Still making the news – and for all the wrong reasons

Published: December 14, 2013 at 11:31pm

Sole 24

Top Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, today.

21 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    Well, if the EU can fill Malta with undesirable boat people then Malta can fill the EU with undesirable ne’er do wells for 650,000 euros a pop pure profit.

    More anti-EU gerrymandering from Benito Muscat.

  2. etil says:

    Muscat will continue dragging Malta deeper and deeper in mud because he is not capable of attracting investment to Malta and creating jobs.

    The PL continue to berate the PN and insulting its leadership.

    Christmas is here and for three weeks we are supposed to put politics on hold, be good to one another, shake hands and attend drinks and parties whilst Malta burns. What hypocrisy but then politicians do not need our votes just yet.

    Weep for Malta unless you are having it good.

  3. unhappy says:

    Thanks to Henley and Something and Joseph Muscat. Free advertising, why not?

  4. Ernest Meli says:

    Is there a mistake in the article?

    It is not (as far as I know) “all’ anno” but one time fee.

  5. Rumplestiltskin says:

    The EU may not have smelled the coffee, but they are certainly smelling the stink.

  6. Illiterate says:

    Have a look at what the PM decided to wear yesterday to open up the Gozo crib. Bad taste at its worst.

  7. C Falzon says:

    According to that article one would pay 650,000 per annum rather than a one time payment.

    “bastera pagare 650mila euro all’anno”

  8. Denis says:

    I am afraid this will haunt us for a very long time.

  9. Riya says:

    Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami u Dr. Lawrence Gonzi bil-kapacita’ impekkabli taghhom mexxew il-pajjiz biex gabuh wiehed mill-aqwa pajjizi fl-Ewropa u ta’ dan il-poplu Malti kollu ghandu jkun grad lejn dawn iz-zewg persuni hekk kbar.

    Minn naha l-ohra f’zewg sekondi Joseph Muscat, Manuel Mallia u l-membri parlamentari kollha Laburisti waqqawna ghar redikolu ma’ kull pajjiz serju madwar id-dinja.

    Issa kull min ivvota Labour ghax ried il-bidla ikun jaf xi jfisser il-Labour fil-gvern u min hu dak il-partit li jibqa ghaddej bil-gaffa minn fuq l-irjus tal-poplu minghajr ma’ jikkonsulta ma’ hadd a skapitu tar-reputazzjoni tal-pajjiz.

    U minn fuq, dak il-bravu Manuel Mallia qieghed jhedded lil-poplu Malti li jekk din tac-cttadidanza ghal xi xoghod ma’ timmaterjallizax ikun kostrett li jgholli t-taxxi tal-poplu Malti. Kemm tista’ tkun arroganti, kodard, u bniedem bla qalb u bla kuxxjenza aktar mnn hekk. Din hija vjolenza psikologika li tbezza u twerwer lill-poplu Malti serjament.

    Mintoff kien Prim Ministru perikoluz u ghamel hsara kbira lill-pajjiz ghax l-injotant kien jemmnu, izda dawn il-Laburisti tal-llum huma bil-bosta ghar minn Mintoff u l-poplu ghad irid jibki ghal dak li ghamel b’idu ghax kien l-ikbar gifa biex emmen il-gideb u l-manipulazzjonijiet ta’ Joseph Muscat.

  10. Joe Micallef says:

    All newspapers have a particular readership but titles like The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Guardian, the Financial Times and Il Sole 24 Ore have a worlwide readership.

    Congratulations Muscat, you’ve made the bloody headlines.

  11. Jozef says:

    Read this and offer a prayer for those men, women and children lost at sea.

    Mistakes which cost lives demand a criminal investigation.

    • Jozef says:

      Another Egyptair, choosing the riskiest option, doing away with the real prerogative to sate some God forsaken political expedient.

      What are these people?

  12. RF says:

    The Sunday Times reports that an Austrian diplomat gives the lie to Muscat’s assertion that Austria has similar scheme.

    Our PM is either a compulsive liar or an ignoramus. Surely not a high calibre PM.

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