Instead of canning the Ghaqda Nisa Laburisti as an archaism, the Labour Party is opening it up to men…to discuss women

Published: January 24, 2014 at 12:52am

Today’s missive from the Labour Party:

—–Original Message—–
From: “PL Pressreleases” To: “PL Pressreleases” Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 19:41:02 +0100
Subject: L-Għaqda Nisa Laburisti ser tidħol f’milja ġdida ta’ żmien

Il-Ħamis 23 ta’ Jannar 2014
Maħruġa mill-Uffiċċju tal-Komunikazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista

L-Għaqda Nisa Laburisti ser tidħol f’milja ġdida ta’ żmien

L-Għaqda Nisa Laburisti ser ser tkun qed tidħol f’milja ġdida ta’ żmien, hekk kif wara konsultazzjoni wiesgħa din l-Għaqda ser tkun qed twettaq tibdil li huwa wkoll innovattiv.

Stqarr dan il-Prim Ministru u Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista Joseph Muscat waqt li kien qiegħed jindirizza l-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-Għaqda Nisa Laburisti fiċ-Ċentru Nazzjonali Laburista, il-Ħamrun.

Il-Prim Ministru spjega kif l-Għaqda Nisa Laburisti mhux ser tibqa’ biss il-fergħa tan-nisa, iżda ser tkun il-fergħa li tiddiskuti affarijiet li jolqtu n-nisa, suġġett li mhux neċċessarjament jinteressa lin-nisa biss iżda anke l-irġiel. Joseph Muscat stqarr li l-importanti hija li n-nisa kollha jkunu rappreżentati fil-kategoriji kollha fosthom in-nisa tal-karriera, iż-żgħażagħ u dawk li huma ommijiet.

Il-Mexxej Laburista tenna kif l-irwol tan-nisa dejjem qiegħed jinbidel filwaqt li stqarr li fadal ħafna soqfa tal-ħġieġ li għad iridu jinfaqgħu. Fl-Aħħarnett il-Prim Ministru sostna li ġej żmien eċċitanti għall-għaqda filwaqt li ħeġġeġ lill-Għaqda sabiex tassumi rwol attiv u tixpruna l-ħidma tal-Gvern u l-Partit.

Preżenti għal din il-laqgħa kien hemm mart il-Prim Ministru, Michelle Muscat.

Uffiċċju Komunikazzjoni

Partit Laburista

And the accompanying photograph:


31 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Sounds like our kind of club, Harry! You too, Ciccio!

  2. Challie says:

    She can’t get her eyes off that golden nugget.

  3. ciccio says:

    Is he going to sell membership in the Ghaqda Nisa Socjalisti for Eur 650,000 to men now?

    Must be another bright idea from the roadmap.

  4. Matt says:

    ‘Stqarr li fadal hafna soqfa tal-hgieg li ghad iridu jinfaqghu’

    Make sure Hollande doesn’t invite our PM to the Louvre. We currently have enough diplomatic problems with the citizenship scheme. Din jonqos.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      English idioms translate so horribly into Maltese, don’t they. Let me help:

      “Stqarr li fadal x’nifqaw hafna soqfa tal-konkos bix-xibka u l-kontrabejt.”

      • ciccio says:

        Must be that Marie Louise Coleiro Preca was, once again, complaining with the prime minister about the state of the “flezzijiet tal-gvern” (social housing) in the Labour strongholds…

      • Mhux xorta hi says:

        If it had not been for those who insisted on using the local patois to undermine Italian as our language of culture we would not have to hear such nonsensical translations today.

        The result of Strickland’s insistence in collaborating with the British in the ‘de-Italianisation’ of Malta and the artificial introduction of words from Arabic can be seen today in a sub-literate population that can not claim to be literate in even one language.

        Then we had the opportunity to make the most of the situation created by the introduction of English yet, low and behold, by then even English had been written off as the ‘ilsien il-hakma’, not surprisingly by the same side of politics who had insisted on favouring English and trying to turn Maltese into a language. Anyone who heard the debate on citizenship the other day in parliament would have realised that Maltese just doesn’t cut it as a language.

      • Tabatha White says:

        @ Mhux xorta hi

        There are polyglots, hyperpolyglots, bilinguals, trilinguals, quadrilinguals, etc.

        Poor personal standards and/or inherited habits are no excuse to bring Strickland etc. in in a negative manner, in this context. Compulsory education has been around for a couple of generations already. Books and learning materials are easily available for those who want access to them.

        It is more likely the other way around, that the persistence of those who keep on forever peppering their Maltese, with words of Italian origin, to denote their culture, when a perfectly good Maltese source word exists, perpetuates the degenerative street Maltese for want of higher and stricter standards.

        Spoken properly, Maltese is a beautiful language, and there are those who speak it as such and retain root words and derivatives.

        There are certain bundles of sentiments that are best expressed in one’s mother tongue, or, as in this case, there are concepts which are still foreign and for which a literal translation is not the answer.

        A more refined sense of humour will develop in correlation to the level of refinement injected and invested into the language.

        Where words do yet exist, I will harper on about not allowing the media free run of the mill in pressing ahead with words of convenience.

        There simply is no linguistic refinement, aesthetic or logical output from the existing Academy whose job this is meant to be.

        Rather than put the blame solely and squarely on the language, I would suggest that it is the thinking process that could do with some focus and precision.

  5. Natalie Mallett says:

    Their facial expression and body language does not inspire much confidence in what he is saying does it?

    His wife is looking at the ring on her finger as if to say “why the hell did I marry this conman”. The other one next to him saying “go on pull the other one”.

    The other two I leave for other readers to comment on. As for Muscat, he is wondering why he has to talk about women when he has more serious issues to be getting on with.

    • Helen says:

      Nathalie, the other woman on his right is dreaming of San Anton Palace after April.

    • ciccio says:

      Well, he must have decided to talk about women because he is having problems with them and he can’t handle them.

      This week in parliament he accused the leader of the opposition that he is being led by the bloggers. He was obviously refering to the blog of She Who Cannot Be Named.

      And he must be very worried about having to face Viviane Reding about his crazy Citizenship 4 Sale scheme.

  6. gorg says:

    ” fadal hafna soqfa tal-hgieg li ghad iridu jinfaqghu”

    Can someone explain this to me please?

    [Daphne – It’s a literal translation of an idiomatic English expression: breaking through the glass ceiling. ‘The glass ceiling’ refers to the invisible barrier which keeps women below a certain level in their climb to the top. As a concept, it doesn’t exist in Maltese.]

  7. ken il malti says:

    That Austin Powers flounced shirt-front is not very fetching on Mrs Muscat.

    • Tabatha White says:

      I would imagine that is precisely what we’re about to hear more about in the Malta fashion releases of V18.

  8. Calculator says:

    What publicity stunt will Mr & Mrs Muscat have to pull off in response to this, I wonder?

  9. Bubu says:

    Nothing like a bingo-hall full of Silvio Parnis’s harridans screaming “viva l-Lejber, viva l-Lejber, hey, hey” for breaking glass ceilings.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    What’s this, the Labour Women’s Circle?

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    Muscat is going to have to deal with a woman in the European Commission.

    But I don’t think she was ever a member of the Għaqda Nisa tal-EPP.

  12. Favalor says:

    X’favalor faqqatilna l-mara tal-prim…

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