Agent 007 Justyne Caruana and Budgie the Army Helicopter: it was all in “the national interest” and they can’t divulge the Top Secret details

Published: January 25, 2014 at 10:28am

national interest

Malta Today reports:

Caruana explained that her presence in Marseille on Tuesday was of utmost importance to the country, however she said that she “cannot divulge details of the reason of my visit and the reports I presented because I do not want to compromise the national interest.”

62 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    What would we have done without you, Justyne?

    This is verging on the ridiculous. As if we haven’t enough to be embarrassed about.

  2. Gahan says:

    Our James Bond girl.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    If they all cry “wolf,” it would probably have more credibility, at this point.

  4. Louis says:

    Undercover agent Justine Bond hej.

  5. Paddling Duck says:

    Lies, lies and more lies! All phones work in France on roaming not only 3G ones and higher. I was in France 3 weeks ago and my 6 year old Sony Erricson worked perfectly. Kemm hasbitna cwiec din?

  6. Neil says:

    An ‘if I tell you, I’ll have to kill you’ moment.

  7. marks says:

    mhux fl-interess tal-poplu.
    History repeats itself.

  8. Scarlet says:

    While noting that she “only” has a Blackberry because she cannot afford a 3G phone, Caruana went on to explain that since she was incommunicado she informed the government’s director of communications Kurt Farrugia to get in touch with the Times’ journalist ….. Miskina Justyne Fqira u ma taffordjax Mob 3G phone ….A bunch of lairs all of them.

  9. C Falzon says:

    I don’t think that what should be questioned is whether or not her presence in Marseille was needed. What is questionable is why why the helicopter was needed, when it appears that all she needed to do was wake up in time and catch the ferry just like the rest of us common mortals do.

    It seems it is not enough for her to jump the queue like the Qormi Mayor instead she bypassed the whole thing, queue, boat, traffic and all. At least the chopper picked her up from the Gozo hospital rather than landing in the street in front of her home – but that is probably only because there is no space for it to land there anyway.

  10. Vagabond King says:

    According to MaltaToday, she also claims that she cannot afford a 3G phone. A lawyer with a private practice, a Member of Parliament, married to a Police Superintendent soon to be Assistant Commissioner, etc. Amazing.

    • albona says:

      Miskina, don’t be so insensitive. This situation has provided us with the opportunity to change the world so please if you have a heart this year give to:

      and give hope to another Socialist. With your small donation one day she too will be able to afford a phone.

  11. Floater says:

    “There are 11 Maltese in Tripoli who wanted to leave after fighting reached the capital on Sunday night when rebels entered the city from the west and the east. Dr Gonzi cut short a holiday to attend the Cabinet meeting but an official statement said he returned to Prague last night. He is expected back on August 31.”

    And how much this had cost us?? When you were lambasting Dr. Tonio Borg for being seen doing some shopping in Sliema in the midst of the Libyan war (as if his world should have stopped because some bedouines were over each other). Gonzi was hopping back and forth in a private plane costing us some Eur 40,000. None of this found itself in your blog.

    True, I, an ex-PN, voted for change. But whatever, PN is far from being an electable alternative.

    From a fellow hypocrite….

    [Daphne – You are intellectually challenged, Mr Floater, which explains your brilliant choice in the last general election. Only a fool would make the comparison you have just made here.]

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Desperately trying (unsuccessfully) to justify the horrendous decision you made 10 months ago. Floater, you would be better off admitting that you screwed up and resolve to do better when/if you have the chance. Acceptance of one’s error is the first step to a cure.

    • sympathy says:

      Mr Floater, it seems that you knew no one who worked in Libya at the time. I happen to work in a company where we had 3 Maltese living and working there. Why dont you ask what hell they were going through. Dont compare two issues which are not in the least similar.

      Maltese workers in Libya were there earning a living and what happened last week is the outcome of spoilt brats.

    • albona says:

      I agree with your choice of nickname.

  12. Conservative says:

    Justyne Caruana would have been negotiating a new export agreement on the production and direct exportation of Gozitan lace-work to France and the wider European and global market.

    The agreement is expected to eclipse the estimated revenue of between €8 million to €1,000 million from the government’s sale of passports scheme and will change the lives of Gozitans for ever.

    Henceforth, all able men and women will sit on their doorsteps, weaving lace-work and thanking their lucky stars for Labour in government.

    What a miserable, conceited jumped-up liberal-with-the-truth joy-riding peasant.

  13. bob-a-job says:

    Justyne Caruana said ‘that she was “shaking” with fear while flying on the AFM helicopter which was old and almost obsolete.’

    If that is the case, then what is her position on the safety of members of the Armed Forces endangering their lives every day in that helicopter which frightened her?

  14. Bubu says:

    Mhux f’l-interess tal-poplu.

  15. La Redoute says:

    Justyne Caruana presented one report, not two, and it was about the Middle East, not Malta.

  16. La Redoute says:

    Justyne Caruana’s justification is a non-starter.

    1. It is her job to act in malta’s interest, rather than her own.
    2. The reason for her visit is not at issue.

    What we want to know is, why didn’t she take the morning ferry instead of wasting public money on a helicopter flight, occupying caoacity that could have been needed for a real emergency?

    in the national interest, Justyne Caruana owes us an explanation.

  17. Dave says:

    Each time they mention “national interest” just replace those word with “Joseph Muscat” and the whole thing just makes sense. Try it on past press releases and other weasel excuses.

  18. tbg says:

    Justyne, grazie d’esistere.

  19. canon says:

    Justyne Caruana was on a mission impossible.

  20. bernie says:

    Back to the bad old days “mhux fl-interess tal-poplu”. Who said that Labour has changed ?

  21. Nik says:

    This is the meeting that was so important:

    Perhaps a PQ would be in order to reveal why Hon. Caruana’s presence was indispensable. Please note that the PAM is a pretty useless forum, half of whose members come from parliaments where elections are a travesty.

  22. QahbuMalti says:

    If it was that critical then a) they should never have brought her back for the potential vote, and b) it was never in doubt that she’d go back ‘in the national interest’.

    If, as she claimed this morning, the ticket was confirmed before 12.30 she would have had ample time to get to the 1.30pm ferry to arrive at Luqa at the latest by 2.45pm – in plenty of time to get the 4.15 flight.

    They must think that the population are really, really stupid. With so many believing them at the last election it is no wonder.

  23. Alex says:

    With the likes of Justyne Caruana acting in the national interest, I am tempted to check the citizenship schemes Austria and Cyprus have on offer.

    Unfortunately, my preliminary research indicates that neither country offers the cheap and cheerful benefits that are featured in Joseph Muscat’s IIP.

  24. J says:

    If this were true, it would be worse. A backbench MP doesn’t have security clearance. Imma l-protokol nejk skont is-salvatur, Alla jahfirlu dejjem.

  25. Slimiz says:

    If this cercura is so concerned about safeguarding the national interest, she should be the first to strongly oppose Joseph Muscat’s plan of selling passports, which has done no favours for the national interest.

    They really are the lowest form of scum.

  26. anthony says:

    Who does she think she is, Stella Rimington?

  27. Josette says:

    Oh, she’s so important, isn’t she?

  28. underworld spy says:

    Operation Marseille Storm is now in motion.

    Viviane Reding beware. Here comes Agent Caruana in her Bozza tal-Plastik.

  29. George D'Amato (Gee Dee) says:

    Another bright person who considers us all imbeciles and idiots. Does she really expect us to believe this? Go and tell it to the marines, Justyne.

  30. Francis Saliba MD says:

    In other words:You have to my take my word for it!

    Is the Mintoffian excuse “not in the national interest” being resurrected?

  31. Jozef says:

    So she thinks, meantime here’s another one who’ll tell us what culture is.

    ‘…Dr Herrera also announced on Wednesday that China would play a leading role in the island’s cultural development….’

    Pity Kenneth lost his flirt patch on Times of Malta, we’d have had him raving on chinoiserie and belated grand tours.

  32. Joe Fenech says:

    Would you believe it that an adult who has been to university is unable to distinguish between ‘culture’ as intellectual activity and ‘culture’ as in custom/national characteristics.

  33. Michael says:

    I see we are back to the days when giving the public the explanation we deserve is considered ‘mhux fl-interess tal-poplu’.

  34. Edward says:

    Can we now refer to her as the secret squirrel?

  35. RF says:

    Ha ha. OMG does she think she is Madeleine Albright or Hilary Clinton?

  36. P Shaw says:

    In March, the day after the cabinet was selected and announced, the prime minister met with the backbenchers one by one in Castille.

    They were all tight-lipped at the time. It is now becoming clear what was negotiated during those discussions, what was promised, and which rewards were agreed on as an alternative to being appointed as a minister.

  37. Jozef says:

    Kemm huma boloh jekk se jibqghu sejrin hekk.

  38. Victor says:

    I watched with bated breath as she jumped off the helicopter with a Maltese flag for a parachute. Thank God for the helicopter – she made it Justyne time.

  39. Brian*14 says:

    Din li kienet tghid li n-Nazzjonalisti sriep?

    Sewwa jghid il-Malti, li l-qahba milli jkollha ttik.

  40. Grezz says:

    Just when we thought she was lying low and keeping out of the limelight, we have ourselves a rival citrus festival:

  41. Augustus says:

    The PL before the general elections, ‘Everything we do will be transparent’.

    The PL after the general elections, ‘Not in the national interest’.

  42. nemesis says:

    Agent Justyne Caruana: Licensed To Lie

  43. Arturo Mercieca says:

    This is truly incredible and indicative of the confusion that is reigning supreme in the various levels of our government.

    According to the PAM web-site, Justyne Caruana was the rapporteur on a report regarding political developments in the Middle East and North Africa and on another report on “Access of people with disabilities to the labour market in the Mediterranean.” What’s so confidential about this information that it could not have been disclosed ?

    Assuming that there was the need to recall Justyne Caruana from Marseilles and then, to send her back, the decision to send her back should have been taken in good time and not late on Tuesday morning (or so we have been told).

    And even then, she could have taken the 15.55 flight to Catania, caught a flight to Rome and from there to Marseilles where she would have arrived at 22.30 instead of taking the 14.05 flight to Brussels with a connecting flight to Marseilles which arrived at 23.05. The Catania flight would have allowed Justyne Caruana to arrive in good time at the airport using the ferry service.

    This is another example of the profligacy of this government which is going to compromise the country’s economic situation in the near future.

  44. Last Post says:

    Of the Gozitan MPs Justyne was only one ‘left out’, the one with the lowest profile since the election. So here she comes to prove her mettle and what better way to do it than on the privileged gozitans’ favourite horse? — that of transport between the two islands

    Mercieca and Refalo did it with Gozo Channel because they feel they can’t be made to wait when the country needs their services so badly.

    Similarly, how could Justine not be denied an even faster vehicle to transport her to Malta so she can present her top- secret report to a meeting in Marseilles — all in the ‘national interest’?

    Well done, Justyne. You’ve shown your own you’re no lesser than your compatriots, even if you’re not good enough for a ministerial appointment!

  45. Zeza Ta Bubaqra says:

    Somebody’s been watching way too many American President/White House style TV shows or movies.

  46. Giraffa says:

    In this evening’s news bulletin: Justyne Caruana says that using the helicopter to fly patients from Gozo to Malta is a waste of money.

    • Tabatha White says:

      This, from a member of the Party that got another free ride on pre-election promises of “door-to-door distribution of medicine.”

      Talk about putting your foot in it.

      Godfrey Farrugia last said something about it six days ago, but so far nothing but talk.

      It must go against their grain somewhere. Insights like this example from Justyne Caruana are worth their weight in gold.

  47. Nutter says:


  48. silvio farrugia says:

    How they lie .A great national interest indeed . We are really being treated as infants. Shame

  49. Ta'sapienza says:

    She has a phobia ‘from’ flying. Classy.

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