So much for saving money – they really know how to spend it on the right priorities

Published: December 19, 2013 at 6:15pm

Funny what sort of chav priorities the Labour government have: they talk about pinching pennies to cut down the deficit, then think nothing of splashing out on hosting the Junior Eurovision.

This is SO up their Super One/Festival tal-Kant street: you can almost feel Norman Hamilton and Jason Micallef shivering with delight and excitement, the misguided impresarios.

Junior Eurovision

12 Comments Comment

  1. mm says:

    From Times of Malta:

    Junior Eurovision’s Executive Supervisor, Vladislav Yakovlev, visited Malta this week. “We’re really happy that Malta has signed the paperwork so quickly to host in 2014, and it now means that we can move with full steam ahead to next year’s competition! I have been very impressed by PBS’ enthusiasm for the contest, and look forward to working with them as the host broadcaster. It’s a bit of a cliché, but, the hard work starts now!”

    God, they’re eager.

  2. Angb says:

    Who gives a hoot about the Eurovision. Take a look at what our judiciary have been doing today. Partying, drinking and smoking behind closed doors in the halls and then having the cheek to arrest a journalist for wanting to report it. A disgrace.

  3. TROY says:

    Another starring opportunity for those prime ministerial twins.

  4. Joseph says:

    They could include this in William Mangion’s portfolio, whilst looking for a venue majteswel he finds a venue for the junior Eurovision.

  5. Culture says:

    Probably the budget for this festival has been taken from V18 because it is seen as a ‘cultural’ event.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Our “eminent” people from the “world of culture” will have to dig really deep in the fount of inspiration for this one. I mean you cannot dress kiddies up in faldettas, or dress up young urchins as Air Malta pilots. And they don’t do full plate armour in children’s sizes. What’s worse, the “sexy Mediterranean temptress” theme is out of bounds here.

    Oh christ I just had a vision of a Gahan son-et-lumière.

  7. Eurovision says:

    Is hosting the show an honour bestowed on the winning country or a contractual obligation tied with participation in the event of a win?

  8. Melissa says:

    How about Australia Hall?

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