Just look at this – what in the name of all that’s holy does Joseph Muscat think he is?

Published: December 1, 2013 at 8:47pm

The prince is coming

Look at this screen-grab from a video of the fun run – or in the prime minister’s case, walk.

He is surrounded by a circle of minders who are using their outstretched arms to ward off the common people and clear a circle round him so that he carry on with this fascist hardman image.

This is a walk, for crying out loud, not a set stage for an assassination attempt.

What did they think, that he’d be mobbed by autograph-hunters or people who voted for him and who are now asking for the favours they were promised?

This is so ridiculous. The only prime minister I remember using heavies to ward people off in even the most innocuous of situations was that deceased scum, Mintoff, who did it for two reasons: 1. he was paranoid; and 2. he used it to shore up his bully-boy image.

Not a good example to emulate, I’d say. But then I don’t think like the sort of person who votes Labour, and I have no insight into that kind of warped mind.

56 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Muscat could have avoided being hassled, jostled or assassinated by power walkers if he’d run, rather than walked.

  2. M. says:

    The more I see of Muscat, the more I miss Gonzi. Can you imagine him surrounded by heavies, warding people off so that they don’t touch the PM?

    • Mr Meritocracy says:

      Absolutely not.

      One thing that struck me about Lawrence Gonzi, for instance, was how willing he was to celebrate with graduates. More often than not, whenever there were a bunch of students celebrating, he would come down from his office at Castille to be among them for a few moments and have a photo taken with them. Gonzi prided himself on a Prime Minister of the people even in such a scenario.

      Can you imagine Joseph Muscat doing the same thing? Absolutely not. From what I’ve gathered of the man’s actions so far, he wouldn’t even dare do anything similar to this.

      Nearly nine months on, I still can’t believe that we voted out a person who, despite his faults, did so much good for the country, and voted in this incompetent lot. It just doesn’t make sense.

    • winston psaila says:

      This reminds me of Lady Boffa’s statement, ‘ Ir-ragel tieghi dejjem mar wahdu il-Parlament bil-mixi’.

      So to those who say that Labour never changes: Yes it does; from worse to worse to forever worse.

    • H.Galea (NRK) says:

      This reminds me of the numerous times I saw and greeted Dr George Borg Olivier walking along Kingsway on his way to attend Parliament. Do no harm and fear no man.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    That’s two reasons. What’s the third?

    [Daphne – Corrected. I gave three reasons originally but then thought better of revealing the third lest I be accused yet again of an ‘attakk fahxi’ on the rotting corpse of a poisonous dwarf.]

  4. Tinnat says:

    He will have witnessed Berlusconi surrounded by some 30 bodyguards in the European Parliament, and miskin he got envious.

  5. La Redoute says:

    Am I seeing things or is he really wearing jeans? And why isn’t he wearing a donor T-shirt?

    [Daphne – He IS wearing a donor T-shirt, or rather, a T-shirt donated by Adventure camping shop. He wore black to stand out in a sea of lilac – obviously. What other reason?]

    • La Redoute says:

      Donor T-shirts are made available to anyone who pays Eur10 as a donation.

      PLEASE don’t tell me the Muscats are so puffed up with their own sense of self-importance that they thought their presence was a sufficient contribution.

      Come to think of it, how much of their income do the Muscats donate to charitable causes? It can’t be modesty alone that keeps them quiet about the matter.

    • Maltri says:

      I do not think that Muscat will ever wear lilac. He is more comfortable in black where all the body lines are not so prominent. I think he would have paid 5 times the donation for a black T-shirt.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Look at the arms. Is he actually WADDLING?

  7. ciccio says:

    Metaphorically speaking of course, if his blind followers were allowed to touch him, they would open their eyes, and they would see a reality different from how he describes it to them. So he must not be touched at all costs.

  8. Is-Serkin says:

    The Adventure Camping Shop – proud sponsor of the Muscat’s North Face ski jackets – owned by none other than an ex police sergeant from the infamous SAG.

  9. Last Post says:

    Il-veru “Pajjiż tal-Mickey Mouse”. X’taħseb, John Bundy?

  10. canon says:

    Warbulu ha jghaddi.

  11. Riya says:

    Veru bniedem qisu iblah. Hafna xeni biex lil injorant jimpressjonah li hu importanti imbaghad imur laqgha tal-EU u hadd ma’ jaghti kasu, anzi jinjorawh.

  12. gorg says:

    He’s walking to the stage in a mass meeting.

    He’s colour blind so he is seeing everything red and not purple.

    So fake.

  13. back to the 80s says:

    This shows that everything is staged with those people. If there is goodwill wouldn’t he be the first to mingle with the rest of the crowd?

    The president wasn’t surrounded by heavies, and he’s the head of state.

    Where is all that pre-election humbleness and ‘jien wiehed minkhom’ gone.

  14. albona says:

    Aremmu aremmu gej il-leader tal-ikbar pajjiz tad-dinja. Soon he will be buying a ‘Joseph mobile’ inspired by the Pope mobile.

    If Malta were the size of Sicily, it would declare war on a different country every day. Thank heavens we are a barely-visible dot in the Mediterranean because our gracious and most honourable leader believes he is the head of the greatest empire that has ever existed.

  15. Paddling Duck says:

    The worst thing of all is that he decided to wear a North Face t-shirt ha nidru posh rather than the purple ones given out for a donation by the organisers.

    [Daphne – That’s not the reason he wore it. It seems to have been a sponsorship/promotion arrangement with the importers of North Face, Adventure camping shop.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      In that case, it may well be the biggest blunder in marketing history. I mean it’s like getting Abu Hamza to endorse Nivea hand cream.

    • Paddling Duck says:

      I guessed that. What I’m trying to say is that it’s wrong not to endorse the official event merchandise, especially when it is a charity event.

      What’s more, should a Prime Minister be in any kind of sponsorship/promotion arrangement? Isn’t that a conflict of interest? (i.e. another one out of the infinite number Labour have already?)

      • Gahan says:

        The Muscats want to make the best out of it, we were told. I wouldn’t be surprised they got their clothes for free.
        Our prime minister unashamedly hires his personal car to himself, so anything goes .

  16. Deep throat says:

    While Michelle was being interviewed by TVM, after the fun run, our dear Prim Minister was seemingly engrossed in conversation with someone while at the same giving his back to the camera and his wife.

    As a result, a great part of the TV screen was taken up with an advert printed on the PM’s t-shirt. I sort of got the feeling that the PM, his wife and TVM were jointly involved in the transmission of an advert.

  17. U Le! says:

    He’s balding fast according to this bird’s eye view.

  18. Impressed says:

    I was impressed with the beautiful gift the Prime Minister presented to the President. It was a cartoon with the President’s face along with a Superman body. I got the feeling it wasn’t well-intended, somehow.

  19. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    How long do you think they can keep the charade up?

    • Joe Fenech says:

      For as long as people don’t start taking to the streets and protesting virulently.

    • ciccio says:

      It depends. If the PN can effectively prevent the sale of Maltese citizenship and passports, then it will not last long.

      Oh, and the PN must insist that Maltese citizenship can only be granted after a minimum residence in Malta of at least 5 years.

  20. P Shaw says:

    How Middle Eastern. This picture reminds me of the quintessential Arab dictator.

  21. robert says:

    This says it all. He probably thinks he is the next Arafat

  22. Emilia De Martino says:

    Ilni nghid li ghandu ‘delusions of grandeur’ ta’ zul minn hemm.

  23. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Tal-biki! Why would the PM of a small rock in the Med need ‘minders’ on a charity walk, except to stroke his ego?

  24. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Yes, Daphne, interesting you should have uploaded this comment. A colleague, who did the run, just mentioned it to me now. Suppositions around the office are that he either has good reason to be scared, or he’s got delusions of grandeur. I must admit though that the latter is my supposition

  25. Gaetano Pace says:

    A black shirt, a big chin and minders: this was a charity run and not the march on Rome.

  26. Butterfly says:

    How come he did not run? Doesn’t he go the the gym everyday? And he said that he only eats soup and a fruit. He should be fit as a fiddle.

    I saw him yesterday on the news and he was the only one not holding the banner, which made him seem even more like an arrogant pig.

  27. H.P. Baxxter says:

    He needs a dopemobile.

  28. Kukkurin says:

    The 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination must have been weighing heavily on the Prime Minister’s mind. One cannot take enough precautions when one is in High Office.

  29. Artemis says:

    Wankers always behave the same way. What a wanker.

  30. Pitravu says:

    Joseph thinks he is Mussolini. Black shirt, the bullshit and all. Hail

  31. Tida says:

    U ajma halluh, miskin – allura, billi kellu l-botikarts?

    Pero ma kellux ghalfejn jibza ta! Ghax fuq il-palk kellu tas-CIA jistennewh bil-beritta tan-Nortfejs u nuccali tax-xemx, ghalkemm ix-xita kienet imdendla.

  32. Maverick says:

    imma kif ma kulhadd trid taqbad int aa ?

    [Daphne – Naghtik parir li ma tuzax ‘aa’ fi tmiem is-sentenzi tieghek, meta titkellem u anke meta tikteb. Din hija ‘linguistic quirk’ ta’ hamalli kbar u maledukati mill-aghar. Jekk trid li n-nies jahsbu li ghandek almenu ftit skola, tghidx ‘aaaa’.]

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