Louis Grech’s deputy chief of staff invites Monsignor Charles Scicluna home to watch him have sex with Cyrus Engerer

Published: December 15, 2013 at 3:41pm

Randolph Debattista 1

Randolph Debattista 2

Randolph Debattista, the Labour Party’s former deputy chief of communications who is now Louis Grech’s deputy chief of staff at the Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Programme, has been in a relationship with Cyrus Engerer since Engerer threw in his lot with Labour.

He has taken the affable Monsignor Charles Scicluna to task for saying what the Roman Catholic Church believes about sex between two people of the same gender (is he expected to say anything different?).

His way of reproaching him is your usual Labour: ‘come home and watch us at it’.

No thanks. Monsignor Scicluna would have to be not just a shameless voyeur but what’s more, one who’s into ugly sex (there’s a name for it, I’m sure, but this is a family blog).

Debattista looks like Bugs Bunny shorn of his ears, and Engerer now looks like an abandoned airbed. The prospect is frightening, more so with the possibility that those razor teeth might puncture the Lilo.

Does Louis Grech encourage this sort of behaviour by his senior staff? Not the sex, of course – only people who grew up as tal-Muzew tar-rahal ta’ wara l-muntanji think that two men having sex is in any way daring and outrageous – but the rudeness to monsignors or anyone else on Facebook.

58 Comments Comment

  1. A Montebello says:

    Cyrus could save the Monsignor the trip and upload a few home movies of the two at it. Cyrus specialises in that kind of thing.

  2. Sivvy says:

    In any decent civilised country this guy would be ordered by Louis Grech to apologise for such a disgusting comment.

  3. ciccio says:

    Well, I hope De Battista was implying Cyrus in this. He could have been suggesting something different towards the Bishop.

  4. Watchful eye says:

    Jaqq. Dan jaf jisthi?

  5. City Lu says:

    Ara vera cuc u kiesah.

  6. hmm says:

    Bil Malti pur, vera racanc.

  7. edgar says:

    Sivvy, what do you mean, apologise for such a disgusting comment. He should be fired by his boss Louis Grech, unless of course Louis Grech approves of this shameless behavior.

  8. Neil says:

    As crude and uncouth as a street whore, an undoubtedly an embarrassment to homosexuals in general.

    • albona says:

      The truth is that most gay people do not approve of this political militancy since most of them, being normal people like all the rest of us, do not actually want to steal the limelight like a 10 year old girl at one of those horrible beauty pageants their mothers insist on entering them into.

      Gay people want peaceful anonymity just like the rest of us. These drama queens of Malta’s newly-founded gaystapo are embarrassing and are just undoing all of the awareness raising of the past to satisfy their own massive egos and desperate need to be centre stage.

  9. Kif inhi din? says:

    De Battista must think that obscene is synonymous with liberal.

  10. Makjavel says:

    Well, it all becomes clear when you see Randolph Debattista driving and his boyfriend Cyrus sitting in the passenger seat wearing his wet smirk.

    They could invite Joseph Muscat to join in their cultural presentation instead. I hear he’s been hunting for talent.

  11. Paddling Duck says:

    Why doesn’t he ask Cyrus Engerer to take a few videos and email them to the bishop instead?

    Or does Randolph Debattista get a kick out of being watched while he’s at it live?

  12. Paddling Duck says:

    Actually the point is that no couple, whether gay or straight, in such high government positions (no sexual pun there) should be talking about their sex lives on Facebook, let alone inviting others publicly to watch a fox-and-bunny coupling.

    It’s bad enough that this particular couple have been given jobs in the same ministerial office.

  13. bob-a-job says:

    Fifty shades of shite.

    Notwithstanding that it somehow appears that Cyrus Engerer’s soft spot hardens in the presence of people working in the sphere of communications.

    He fully understands that a ‘friend’ in the right place can work wonders when it comes to acquiring air-space on the Media. He’s done it before, he’s doing it again.

    In between jobs he had partnered a foreign chap who worked in Brussels and who may accommodate him once again once the present partner’s usefulness exceeds its sell-by date.

    There is always this affinity between snakes and ladders.

  14. Wot the Hack says:

    Kemm hu hamallu u pastaz.

  15. Manuel says:

    What scum.

  16. anthony says:

    Curiosity killed the cat.

    I must admit to Googling the names of the couple in question because I had no clue as to their looks.

    I am still recovering from an attack of intense nausea.

    They must certainly do it like (gay) rabbits.

  17. Vagabond Kingn says:

    The only appropriate response to this twit is in the time-honoured vernacular: mur hudu f’sormok.

    ‘Sod off’ doesn’t quite cut it, though it means the same thing.

    • anthony says:

      That’s exactly what the poor sod enjoys above everything else.

      I would tell him: “mur sib mara”.

      I understand that that would be well nigh impossible for various reasons, even if he were straight.

      But he can always try.

  18. Forsi dan Debattista qieghed jirsisti biex jaghtuh Ugih r-Republika. Nahseb li jixraqlu jmur n-naha l-ohra tal-globu biex jsib xi hadd jidhaqlu.

    Sur Grech, hu hsieb kellem lil dan il-miskin li ghandek fl-ufficju tieghek.

  19. TROY says:

    Randolph, save us all making the trip to your home and just put a clip on YouTube of you and your Cheshire cat friend having sex, then and let’s see how many views you get.

    If you’re wondering how to set about doing it, just ask your friend. And watch out, because he might already have done it without your knowledge.

  20. Sm says:

    Qabza fil-kwalita.

  21. eve says:

    Ghandu biex jiftahar is-Sur Debattista. Vera kaz ta’ ugly sex, zewg koroh bhalhom.

  22. MichaelSeychell says:

    I used to have a somewhat high opinion of Louis Grech, and expect him to take appropriate measures against his deputy chief of staff.

  23. Giovann DeMartino says:

    Ikun fih ghaxqa Cyrus, nahseb.

  24. Sivvy says:

    Randolph Debattista had better watch his back – should he fall foul of Cyprus Engerer, his hard disk might well end up doing the rounds of friends, family and work associates.

    • ciccio says:

      Louis Grech would be the first to receive an email with hot naked pictures of Randolph Debattista in “compromising” situations.

  25. charlie says:

    Does Engerer have three jobs?

    EU Policy & Fund Advisor at Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security, EU Fund & Policy Advisor at Ministry for Social Dialogue, Conusmer Affairs and Civil Liberties and EU-Fund Advisor & Project Manager at Europoint.

    This is taken from his Facebook page.

  26. Spock says:

    This kind of crass disrespect and intolerance to the opinion of others only encourages homophobia in those who are justifiably disgusted at this ‘Jaqq’ of a person.

    He gives gay men a bad name with those who don’t know better.

  27. combina guai ):-) says:

    “Mine eyes tremble…” Such a sight would be even WORSE than that terrible video clip the PL made before the general election. And I thought it couldn’t get any worse…

  28. ciccio says:

    Randolph and Cyrus: We Are One.

  29. George Grech says:

    Well, I suppose we should be thankful that this particular couple can’t reproduce. Their Bugs Bunny teeth and Topo Gigio ears are now separate, but imagine them coinciding in the same child.

  30. edgar says:

    And of course these scum of the earth expect to be trusted with an adopted child.

    • janeff says:

      Comment of the year

    • Matt says:

      I hope you’re not talking about gay couples in general because there have been countless studies showing that gay couples are just as capable of being excellent parents as straight couples are.

    • Paddling Duck says:

      Edgar, I do feel your concern that people who indulge in such stupid hissy fits are not fit to be parents. However, be rest assured that there are many gay couples outside of the public view (who ironically, Cyrus would lambast, bully and pick on as ‘closet cases’ as they live a much more decent life than he is) who would be fit parents.

      Cyrus’ ‘only gay in the village’ approach towards his sexuality is pretty much not well received by the Maltese gay community in general who strive to be accepted for who they are, principally because of the despicable public behaviour individuals like Cyrus Engerer engage in and the bird caging mentality he suffers from.

  31. Joe Fenech says:

    L-aqwa li ‘Dr’. Hilarious.

  32. Joe Fenech says:

    “Ministry of the implementation of the electoral manifesto”

    Things are rotten? Now you know whom to write to!

  33. Joe Azzopardi says:

    That would be nice. Randolph and Cyrus at it, while Joseph Chetcuti plays the violin.

  34. janeff says:

    and in the USA an organization named NAMBLA is advocating the legalization of sex between grown up men and boys. In fact, the acronym NAMBLA stands for:
    North American Man-Boy Love Association.

    This group had applied for membership with the USA’s LGBT group but did not manage to make it for just a few votes.

  35. D. Pace says:

    What an educated, well mannered guy this Debattista oh sorry De Battista is! I am so impressed at his words – NOT

  36. aidan says:

    Dan jista jkun kaz t` abbuz ? Ara kieku kienet vice versa l istedina eh.

  37. Mariella says:

    Decency at its best.

  38. Silvio farrugia says:

    I hate how homosexuality is being shoved down our throat. Honestly, I never see any discrimination, but quite the opposite.

    They seem to me that they long to be and try to be the underdog so they can have ‘ crusades’.

    The civil union gives them everything BUT they still are not happy. They want it called marriage.

  39. Miserable says:

    First of all Louis Grech will have to ask permission for any action. His Boss, our Joey would most probably tell him to say that :he does not interfere in the private life of his chief of staff” – full stop and everything goes on as usual. “U iva, xfija din? I am sure that Bishop Scicluna knows Dante and quotes “Non ti curar di loro ma guarda e passa”

  40. Robert Barathian says:

    I am really not at all surprised by the language of Randolph Debattista.

    It is testimony to the level of sophistication of the man.

    What surprises and greatly bothers me is the fact that no one from his political camp has the decency or urge to censure such offensive and undeserving language directed at Mons Scicluna.

    Come on Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, do the sensible thing and admonish this despicable subordinate because by not doing so, you are condoning this behaviour and it doesn’t look good on you, does it ?

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