Didn’t Konrad Mizzi tell us that the Chinese would be giving us all jobs building their solar panels here in Malta?

Published: January 8, 2014 at 10:43pm

Solar China

Well, it’s not going to be quite like that, is it.

Look at the latest news – it’s not as though a bright lad like him shouldn’t have been able to see that one coming.

Nikkei Asian Review reports:

SHANGHAI — The Chinese government is pushing for a drastic shakeout of the country’s overcrowded solar cell industry, supporting only a quarter of players and practically telling the rest to get out of the business.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has announced a list of 134 producers of silicon materials, solar panels and other components of photovoltaic systems as meeting certain conditions, as measured by 2012 production, capacity utilization and technical standards.

In a sector said to have more than 500 companies, the ministry’s move means that three-quarters didn’t make the cut — including the core subsidiary of Suntech Power, which went bankrupt in March, and Jiangsu Shungfeng Photovoltaic Technology, Suntech’s startup rescuer.

These firms will not be able to get credit lines from financial institutions and thus will have a tough time borrowing, according to industry insiders. They will also no longer be eligible for refunds of export tariffs, a huge blow to companies that depend on overseas business. On the home front, it will be difficult for them to participate in state-run utilities’ auctions, sharply curtailing their opportunities to win orders.

13 Comments Comment

  1. vanni says:

    It was Konrad Mizzi’s boss who fathered that particular myth:


  2. Harry Purdie (back on the rock) says:

    Too bad. Now we have to do with our wild dog surplus all by ourselves.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Hello you old rascal. Now that you’re back on the rock, you’ll have caught up with the latest financial news. So here’s a recap for our readers:

      1. Retail is down.
      2. But tax revenue from retail remains unchanged. Weird.
      3. The property market’s feeling the strain.
      4. Banks have started calling in the loans and selling foreclosed properties. Saw a list a few months back.
      5. Er, that’s it.

  3. Paddling Duck says:

    If he wasn’t a bright enough lad to see this one coming, his wife in Shanghai should have.

  4. Peritocracy says:

    “They will also no longer be eligible for refunds of export tariffs”

    Hundreds of Chinese solar panel companies will be fleeing the country and running away to… Malta. Where else?

    See? This is all part of the cunning plan. It’s just that we’re falling a bit behind on the land reclamation to accomodate all the business coming our way.

  5. Jozef says:

    Her name is Guo Pei, born in 1967, she couldn’t stand growing in a sea of grey uniforms, her atelier, which it is, currently employs over 400 seamstresses, everything rigorously hand stitched.

    Overdone, referential, impossible and utterly horror vacui – absolutely brilliant. Design will save us. She thinks it can, I hope she does.


    And Labour’s plan is to return Malta to the sweat shop it was in the 80’s. Post Lehman Brothers if you please.

  6. bob-a-job says:

    It appears that there was a chink in the concept

  7. ken il malti says:

    I remember talking to a robotics technician that was straight from China who happened to be working in North America in 2006. He told me that the Chinese government has to create a million plus jobs every year in China for most of the young people coming into the workforce over and above filling the positions of those who reach retirement age.

    I doubt very much that China likes to give their jobs away to non-nationals.

  8. Gaetano Pace says:

    Oh grief if only I had a hectare of solar panels yesterday when lights went out all over the Island. I would have beaten Konrad (not Adenauer) to it and would have made a fortune without using any gas at all. €13,000 would have been an ideal capital outlay in that event but unfortunately the money went to China and able engineers were given the sack. Did anyone break the record staying in the dark for more than 5 hours as did St Paul`s Bay ?

  9. Gaetano Pace says:

    Mela nsejna meta fis-sebghinijiet il-Labour kien gab Malta makkinarju li jinseg li kien antikwat daqs kemm kien in-newl tan-nanna?

    Mela nsejna li l-Labour ried jarmana bis-sistema tat-telefon li d-dinja kienet qed tiskrappja?

    Ma nahsibx li xi hadd nesa li l-Labour ma riedx li jkollna kompjuter ghax kien igib il-qaghad.

    Lanqas ma nahseb li l-Labour kien jibghatna fil-kju tar-ration biex niehdu televixin tal-kulur ghal hafna flus.

    Nahseb li issa drajna li bil-Labour fil-gvern narmaw bl-iskart u lis-scrap ta’ pajjizi ohrajn basta ngibuh b`xejn, basta niffrankaw il-flus, basta naghtu materjal lis-Super One halli jkollu xi jxandar, u xi tnejn u tlieta mill-bqija tal-pajjiz u l-poplu.


  10. Robert Barathian says:

    Yes Mr. Pace, the record was broken by 30 minutes at Qawra. Friends of mine residing there said that electricity to their apartment was restored at 7.30 pm.

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