Justyne she went on di Alwett, ta
Labour backbencher Justyne Caruana says on Facebook that she went on a wiehed zghir qisu bocca li qalula li jghidulu l-Alwett.
Xi hadd bghatli link tal-programm tal-RTK b’ritratt ta helicopter. Jien mhux b’dak mort imma kien wiehed zghir qisu bocca. Jien fil-helicopters ma nifhimx imma qaluli li jghidulu l-Alwett. Li naf hu li twerwirt fuqu.
This is somebody who the government saw fit to select as rapporteur for a report on the Middle East, and who, it tells us, was dispatched to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean ‘in the national interest’.
The woman is pig-ignorant.
Some years ago I was at some kind of EU-related conference in which Slovakia was represented by a couple of clodhopping baboushkas who were so far out of their depth that they spent all their time texting on their mobile phones and whispering to each other until the chair had to ask them to keep quiet.
They didn’t even bother to pretend to know why they were there or what it was all about. They didn’t speak any language other than their own and it was so very obvious that they’d been selected as friends of government for a jaunt. They stuck out like sore thumbs.
“Slovakia, eh,” the rest of us said. “Well, what do you know. They shed communism and they keep their apparatchik habits.”
I somehow suspect that this is exactly how Mrs Caruana represented Malta. With that grating, uneducated voice, her pig-ignorance, and the fact that she is barely articulate in Maltese and can’t speak English at all, she must have cut a really fine figure.
“Ghax ha nghidlek, hija. It not like det ta hi. Issa di Mittil East I tell what it do ta. Imma ahjar tmur xxommu.”
May the good Lord have mercy on us.
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Alouette Justine hi mkux Alwett. Sakemm ma’ rkibtx xi ghasfur.
I wouldn’t get too worked up. There’s nothing that anyone can do. I mean it’s not as if intelligence ever was the Maltese standard of excellence.
Congeniality, “jaf imur man-nies”, bonhomie, “minn taghna”, “orrajt” are the winning qualities. Intelligence? Dak dittur.
Once the British left, we reverted to type. Mark me, we’ll be climbing back up into the trees in a few hundred thousand years, and in a few million we’ll be reproducing by cellular division.
Trees ?
Thanks for making my week eh….cellular division….you would be a great substitute to David Attenborough.
Yep. Darwin would have despaired. A good thing he sailed to the Galapagos and not to Malta.
Might have ended up with biological devolution.
Insoma, bozza tal-mija, go bozza tal-plastik
Here is a link from the AFM website. Does not look like a “bocca” to me and neither like an alwett, whatever that may be.
Miskina twerwret.
Qed tfakkarni f’oht il-mara tat-tifel tal-president. Kienet tuza r-Ryan Air biex issiefer, miskina. Tat-twerwir kien qallilna George Abela. Bilfors kellu joffri biex jghina, mill-fondi tal-Community Chest Fund, halli ssiefer komda.
Kollha msieken.
H.P Baxxter – you are so funny. I am starting a new Facebook page – Baxxter for Prime Minister.
That’s rather gratifying. I would fain have had the job, as the Poet says.
Perhaps Edward Scicluna was referring to her when he stated that we do not have people of caliber in Malta.
Justyne Caruana for Malta, as Sarah Palin for the USA.
I guess Princess Justyne should be allocated a private jet. Come on, why not? Gonzi used one, so it’s only fair.
All the boss has to do is sell a few more passports and the jet is hers.
What an imbecile. It’s bad enough that she doesn’t know it isn’t “l-Alwett”, but what’s worse is that she doesn’t bother to check.
Mrs Caruana, the Alouette is a formidable helicopter which has been deployed in many theatres, civilian and military. But you simply cannot be arsed to educate yourself. Lost cause, Labour.