And in the Shanghai Daily, they’re practically encouraging people to queue up and buy one

Published: February 5, 2014 at 10:53am

Shanghai daily

If I were good at that sort of thing, the cartoon I’d sketch up right now would be an ice-cream van with the traditional legend STOP ME AND BUY ONE, a Maltese passport where the ice-cream cone usually is on the roof, and Muscat in the driving-seat.

It has come to that.

13 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Aha. A news story by Xinhua, reported from Valletta. Didn’t our very own dear Manwel Mallia, minister of home affairs, broadcasting and catering, recently officiate at the official opening of CCTV’s Malta bureau?

    Neo-colonialism? The term’s too tame for what this clot of ghoxux has dragged Malta into.

  2. Volley says:

    Pity that the majority of the people out there still can’t seem to understand what are the true intentions of this crook of a government!

  3. manum says:

    Don’t people who come to Malta for a ‘year’s residency’ have to get a Schengen visa first?

    • La Redoute says:

      No. They don’t even need to come to Malta at all.

    • unhappy says:

      Yes, and this suits Henley & Partners even better to push up their fees for this extra work (processing the Schengen visa application) and during this one-year-sham residence. All paper work is processed while the applicant and his family members remains in their home country.

    • Jozef says:

      Good point.

      • La Redoute says:

        Why do they need a Schengen visa if they don’t need to come here?

      • Jozef says:

        Because they’re supposed to?

        You’re right, but isn’t this the ultimate blooper if we had to stick to formality?

        Muscat’s grey areas will out.

  4. John Higgins says:

    And why has the recipient to prove that he has been resident in Malta for 1 year? The onus should be on the government because the passport will be given by It.

  5. A. Charles says:

    I was under the impression that the People’s Republic of China does not allow its citizens to have dual citizenship.

    [Daphne – Yes, it does not.]

  6. HM says:

    I couldn’t get this image out of my head so I threw my (badly-drawn) hat into the ring! As requested:

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