looks closer to 40. So yes, quite a bad age gap, then: 17 years and a whole generation. Well, hello there daddy. Except that daddy, in her case, was old enough to be her great-grandfather, so Miss Lara grew up with that as normal and wouldn’t think anything of it. Except that her father wasn’t twice married with three children and soon to be twice divorced when he met her mother, aside from the fact that he was probably quite a decent chap.]

  27. MP says:

    I wonder who will be next after Lara Boffa?

  28. Lydia Workman Pace says:

    Let the thousands of LP voters reap what they sowed. They all expected a positive change and were naive enough to believe in all the empty promises yelled out during mass meetings pre- election.

    How many of these voters were ready for the damage that has already been done in such a short time, including the pimping of Malta for money to people who are mostly concerned to undergo an identity change and who have the money ( we will never know how they obtained their affluence) to do it?

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