The army and the police: now the servants of the Labour clique

Published: January 24, 2014 at 2:15am

Justyne Caruana

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s driver is a lance bombardier with the Armed Forces of Malta.

Manuel Mallia’s cooks and waiters are police officers. The security men in his ministry doorway are soldiers.

The police commissioner is instructed to drop proceedings against John Dalli and does so.

The Police Board is stuffed full of Labour stooges.

A Labour favourite is given a triple promotion through the ranks and made Commander of the Armed Forces of Malta, while the incumbent is forced out along with other officers. Others end up at the detention camps – a punishment posting for those who don’t vote Labour.

When the ghastly, squawking mayor of Hal Qormi finds a long queue for the Gozo ferry, she barges right in at the head and rings the police commissioner to instruct the officer on duty to let her through.

And now, the latest: an army helicopter is dispatched from base to Gozo to collect Labour MP Justyne Caruana – another ghastly squawker, incidentally – and fly her to the airport so that she can make her flight in time.

How appalling. How abusive. How ruddy arrogant. Who are these people, who had the nerve to speak about arrogance when they were in Opposition?

Exactly who is Justyne Caruana, that an army helicopter should be sent to pick her up in Gozo and fly her to the airport, so that she doesn’t have to do what everyone else does who lives in Gozo and has an early flight – spend the night on the mainland?

Instead of paying for this bum’s hotel room – even the most expensive suite would have cost a fraction of what that helicopter flight did, even if this were only about the cost – they took the flashier option. You know why? Because some people are just glorified white trash. It’s the Justin Beiber attitude to power and money: power which is lent to them temporarily and money which isn’t theirs, which is worse.

Curiously, it wasn’t the army minister, Manuel Mallia, who answered press questions about this shocking farce. It was the Office of the Prime Minister. Mrs Caruana had to submit two reports at a meeting in Marseilles, they said, and the only way she could make it in time for the morning flight to Brussels (and her onward connection) was by army helicopter. Because of course, taking a hotel room in Malta would never have occurred to them.

To make matters worse, it transpires that Mrs Caruana had been in Marseilles already. She had gone there on Sunday, but was ordered back on Monday “in case the Opposition forced a vote” on the sale of citizenship. Because, you know, her presence was utterly essential even though the government has a nine-seat majority.

Instead of spending Monday night after parliament in a hotel room or at a friend’s house on the mainland, given that she had an early morning flight to catch, the awful, spoiled, wasteful and shrieking woman instead drove to Cirkewwa, caught the ferry to Gozo and slept there, on the understanding that an army helicopter (gosh, how thrilling, min jaf the neighbours and how important she felt) would pick her up at dawn.

Tad-daqqiet ta’ harta. Imagine these people with some real power and money. It’s so easy to see how profligate Middle Eastern and North African dictatorships happen when you look at the exact same socio-cultural mentality in operation here among people like Manuel Mallia, Joseph Muscat, Army Commander Jeffrey Curmi and ordinary backbencher Justyne Caruana, to mention only the protagonists of this incident.

33 Comments Comment

  1. Rahal says:

    Marmalja socjalista. Mintoff hekk derrihom. Jahtfu kemm jifilhu. Min jaf kemm hemm hmieg iehor ma nafux bieh.

    • manum says:

      Meta l-hmieg jibda jakkumula b’ din ir-rata bil-kemm sena fil-gvern, ma ndumux ma nibdew narawhom jithabblu bejniethom. L-istorja ta’ Babel bdiet tirrepeti ruha.

  2. Arturo Mercieca says:

    She could have taken the ferry with leisure to catch the 3.55 p.m. flight to Catania, flying to Rome and then on to Marseilles where she would have arrived at 10.30 p.m. With the Brussels connection, she would have arrived at 11 p.m.

    And then why was the decision that she returns to the Marseilles conference taken late in the morning ? It could easily have been taken on Monday evening. Has anyone checked whether Justyne Caruana attended court on Tuesday morning and what kind of cases she had on that morrow ? Was that the real reason why she could not take the ferry to make it on time to the Brussels flight ?

  3. Tabatha White says:

    Hadn’t she passed a Facebook comment as to when the Gozo boat was ordered back to collect the Minister for Gozo?

    Some comment tinged with envy?

    Well, I would say she’s been awaiting her moment of glory: Keeping up with the Anton Refalo’s of this world.

    • Tabatha White says:

      And ensuring Clint Camilleri doesn’t steal the limelight with “her-good-self” forgotten.

      The record of her manners would have slotted her into third place in the order of things, and it looks like she’s conscious of it.

      It looks like she’s fighting for breathing space.

  4. Snoopy says:

    Early morning Brussels flight? The earliest Brussels flight is at 14:05pm (incidentally this is on Tuesdays).

    These are blatant lies that our investigative journalists do not even bother to check.

    • M. Cassar says:

      ‘Investigative journalists’? Is that the job title for those who are given a press release and forward it to the editor? Fact checking? What’s that?

  5. canon says:

    You wouldn’t believe it, all this arrogance in less than 10 months.

  6. Peritocracy says:

    Joseph “Bieber” Muscat. Spoiled, arrogant brat with a child’s brain who thinks he’s on top of the world. That’s a perfect fit, I say.

  7. Poser says:

    I could be wrong but I always thought the flight to Brussels leaves at 4pm. Unless she was travelling with a different airline to Air Malta which isn’t really allowed as those travelling on government business are obliged to use Air Malta where possible.

    [Daphne – It has emerged today that Mrs Caruana did indeed travel on the 4pm flight, which blew those ‘I wouldn’t have made the flight’ excuses out of the water.]

    • Victor says:

      So now we know that those “two reports” were another blatant lie.

      She only had to present one report on the Monday, and somebody else did it for her because she was in Malta.

      I keep wondering whether Joseph had eight members of his government who were going to vote against the scheme, if a vote had been taken. Otherwise, I can see no other point in throwing the peoples’ money away in this shameless way.

      [Daphne – There was never going to be a vote. There never is, in urgent debates of that nature. There is procedure, and the procedure says no vote.]

  8. Mario Borg says:

    Flying in with “Ride of the Valkyries” blaring, hopping off the helo skid and growling “I luff de smell of nejpalm in de mornink”.

  9. Rover says:

    Trash. The whole lot of them. Trash.

  10. PWG says:

    Caruana was reportedly outraged at having been asked to return to Malta from France, hence the abusive pampering with an army helicopter. Shame on the government for thinking up this ploy, and shame on Mrs Caruana for accepting to be part of it.

  11. Osservatore says:

    All we need now is a return to the good old “tuksforce” days.

    With rising unemployment, they will see it as a somewhat viable option, particularly when the elections will approach. You mark my words.

  12. Conservative says:

    Socialists are all the same everywhere. They purport to be beacons of democracy when in Opposition, and become absolute degenerate sewage slime when in government. When you vote Labour into government all you do is give them the boots to kick you down with.

    • Last Post says:

      Don’t consider myself conservative but you are correct about self-proclaimed socialist politicians, especially of the Maltese type.

      By the way, Daphne, nobody puts it better.

  13. just me says:

    The news here is that with even a 9-seat majority, Muscat is not feeling confident about how his own MPs will vote. He is making sure they are all there just in case some will vote against him.

  14. Ganni Xewki says:

    Let’s not forget that her husband is a police officer, too.

  15. T. Cassar says:

    And she used the Gozo hospital helipad because it is more convenient. As if Gozo is some huge island with miles and miles to travel to reach the Xewkija heliport.

  16. Antoine Vella says:

    I suspect there is an element of rivalry between Justyne Caruana and Anton Refalo.

    If he can recall the Gozo ferry, she goes one better and gets a helicopter.

    So, how is he going to respond to that? Airforce One? They are enlarging the Xewkija airfield after all.

  17. Marlowe says:

    Army personnel also have started the groundbreaking around the Xewkija Heliport, presumably to turn it into an airport.

  18. Daisy says:

    What a bunch of hypocrites. Have a look at this article and tell me if the answer given by the OPM regarding the helicopter trip is true or a blatant lie.

  19. Wigi says:

    You asked, exactly who is Justyne Caruana, that an army helicopter should be sent to pick her up in Gozo and fly her to the airport, so that she doesn’t have to do what everyone else does who lives in Gozo and has an early flight?

    She is MuscatPL’s klilkka and the number one inciter. So she deserves the helicopter.

  20. edgar says:

    It is obvious why she chose the hospital helipad. No one would have seen her take off in the unused helipad a few miles down the road. Hu go fik, Anton Refalo.

  21. pale blue my foot! says:

    You`d think that the more time passes, they would learn from their gaffes and mistakes, but no…they just get greedier and more arrogant.

  22. Josette says:

    How ironic that “the only other report presented to the assembly was penned by Italian MP Giorgio Girgis Sorial on public sector corruption in the Mediterranean.”

    She was probably trying to get some first-hand evidence to pass on to her colleague.

    And, as always – why are you picking on us? The big bad Nationalists used to do the same thing. It’s a playground mentality all the way.

  23. Socrates says:

    What a tragic comedy!

  24. Panic? says:

    I think that we are missing what might be an interesting scenario here.

    If Caruana was called back from Marseilles in case of a vote in parliament on the citizenship scheme, then the government must be worried about the position of some of its backbenchers.

  25. michael seychell says:

    Marlene Pullicino has what it takes to air her views on her government’s performance, but Justyne Caruana’s case is a proof that there are others who must be raising their voices ‘behind the scenes’ and Super One Joe is starting to tremble.

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