A plant in the audience

Published: March 14, 2014 at 10:44pm

Brian Grech

I have just been informed that the young man who asked the Opposition leader a question about gay adoption, clearly using a prepared text and a rehearsed, challenging tone, is not a genuine ‘member of the audience with a question for Simon Busuttil’.

His name is Brian Grech, he’s a diehard Laburist; he used to work for an insurance company but some months ago made a Taghna Lkoll move to the Labour Party’s tv/radio station when the staff were put on the state payroll and vacancies became available.

So the prime minister, who doesn’t lie or fake things, has to resort to using one of his employees to ask the Opposition leader ‘spontaneous’ questions.

62 Comments Comment

  1. Paddling Duck says:

    Beautiful question tal-kafetterija? What the hell are they thinking? Well it’s Mintoffjanzmu all over again asking stupid questions when things are going wrong biex jitmejlu. Cringe!

    • ciccio says:

      I am still waiting for HP Baxxter to stand up in the audience and ask a question to the prime minister. We all know on this website that Baxxter is a keen fan of Xarabank.

      He should ask the prime minister about how much weight he has gained in the past year and if he still thinks he is young. That should counter the question about the cafeteria.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Oh hello Ciccio. I’ve just returned home after a tête-à-tête with a Ritienne from the Eastern Approaches, who taught me more about life than any number of prime ministers, fat, young or otherwise. So my question to the Prime Minister would be this:

        What is the meaning of life? Why are you in this? Is it for yourself, for the grand scheme of things, or for us? Why should men and women trust another man or woman to govern them? Why should we trust you and not someone else? Do you ever doubt yourself? What is the point of government? What is the meaning of life?

      • Rumpole says:

        He should also ask whether the Prime Minister has any other ties except the powder blue one and the darker blue one.

        Imma tal-powder blue il-favorita tieghu. Min jaf fejn hbihom l-ohra!

      • ciccio says:

        Baxxter, the prime minister would probably have quoted Arnold Schwarzenegger:

        “For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.”

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I think he was misquoting Arnie. This is what the PM really thinks:


      • ciccio says:

        Oh, I see that we are making subtle quotes from Genghis Khan without even giving him credit. How about these quotes from Khan’s repertoire, then, for the prime minister:

        “Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard.”

        “I am the punishment of God…If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

        And then there is this one. It might actually be written somewhere on that copy of the Economist which the Fearless Leader keeps for those intimate occasions:

        “If you’re afraid – don’t do it, – if you’re doing it – don’t be afraid!”

    • A+ says:

      The whole Xarabank sham was an exercise to undermine Busuttil’s credibility. The question about the cafeteria was put specifically to debase the PN leader.

      The MLP media has been moulding the perception of the public that Simon Busuttil is ‘a joke’ and therefore cannot be considered as an alternative prime minister.

      • Last Post says:

        Tattika Laburista li ntużat fil-konfront ta’ Eddie Fenech Adami li għal ħafna snin wara li sar mexxej tal-partit tal-Oppożizzjoni kien impinġi bħala “vavu bil-ħarqa”.

        Is-superjorita’ infantili Laburista malajr isarrfuha f’arroganza, li titmermer biż-żmien u l-irġulija.

  2. A says:

    So that’s already two. Questions on cafeterias on prime time TV!

    • ciccio says:

      Is Europe waiting for the PN’s coffee to wake up? I thought the prime minister said he was stamping his feet to wake them up, but apparently they ignored him.

  3. M. Cassar says:

    Smelling coffee, cafeterias, what is wrong with these people? Is stupid the new in-thing?

  4. wow says:

    They’re idiots, but the bad thing is that we’re stuck with them for another four years minimum.

    So help us God.

    • anna caruana says:

      Simon is so overshadowed by the PM and Arnold I almost feel sorry for him..

      The PN needs a better leader if they want to be taken seriously.

      Simon should go back to working in the EU.

      • Adrian says:

        And where are your eyes positioned?

      • TinaB says:

        I suggest you stick to your “rikotta pies with leaks and peas”, Anna Caruana, instead of making a fool of yourself discussing something you seem to know nothing about.

      • ciccio says:

        It’s the PM who needs to go back to work in the EU. He needs to learn how to think and behave like a European.

      • Aidan says:

        Anna, jigifieri ghalik Simon Busuttil ghall-parlament Ewropej tajjeb u ghal Malta le?

      • ken il malti says:

        As a PN supporter I agree with you Ms Caruana.

        This is not a popular view-point among the nationalists but as I quickly learned in my business life; that being a gentleman and acting like a gentleman when dealing with non-gentlemen is a sure fire way to failure, every-time, all the time.

        Simon Busuttil is a fine human being but he is out gunned by the riff-raff he has to face in parliament and with a no-holds barred spoiled brat prime minister.

        If the PN is ever to win a future election in my lifetime then they need a wily and gutsy leader that can collar a bell on the PL pussycat with what ever it takes, underhanded or otherwise. It is not a nice world out there unfortunately.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Can we, once and for all, get something straight? “Gentleman”, in English, does not mean “gentle man”.

        Simon Busuttil can be a perfect gentleman – which he is – while raining down fire and brimstone on his adversary, which he should. But he is being too meek.

        I know it’s not easy to dissociate form and content in Maltese – if only we’d do politics in English – but at least he can try.

  5. Plotinus says:

    A plant in the audience and a prick on the podium on the left.

    • Spock says:

      To stretch the metaphor further , Muscat is already covering his ass in case of a disaster by planting the suggestion that in the event it would be sabotage ; the man manipulates his followers like a cult leader . He’s scary and dangerous

  6. nadia says:

    Not watching this. What was the question about the cafeteria….please?

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    A meeting of such magnitude on Xarabank! Lowell is right – ‘a low quality nation’.

  8. Edward says:

    Yes, it sounds like he’s planted a lot more than just one person in the audience.

  9. R Camilleri says:

    Xarabank taghna lkoll.

  10. canon says:

    I didn’t like the remark by PM Joseph Muscat that the gas storage tanker could be sabotaged by the Nationalists. That was an irresponsible remark by the Prime Minister. But he is making us vulnerable for such an act.

    • Jozef says:

      Yes, he preempted any incident.

      Simon Busuttil was rather mechanical regarding the citizenship scheme, perhaps nervous, but Muscat came out the unreasonable twat when Marsaxlokk was discussed.

    • albona says:

      There were two comments that are normally the preserve of the worst kind of dictatorships.

      To Cassola: ‘Watch what you say’, the implication being that there could be ‘ramifications’ for speaking.

      To Busuttil: when Muscat said that hopefully no elements sabotage the connector. The implication here is that the PN will sabotage the gas link and intentionally kill thousands of people.

      Now take yourself out of the Maltese context as in this Banana Republic it is hard to see it for what it is as you become accustomed and desensitised to illiberal acts.

      Imagine the likes of Renzi, Cameron, Rajoy, Hollande, Obama, Merkel accusing the opposition of possibly sabotaging and wilfully killing thousands of people. Would this make the news? There would be mass indignations, resignations and elections called.

      In Malta, this makes the comments section of a blog run by one of the only people who seems to care.

  11. Pablo says:

    Unwittingly, this Prime Minister has highlighted something very important with his cheap snide accusations and that’s the terrorist element. You have an LNG tanker manned by a foreign crew over whom you have no control. You have a Chinese asset sitting on land next to this vessel which makes you wonder if this would somehow attract the attention of any Tibetan or some other group that may want to make the news or hit back at Beijing. Malta has no natural enemies but can you say the same for big old China?

  12. ciccio says:

    Prices are getting cheaper. And Muscat has got competition.


    The “elf miljun” roadmap is under threat now. Is there a plan B?

    • Jozef says:

      There you go. From Europe’s up and coming financial services center to competing with the EU’s most corrupt nation.

      So he’s proud he sold a company in debt. That’s your typical salesman gloat.

  13. Nana says:

    None of them wants to adopt children and I know some of them personally but as you said it was fixed. Dr Simon Busuttil scored more marks than Muscat, who was really an idiot.

  14. Plagarised says:

    Haven’t watched the program on tv but this seems to be a prefect example of pretexting, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_(security)#Pretexting)

    I spend hours teaching my students on how to detect this kind of behavior, however it not that easy to pick it up in just a few seconds and it usually takes quite some time for a person to realise that they are being pretexted.

    However this tactic of planting people in public fora , just to catch a speaker out, is clearly childish.

  15. Well Informed Observer says:

    No one seems to have mentioned the Bulgarian scheme for Citizenship – which is apparently being offered for much less than Malta’s:- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/investigations/10699637/EU-citizenship-for-sale-to-non-Europeans-in-Bulgaria-for-as-little-as-150000.html

  16. Joe Micallef says:

    Muscat’s attack on Busuttil’s credibility and credentials is dictated by his own insecurity.

    His remarks about O-level economics were particularly telling.

  17. zunzana says:

    I thought it was unethical and irresponsible for this guy to emphasize the fact that he has a right to raise children just the same as Dr Busuttil has to raise his. Dr. Busuttil ‘s circumstances are totally different. What crass Labour style.

  18. Sergione says:

    The plant is a hamallu from Siggiewi. Hammalla l-familja ahseb u ara l-iben. U addio l-valuri tal-hajja.

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