More Maltese savages make the news: they’re rich enough for a boat and an SUV but too primitive to know they can’t just drive the lot down the motorway as though they’re at home in Malta

Published: December 12, 2013 at 10:22am

Marru jixtru ‘bowt tal-Ingilterra’, hej, u nizluha Malta. Marelli, how I’ve had it up to here with this chavtastic island. How frigging crass – even the people who didn’t start off crass are turning into a mix of Middle Eastern peasants with a bit of flash cash and the education and values of the sort of pig-ignorant newly rich Chinese who live in compounds called RICH GATE (something I actually saw and photographed).

We are becoming less and less European by the minute. Now even Christmas has gone. Have you noticed? Zero Christmas spirit, and it’s not because people are not spending. It’s because it never really took root. All that European stuff about making merry and exchanging greetings and making things festive was always just a veneer. And now it’s gone already. Buying presents and Christmas trees was something alien – so it’s back to a tigiega fil-forn u niskru ftit.

giovedì 12 dicembre 2013 | 10:17

Corriere dell’Umbria

Più letti oggi

Barca trasportata sulla E45 senza autorizzazione: multa da 1.200 euro

Forse gli agenti della Stradale di Città di Castello, di pattuglia la notte scorsa lungo la E45, in un primo momento si saranno stropicciati gli occhi quando hanno avvistato nientemeno che una barca di grosse dimensioni: alta 4,25 metri, larga 3,15, e di oltre 15 metri di lunghezza, era stata posizionata sopra un carrello risultato peraltro non immatricolato. A trasportarla, due maltesi con una jeep.

Il trasporto andava dall’Adriatico al Tirreno e i due maltesi, a loro dire, ignoravano in maniera assoluta che per poterlo effettuare occorreva l’autorizzazione dell’ente proprietario delle strada che dovevano percorrere.

Il convoglio, subito giudicato pericolosissimo per la circolazione, soprattutto nel percorrere strade a due corsie prima di raggiungere la E45, è stato subito fermato. La mancanza di autorizzazione e altre violazioni del codice della strada hanno comportato per il conducente una sanzione di 1.200 euro, oltre al ritiro della patente e della carta di circolazione dell’auto.

Tutto il convoglio è stato posto sotto fermo amministrativo fino alla durata della sospensione della carta di circolazione, che sarà stabilita dalla Motorizzazione. Il tutto è stato affidato al soccorso stradale.


24 Comments Comment

    • el bandido guapo says:

      To be fair, the Italians are spectacularly bureaucratic and you need a permit to do everything, even collect mushrooms (yes this is not a joke).

      And obtaining permission is just like in the “golden years” of Labour.

      Most, where possible, simply ignore the requirements, and indeed for several circumstances there are mechanisms for subsequent regularisation of a fait accompli that are far simpler and cheaper than obtaining permission.

      That’s what it’s all about really, if permission was requested there is nothing stated that it would not have been granted, it’s just Italian tape, in red, green and white.

  1. Jozef says:

    Imagine if they bought a horse with sulky instead.

    • Jozef says:

      The anti-climax’s biting, property is at an utter standstill, the art scene’s going underground and theatre productions were never as scarce as this season.

      There was this crescendo of things to come, a pervasive anticipated emancipation, opinion columns as earnest as Charlton Heston in the fringed skirt in Demille’s Ten Commandments.

      The silence from those quarters is absolutely deafening. Evidence of the vacuum is Saviour, who can’t help the nostalgia, Lawrence Gonzi must be blamed.

      Trust Muscat to throw himself a civil unions ‘controversy’. He’ll survive as long as he’s in the news, problem is, everyone’s tired and wants to carry on.

      He’s holding everyone back. Budget proposals haven’t worked, or worse, people want to see them in place first to see where the catch is.

  2. aston says:

    U ijja mhux xorta!

    The little phrase that explains everything the Maltese do.

  3. RF says:

    They said they didn’t know they needed authorisation to tow on road!

    I bet they don’t know they need a skipper’s licence to drive on sea.

  4. Josette says:

    It’s actually going to cost them a lot more than EUR 1200 – there will be the costs of impounding the vehicles and then of transporting the boat – legally – to Malta. Ġiethom iz-zalza ogħla mill-ħuta.

  5. allamana says:

    Chi non conosce la legge e’ un asino.

    Biex jiffrankaw naqa flus tat-trasport.

    Don’t blame them – it would have been much nicer and cheaper to let the pros do it, imma rahli, rahli jibqa.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    So they had the money for a boat but not the money to have it shipped. Usual Maltese bluff and bull.

  7. Sapiens says:

    I can’t agree with you more about the pitiful intellectual situation we’re in as a country. Just look at our leaders, and it’s a reflection of who elected them.

    Away from the intelligence aspect, I still can’t comprehend the fact that a good number of school leavers, after 11 years of schooling can’t string together a proper sentence in English, or in Maltese for that matter. How is that even possible? Even a parrot could do better in half that time.

    Unfortunately, try as I might, I haven’t managed to think of a solution bar the God Almighty way … build an ark, save the few and flood the damn place.

  8. r.meilak says:

    Just take the Virtu ferry to Pozzallo and watch the Maltese driving. God knows how many times I had to flash my lights for a Maltese driver to move to the right so I can overtake.

    Maltese driving mentality exported to the EU.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      EU countries should add an extra component to their driving test – ‘driving on highways’. Driving on a highway without sufficient training and appropriate experience is simply ‘madness’.

  9. Imhaseb says:

    They must have thought that they might save money towing it down so they would be left with extra cash for this fuel guzzling boat. They might have to enjoy it docked in the marina for the coming summer.

  10. TinaB says:

    The usual Maltese ‘qamel’.

    L-aqwa li jkollna xi ‘bee emmm dabbeljuw sekint hent’ ha noqghodu induru bihom fil highways ta’ Malta biex ninku lil girien, jew xi bowt biex immorru niffanfraw u ndahhqu n-nies Sqallija.

    Jaqq, xi sfortuna saret li tkun Malti.

  11. paul zammit says:

    I could be wrong but that looks to me more than just a boat and that SUV not the right vehicle to tow it especially on a motorway.

    Quite typical though – they find the money to buy such large and bombastic vehicles but then scrounge on safety.

    Reminds me of these stupid sulkies on the road. We have to suffer the inconvenience caused by them so that their owners can practise their hobby on the cheap.

  12. Kukkurin says:

    Taghna Lkoll ! Imma milli jidher mhux fl-Italja.

  13. Joe Fenech says:

    I read the article. Hilarious! So not only did they idiots get a Euro 1200 fine, but had their licence, car and boat confiscated.

    It says a lot about the amateurish Maltese police force which allows drivers to get away with murder. Fortunately, once you get to the mainland, it’s a completely different ball game.

  14. fm says:

    Mela issa l-ewwel imlejna t-toroq bl-imbarazz tal-Ingilterra, issa imiss nimlew il-bahar.

    Vera poplu medjokri bi gvern li jisthoqlu.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      If people buy their toys cheaply, yes, it’s junk. No second-hand car in good condition and with low-mileage in England (or any European country) is cheap.

  15. jacqui says:

    They even left the canopy up just in case the sun came out. Its hilarious.

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