Muscat and Labour: always on the wrong side of history and with dictatorial oppressors as their best friends

Published: December 5, 2013 at 10:50pm

Ukraine Reuters

Reuters reported yesterday that Germany’s foreign minister visited Ukraine, snubbed the president and his government, and visited Opposition leaders instead:

(Reuters) – Germany’s foreign minister met Ukrainian opposition leaders at their protest camp in Kiev on Wednesday, in a snub to President Viktor Yanukovich, who triggered mass street demonstrations by spurning a pact with the EU and seeking closer ties with Moscow.

As pro-EU demonstrators packed the main square, the crisis took a further toll on Ukraine’s fragile economy, with the central bank forced to support the currency and the cost of insuring the country’s debt against default rising further.

The United States backed Ukrainians’ right to choose their future, but Russia criticized what it called the demonstrators’ aggressive actions and said outsiders should not interfere. (…)

But what is our government going to do? Welcome the Ukrainian president to Malta on an official visit.

It’s just incredible – the Malta Labour Party, invariably on the wrong side of history, always choosing dictators and oppressors as its best friends while calling itself liberal and progressive.

Even more unbelievable is that in 2013, with European communism buried for 25 years already, it is not as though they are spoiled for choice of oppressors to befriend in this part of the world now that they are back in government. But would you believe it? They found one.

7 Comments Comment

  1. mad says:

    Kim Yong-un next to keep the ball rolling.

  2. ciccio says:

    And isn’t it a strange destiny that the Ukrainian President will be flying to Malta after a visit to China?

    With Labour in government you never know: They might even have one of those Gieh ir-Repubblika medals with ribbon ready to decorate the Ukrainian President.

  3. P Shaw says:

    I still remember (quite clearly) a parliamentary debate around the late eighties, when the late Censu Tabone (at the time Minister of Foreign Affairs) was speaking about the perestroika that was going on at the time in the USSR.

    The MLP MPs starting jeering quite loudly and passing nasty remarks as soon as Dr. Tabone mentioned Mikhail Gorbachev’s name and outlined the significance of the revolution going on in the USSR at the time.

    As Charles Mangion famously once said “It’s their DNA”

  4. Leo Said says:

    The weak point is that Herr Westerwelle is only acting Foreign Minister ad interim as his FDP (Liberal Party) has not been returned to parliament after the German Federal Elections last September.

    Furthermore, Guido Westerwelle also had a meeting with Ukraine government officials:

  5. verita says:

    Did anyone hear Dr.George Vella say that in Ukrainia everything was quiet and calm during his visit there?

  6. Kukkurin says:

    How about a Gieh ir-Repubblika for yet another tyrant ?

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