So the prime minister’s personal family friend has been handpicked to head the army after being pulled up three ranks in as many months, from major to brigadier via lieutenant-colonel and colonel

Published: December 21, 2013 at 12:02am
Brigadier Curmi, commanding officer of the Armed Forces of Malta

Brigadier Curmi, commanding officer of the Armed Forces of Malta

The prime minister’s personal and family friend, Jeffrey Curmi, is now commanding officer of the Armed Forces of Malta. And he must be a very great friend indeed because so many strange, awkward and dangerous hoops had to be jumped through to make this possible.

The government had to get rid of the existing commanding officer, Martin Xuereb, and of his deputy commander, David Attard. But even then it was left with the problem of Curmi’s rank.

How to solve that? Simple.

In a move worthy of Idi Amin’s Uganda, the man who was Maj. Jeffrey Curmi in early September had become Lieutenant-Colonel Curmi by mid-September and Colonel Curmi by late September. He was then made deputy commander because Colonel Attard’s resignation/retirement had become final, and now that Brigadier Xuereb has also resigned/retired, Curmi has immediately been slipped into that position.

So, much as Idi Amin went from Lieutenant Amin to Field Marshal Amin (though that took very much longer), the prime minister’s friend has gone from Major Curmi to Brigadier Curmi, via Lieutenant-Colonel Curmi and Colonel Curmi, in just three months.

Who needs a magic wand when you can do exactly as you please?

30 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Kienu jghidu ghal-500 ewro. Issa x’se jghidu ghal 4 promotions ghal tal-qalba?

    Nixtieq nara l-form 2c report tieghu dan. Nahseb li lil ta’ Franco igibu “hara.”

  2. Aunt Hetty says:

    Full speed ahead to Dom’s golden Era of the 70s and 80s.

  3. J.J. says:

    An explosive career.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    You know, there are times when the moral imperative of mutiny against a corrupt hierarchy far supersedes the professional obligation of obeying orders. Remember Nuremberg etc.

    I’d rather cut off my right arm than salute this man.

    • Spock says:

      I would cut it at him – Sicilian way .

    • Tabatha White says:


      Those for whom the alarm bells have not yet sounded are still on the same cloud the National Socialists were on throughout the war, believing in Hitler whilst family, friends, Jews, handicapped, etc were beaten and murdered around them, when private property was “reassigned by proper legal contract,” and when atrocities and insanity ruled Germany.

      For those with no notion of history, there is no comparison to make.

      For the rest, they collectively become the oppressors, with a role that stands to be rendered accountable in the future.

      This is no democracy.

      The alarm bells have long sounded for the sane. Zero tolerance from now is well in order.

      For those harbouring a notion that libel, or the threat of that or other actions that have been alluded to by Manwel Mallia, is more damaging on a personal level, the time has come to provide the modern day equivalent of the French “Resistance” by whatever means, and intelligence, at hand.

      It is time for the psychological move from personal intolerance to collective.

      Five Eyes and its successors would have picked up that Malta is operating off the grid and would be making the appropriate adjustments.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        We could always walk the couple of miles to any of Malta’s beaches, make salt, and sell it without paying VAT. This lot love to show off their fondness for Gandhi. Let’s show them how he would have done it.

  5. ciccio says:

    One more promotion and Brigadier Curmi could become Prime Minister Curmi.

  6. Allo Allo says:

    Ah but Chief Labour Apologist, Eddy Privitera on The Times tells us that Curmi was promoted rapidly because “he was jumped over on many occasions”. Let’s give Eddy the benefit of the doubt.

    One doesn’t acquire the necessary experience of a lieutenant colonel in a few weeks and then again gain the necessary experience of a colonel in a few other weeks and then gain competence to become a brigadier in a couple of months. No amount of jumping over, even if it had been worthy of a top Orfei circus acrobat, would make up for proving oneself while working and gaining experience within the rank.

  7. Bubu says:

    “L-aqwa fl-Ewropa” they said.

    It’s not even l-aqwa fl-Afrika.

    My god. In a few short months they’ve spread over the land like a plague of locusts devouring anything they could get their grubby little hands on.

    I knew it would be bad, but this is beyond bad. It’s so in-your-face, it’s insulting. For them, being in government is just one long “hu go fik” moment, giving the finger to everyone who’a not stupid enough to see them for what they really are.

  8. Islander says:

    Pajjiz jibrilla bil-fares u jitmellah bin-nies.

    Would someone really believe we are living in an era of a public administration and new politics, where transparency, meritocracy and justice prevail?

    Keep on dreaming.

  9. cherry says:

    and what about Mark Mallia?? he’s been appointed deputy Commander as well…. so many promotions at once.

  10. Vanni says:

    Family friend?
    Curmi is an explosives expert. Muscat’s family made their lolly from the importation of explosives. What a wonderful word is ‘coincidence’.

  11. Rahal says:

    Oxxenita’ ohra ta Muscat. Mhux jaghmel wahda tajba.

    Wara kollox ahna nafu li l-Laburisti mhux tajbin biex imexxu Malta. Ghandhom ftit wisq skola politika w il-faqar intelletwali, kultural u morali tmisshom b’idejk.

  12. Wistin Schembri says:

    Apparently amnesia is the national ailment.

    Soon after the elections Muscat appointed a commission to investigate the promotions in the army during the Gonzi administration.

    Isn’t the silence about its findings deafening?

    Why is no one asking Government why these kangaroo appointments (moving in leaps and bounds) are taking place prior to the conclusion of this inquiry? Or is the investigation ready and Muscat wants to hide its findings confirming that the evil clique did not wrong, while he is dishing out promotions to friends?

    Now that Curmi has been appointed, will someone ask him whether his recommendation with regards the Lija fireworks factory is identical to that he held prior to last March’s elections? If not, what has changed?

  13. Polite says:

    True to his word in pre-election times, Joseph Muscat is keeping his promise of “We do things differently”.

  14. marks says:

    The word on his sweater describes him (and others snatching up positions under Taghna Lkoll) exactly

  15. Naf sew says:

    Mhu Vera Xejn li Curmi u Mallia xi darba nqabzu fil promozzjonijiet……fil fatt ma nqabzu qatt taht gvern tal PN. Kwalifici ghandkom anqas minn haddiehor ghax Staff College ma marrux min habba li kien hemm min hu qabilhom. Il policy biex minn Maggur issir Log Kurunell giet mibdula biex Mallia jigi eligibbli. Dawn qabzu lil haddiehor b”esagerazzjoni kbira. Curmi qabez madwar 9 Magguri, 12 Log Kurunell u 9 kurunelli. Mallia qabez 20 Maggur u kompla bhal Curmi. Viva l PM u l hbieb li tamel meta tkun mal President.

  16. nutmeg says:

    He has it well-written across his chest. What other proof is needed?

  17. verita says:

    Wow, a well kept secret. As if we did not know weeks ago that he will be promoted to brigadier.

  18. Typically labour says:

    Our dear leader promised us meritocracy and Brig. Curmi’s appointment would fall squarely within this meritocracy ‘a la carte’.

    Remember that Brig. Curmi did not feature on any billboards earlier on this year which means that his appointment is pure merit.

    Who needs a graduate from a top military school for a Brigadier? Once the new commander enjoys the friendship of our beloved leader, our country’s security is a done deed. Sure, with Brig. Curmi’s fast track record we’ll need to re-write our history books and include him among Europe’s military geniuses.

    But then we all know that Napoleon was a boy scout.

  19. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat looked completely lost amongst the EU leaders in Brussels. No wonder he didn’t move one inch forward.

  20. Not Dad’s Army but Mallia’s Army and keep the initials AFM.

    Now we will see what old man Brigadier Maurice Calleja and his Mallia-appointed board for complaints from unhappy overlooked officers has to say.

    But that of course to hear complaints from Labourites against PN. What a happy army we have got.

  21. Mike Ellul says:

    Did he get a new uniform for each promotion? That is a waste of money.

  22. Riya says:

    Daw il-magguri kollha, il logo teenti u kurnelli u x’naf jien?

    Nistghu inkunu nafu kemm tiswa din -Armta kollha lill-poplu Mati?

    Kieku mhux ghax ghandhom naqra responsabbilta’ tal-klandestini dawn in-nies kollha x’jaghmlu ghll-pajjiz?

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