Will somebody please lock that woman in a cupboard with a note saying ‘This is Europe, not the United States of America’

Published: January 30, 2014 at 1:53pm
Michelle Muscat with her state-paid personal assistant Pamela Seychell, taking photographs of her husband at an open-air press conference.

Michelle Muscat with her state-paid personal assistant Pamela Seychell, taking photographs of her husband at an open-air press conference.

The insufferable Mrs Joseph Muscat, with her simpering expression (that’s not a smile but a simper, and don’t you just love English which has the perfect, precise word for almost everything) and her ‘nailed to the cross with patient agony’ eyes is on the Labour Party’s television station right now, hawking her husband’s government to legions of housewives and the unemployed, and anyone else who might be watching television at 2pm.

Will some government aide please lock her up and explain to her that this is Europe, and not the United States of America, that she is not Michelle Obama and has no similar role to play in a European democracy, and that if she looks around her she will see no wives or husbands of European prime ministers playing a political role and getting heavily involved in their own right.

Why? Because in Europe, we consider that sort of thing to be undemocratic. We elect the prime minister (or president, depending on the system of government) and not his or her spouse.

We do not want or like to see the unelected behaving as though they were elected to govern as part of a two-headed combo.

Europeans have an innate suspicion of that kind of thing, perhaps because Europeans have had a long history of kings and queens and are careful to draw a distinction between a monarchy and an elected government.

Joseph Muscat is not the king. Michelle Muscat is not the queen. Joseph Muscat was elected prime minister. Michelle Muscat was not elected to anything and has absolutely no constitutional role. Stay out of it, madam. Lead by example, practise what your husband preaches, and get a job.

29 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Uploaded just now on The Malta Independent:

    The discussions held yesterday between the government and the European Commission on adopting a residency clause were based on the international taxation law model that requires applicants to physically reside in Malta for at least 183 days in a year to be considered as residents, The Malta Independent online has learnt.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    I’m repeating here but if anyone has had a close-up experience with Michelle Muscat, that simper has a literal hiss to it:

    As the smile broadens, the hiss escapes on an exhale.

  3. Charly says:

    Nice two pair of sandals. Yesssss Mrs.Muscat & Co.

  4. carmen borg says:

    Both she and her husband are an embarrassment to our country. That’s all I can say.

  5. TROY says:

    Or better still,get a life.

  6. Jozef says:

    Do those two shop together?

  7. Mr Meritocracy says:

    When you say ‘the Labour Party’s television station’, I think you might need to start clarifying that you’re speaking about ONE and not TVM. Because honestly, more often than not, they’re one and the same thing.

  8. William Zampa says:

    Thing is that being elected to office is just like an excursion to the zoo for the Muscat family.

  9. Mrs M says:

    How sweet, they are almost wearing matching clothes and very similar sandals in this photo.

  10. L.Gatt says:


    Can this possibly be true?

    [Daphne – It is. The person who saw him filed an affidavit with the Speaker’s office.]

  11. edgar says:

    Without photoshop she looks double the size of photos released by the DOI. I wonder why.

  12. Martin Felice says:

    As far as I know Michelle ta ‘what’s the heck’ has a job at Castille. She obviously likes to be in the limelight.

  13. Patrijott says:

    Baxxter ghidlilna xi haga ha nidhaq!

  14. Pluribus says:

    Same kneecaps as well.

  15. Christ almighty says:

    What an utter fashion disaster! Has she not got a mirror?

  16. Francesca says:

    And please cover those hideous legs. Bad enough we have to look at your face and listen to your rantings.

  17. Mrs M too says:

    Oh, and look they have matching legs too, actually matching knees. I fail to understand how such people dare wear mini skirts with such hideous looking legs.

  18. Ganni Xewki says:

    And similar chunky thighs too.

  19. victorio says:

    Ordinarja ghall-ahhar.

  20. giac says:

    Yes she is very sweet. She is so sweet that SHE has lent Villa Francia in Lija to the Lija villagers as if it was hers.

    She hijacked the Local Council’s idea of the orange feast and made it hers.

    She also invited some, not all, Lija residents to a private opening before the doors open to the public.

    Aren’t we Lija residents lucky to have the opportunity to walk into Villa Francia, thanks to Mrs Muscat.

  21. Fido says:

    Please next time extend the diverging comparisons between monarchy and a democratically elected head of state whereby monarchy is claimed by birth right while a democratically elected head of state receives a time-defined ticket.

  22. Robert Barathian says:

    And similar-looking legs, too.

  23. SM says:

    Imagine a private company employing a new CEO and the wife turns up at the office and starts bossing the employees around.

  24. Timon of Athens says:

    Just look at those porky legs. Please tell this woman to employ a fashion consultant.

  25. Celtic Girl says:

    Yes…she does come across as affected and rather silly. She presses herself too much into a role that she is definitely not comfortable in.

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