Because of her Gnejna incident, nudist group Malta Nudist asks Marlene Farrugia to lobby for them in parliament

Published: January 9, 2014 at 10:48am

Malta’s nudist lobby has written to Labour MP Marlene Farrugia, seeking to bring her on board for their cause because “naturists in Malta are forced to use spots in which one you have experienced yourself in a different situation”.

The email was copied to other MPs. See below.

Oh, incidentally – MPs’ email addresses are not covered by data protection. The whole point of members of parliament is that their constituents, who they represent in that legislative forum, are able to contact them freely and directly.


From: Gregor Roland
Date: 09 January 2014 02:28:52 GMT+1
To: Marlene Pullicino

Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Claudette Buttigieg , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], mario galea , Lawrence Gonzi , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Marthese Portelli , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Luciano Busuttil , [email protected], [email protected], Dalli Helena at MSDC , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Silvio Schembri , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Mallia Manuel at MHAS , [email protected], [email protected]

Subject: Access to unofficial naturist spots in Malta

Dear Hon. Farrugia,

Due to a lack of personal freedom, naturists in Malta are forced to use spots in which one you have experienced yourself in a different situation. Many people have hurt themselves accessing these places including some serious incidents such as

Non sexual naturism is perfectly fine in all of Europe and most of the world! We should not remain a backward thinking country and we urge the government to be truly liberal and not partial. Giving rights to some groups while ignoring the freedom of choice of others is not the way to engage in full civil liberties.

The ‘Legalize Nudist beaches and topless bathing in Malta’ facebook group

Facebook: Legalize nudist beaches and topless bathing in Malta

38 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    If you want to swim naked, put a pool in your home.

    • Chris Mifsud says:

      Yes of course. Why didn’t the people who might not have space for a pool at home think about that ? Brilliant idea.

  2. Alfred Testa says:

    “But when he was studying music at the Junior College, Gouder and his classmates had been taught the wrong syllabus, and the blunder was only discovered two weeks before the A-level exam.”

    What do you make of this Daphne?

  3. ciccio says:

    Ma naghmlux mod li din l-istorja ta’ Marlene Farrugia kienet biss “stunt” hux, biex tinbeda din il-kampanja ohra fuq issue “liberali” halli forsi nergghu nikkargaw ftit kontra l-Knisja u dawk il-konservativi “nekitif” tal-PN issa li gejja l-elezzjoni tal-MEPs?

  4. bob-a-job says:

    It appears that Marlene has the problem laid bare.

  5. Jozef says:

    Gvern li se jhallina nahdmu bil-patata barra.

  6. Tarzan says:

    Poor Varist. I wonder if he fainted when he read his copy of this email. The writing skills of our nudist friend are appalling.

  7. Lomax says:

    I’m seriously starting to think that Marlene Pullicino is a nudist. Why, otherwise, would she be there at that time?

  8. Alfonsu says:

    In the letter given the nudists did not ask Marlene to lobby for them

  9. curious says:

    And Marlene Farrugia thought that the worst that could happen to her was to be surrounded by jellyfish.

  10. A says:

    Completely unrelated but somewhat baffling; the newspapers are aghast with this whole “revenge porn” business. None of them thought it relevant to point out that a Labour MEP candidate has been charged with disseminating “revenge porn”

  11. Sister Ray says:

    And to top it all there are those pesky jellyfish.

  12. Black Arrow says:

    Well, let’s all get on board – hunters, gay rights for everything, and now nudists.

    Aren’t we a minority group and therefore have to have our way?

    Anything goes with Labour on our side and to hell with ethics, morals and decent human behaviour.

    Malta slides slowly but surely to the standard of the gutter.

  13. davidg says:

    So, this group is assuming that Marlene is a nudist and can support their cause.

  14. Min Weber says:

    Never a dull moment.

  15. Tgħidu Lil Ħadd says:

    Suppost ftit jafu, imma bejnietna smajt li fetħu l-applikazzjonijiet għar-rekluti tal-pulizija u diga applikaw 450 li minnhom se jigu “shortlisted” 150:

    Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar aplikazzjonijiet għamel kuntatt mas-Sezzjoni tar-Riżorsi Umani fuq in-numri tat-telefon 2294 2183 / 2294 2184 / 22942185

    Tgħidu lil ħadd.

    M’hemmx rigali għal min jaqta’ x’kulur politiku se jkunu l-magħzulin.

  16. Galahan II says:

    Thanks to you, finally I have managed to get Simon Busuttil’s e-mail address. If you only knew how long I have been trying to get this after I used to contact him through his EU one. Thanks, Daphne! I wish all politicians would just inform everyone about their e-mail addresses in the first place.

    • Osservatore says:

      Ha! I tried his EU address and when no reply was forthcoming, I checked with the Nationalist Party. Would you believe that they referred me to the parliament website where I could find his official e-mail?

      Like anyone in his right mind is going to communicate with the leader of the Opposition, or any Opposition MP, via an e-mail address that is controlled by the Labour government.

      I take it that the Opposition is not really interested in what us commoners have to say, and in many ways has become more conceited than ever before. Which is all the more of a pity when someone with relevant information on ongoing issues needs to get in touch with the Opposition.

      Then again, this is the same party that placed part of the blame of its defeat on certain bloggers, who never purported to represent the party, when it had been practically ground down into bankruptcy by its very own.

  17. michael seychell says:

    Do these people expect to swim in the nude in one of our popular bays?

  18. Gahan says:

    Aren’t these naturists implying that Marlene was skinny dipping?

  19. The Chemist says:

    Hell yeah Marlene, tits oot fer the laads.

  20. ken il malti says:

    People look better with their clothes on.

  21. Joe Mifsud says:

    Michael Parnis appointed HR Manager at the Water Services Corporation. This is an insult to the HR profession. Parnis has no clue of what it entails to develop and implement HR strategies.

  22. daffid says:

    Godfrey Farrugia’s call for foreign management of Mater Dei Hospital: seems like his consultant John Dalli has contacts with hospital management companies too who would be keen to run Mater Dei, for a commission no doubt.

  23. Jozef says:

    Meantime, the minister comes up with a cunning plan.

    From the grotesque to the downright health hazard. Don’t forget the thermos flask, a folding stool and thermal blankets.

    Ghax taht dal-gvern it’s paradise.

  24. Jozef says:

    ‘..However, Mr Dalli is also insisting that Malta lacks the necessary expertise in hospital management, and that “foreign expertise” should run the hospital until local candidates gain the necessary knowhow and experience.’

    And out of the blue, it’s ministerial policy. Need we say who gets to determine the foreign expertise?

  25. Michelle Pirotta says:

    Precisely what you had said last week. (from DOI PR today)

    Dr Muscat spjega kif (…) dan il-programm waħdu se jħalli f’Malta aktar mill-fondi kollha li pajjiżna jieħu mill-Unjoni Ewropea fuq medda ta’ 7 snin mingħajr ma jagħti xejn lura”, qal il-Prim Ministru.

    Yes, because it feels good not to be giving anything in return.

  26. ciccio says:

    Issa sew.

    In the video clip here, Joseph Muscat is putting the responsibility for the design proposal (a compromise proposal) of the Sale of Citizenship Mark II on Joe Bannister and David Curmi – see 0.38 onwards.

    I must say, the furrow on his forehead remains deep throughout the whole interview, even if its relativity to the head has decreased as the latter has continued to grow rounder and fatter.

  27. ciccio says:

    Truly a circus.

    Loved this bit of reporting in the Malta Independent. It must be an explanation from the Ministry of Propaganda and National Enlightenment:

    “A ministry official told The Malta Independent online that this measure is a positive one since the ministry was being proactive, especially at a time of the year when many patients are admitted to hospital due to the flu.

    “We are acting proactively to deal with the influx of patients,” a ministry spokesman said.”

    The positive government.

    So now it’s not only patients in the corridors, but also in the reception.

    Where next for the patients – the Minister’s office? Has that been vacated and moved to a tent outside the hospital as yet? If I’m not mistaken, John Dalli had told the Minister to vacate his office before.

  28. H.P. Baxxter says:

    My two greatest achievements in life have been to strip Gaddafi of his Maltese decorations and to turn Marlene into the icon of the nudist community.

  29. Gaetano Pace says:

    Kemm nistaqsi. It tinda li twahhlet Mater Dei, ma kienitx intiza ghal Gnejna u l-inhawi biex in-nudisti ikollhom fejn idendlu l-hwejjeg ?

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