Lady-in-waiting to PM’s wife issues circular to all those who work in mental health care: “This Saturday Mrs Michelle Muscat is visiting Mount Carmel Hospital to make the patients happy, and if you want to join in the buffet, it’s Eur20”

Published: December 4, 2013 at 8:21pm
Pamela Seychell (left), Mrs Muscat's lady in waiting, with Magistrate Consuelo Herrera.

Pamela Seychell (left), Mrs Muscat’s lady in waiting, with Magistrate Consuelo Herrera.

Ċirkulari Nru 55/2013

3 ta’ Diċembru 2013

Lill-Impjegati kollha fis-Servizzi tas-Saħħa Mentali

Żjara fl-Isptar Monte Karmeli mis-Sinjura Michelle Muscat nhar is-Sibt 7 ta’ Diċembru 2013

Is-Sibt 7 ta’ Diċembru 2013, is-Sinjura Michelle Muscat ser tkun qegħda żżur l-isptar Monte Karmeli bejn il-11.00 ta’ filgħodu u s-2.00 ta’ wara nofsinhar. Is-Sinjura Muscat tixtieq li tkun akkumpanjata min-nisa tal-Ministeri biex inferrħu u nagħtu l-awgurju ta’ żmien il-Milied lil dawn il-pazjenti u nieklu flimkien Buffet Lunch li ser jippreparalna l-kok tal-post għall-prezz ta’ €20 li minnhom ser tingħata donazzjoni.

Napprezza li jkolli konferma u l-flus sa nhar it-Tlieta 3 ta’ Dicembru, 2013.

Grazzi ħafna

Pamela Seychell

Secretariat Officer


Circular No. 55/2013

3 December 2013

To all employes in the mental health services


On Saturday, 7th December 2013, Mrs Michelle Muscat is going to visit Mount Carmel Hospital and will be there between 11am and 2pm. Mrs Muscat wishes to be accompanied by the women from the Ministries who will make the patients happy and give them Christmas greetings.

We will eat together a Buffet Lunch which the cook of the place will prepare for us, against payment of €20 per head, from which we will give a donation. (It doesn’t say to what, or who is collecting the money.)

I would appreciate having your confirmation and money by Tuesday, 3 December, 2013. (The circular was sent out on Tuesday, 3 December.)

Many thanks.

Pamela Seychell
Secretariat Officer

Does Mrs Michelle Muscat have her own secretariat? The circular was emailed out as a Word Document attachment with no indication on the circular as to which office was sending it out, or any address or contact details.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Nighthawk says:

    Hmmm. Blow jobs under the mistletoe? It’s the war against Christmas!

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How nice! The Centrefold of the Month visits Bedlam. I trust they will give her a welcome worthy of Nurse Ratched.

  3. Aston says:

    I think you’re being far too polite about this circular. Nowhere does it say “if you want to”, if anything it subtly implies that refusal of the invitation is not expected . It’s actually quite menacing.

  4. Paola says:

    Din Pamela Seychell hadmet hafna u hafna qabel l-elezzjoni biex jekk jitla l-PL ikollha post privilegjat. Tlett kwart mill-hin tax-xoghol kienet tghaddieh f’telefonati fuq mobile, hrug mid-dipartiment u tparla ma’ shabha jew man-nutara li kienu jdhallu l-formoli tal-boll.

  5. Mikiel says:

    Under the most feminist government, female government employees have to pay 20 euros to help Mrs Muscat look good. Besides having to spend Saturday lunchtime, which is usually family time, in the company of work colleagues. A sort of forced event and donation.

    I hope that those who voted for her husband and team are very pleased with this excellent demonstration of human resources skills.

  6. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Are they going to be giving €2.50 per person as a donation only?

  7. vanni says:

    Err, how exactly will Mrs. Muscat and assorted female hangers on ‘make the patients happy’ (inferrħu)?

    Strip tease? Spot of reading from 50 shades of Grey? Unless of course, they are harbouring the impression that a visit from Mrs. Muscat is akin to a visit from royalty.

    Hello all right hi. Wahdi gejt illum ta. Iva, ghax Joseph busy hafna miskin. Taf fix hin qed jispicca jmur il-gym? Fis-saghtejn ta fil-ghodu. Imma jghidli li jekk ma jmurx, ihossu qed jimisja xi haga. Jien ukoll qed nimisja…

  8. anthony says:

    For Secretariat Officer read La Menina.

    Xi hlew.

  9. bob-a-job says:

    It doesn’t even state how much of the €20 will be donated (għall-prezz ta’ €20 li minnhom ser tingħata donazzjoni)

    It could be just 1 cent for all we know

  10. shōfu says:

    Good God. It sounds like the “nisa tal-Ministeri” are being recruited as comfort women.

  11. La Redoute says:

    Why were only the women summoned? Why not the men, too?

    Did anyone think of asking the patients whether they wish to be patronised in this way? Mount Carmel is a hospital, not a zoo.

  12. Liberal says:

    “This Saturday Mrs Michelle Muscat is visiting Mount Carmel Hospital to make the patients happy”.

    Is she going to be engaged as a clown?

  13. Spock says:

    What on earth is meant by the women from the ministries? Is this referring to Ministers’ wives, or all women working in the ministries, or all women workers at Mount Carmel? What if the Minister is a woman? The mind boggles.

    And how may I ask are all these women going to make the patients happy? Are they only going to entertain the men? U le jahasra.

  14. Pisces says:

    She’ll be saying to them, ‘ok?, alright?, illum gejt jien’. Xi hlew, kemm ghandha qalbha tajba.

  15. Timon of Athens says:

    Another farcical publicity stunt.

    As if the patients at Mount Carmel give a hoot whether Mrs Muscat and her clan is visiting the hospital to make the patients “happy”.

    • Tabatha White says:

      And one that will be used in future election campaigns.

      What secretariat? And by what authority?

      How absolutely shocking.

      Who is making these awful decisions?

      Why does Malta have to suffer a delusional Government?

  16. Comment says:

    Mrs Muscat is simply trying to win the hearts of the people by these with these kindly pantomimes, but no matter how hard she tries she will not win the hearts of those who really know what shes like.

  17. john mifsud says:

    Daphne have you been invited to join the party?

    [Daphne – I don’t work in mental health, John, though there are times when it seems as though I do.]

  18. L.Gatt says:

    What’s “in-nisa tal ministeri”? All women who work in Ministries? The cook is going to be thrilled to be feeding the multitudes this Saturday.

    “Inferhuhom”? So patronising. They are referring to people affected by one of the most serious and cruel illnesses and Mrs Michelle Muscat is going to make them happy, how? By strutting around in her stilettos with that pasted-on, stupid, false and complacent smile?

    Also, surely the patients are entitled to their peace and privacy. What gives any Tom, Dick, Harry, Pamela or Michelle the right to roam about a mental hospital as though it were San Anton Gardens?

    Such insensitivity is an unmistakable sign of total ignorance. Tal-biza.

  19. Kohl says:

    Michelle: “Hellow, orrajt?!”

    Pazjenta: “Int min inti?”

    Michelle: “Il-mara tal-Prim Ministru jiena..!”

    Pazjenta: “Tibzax, jghaddilek hawn. Meta l-ewwel gejt kont nahsibni l-mara tar-Re..”

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