Gensa is a ‘national celebration event’ (along the lines of North Korea, that is), but tickets are being sold by the Labour Party
March 19, 2014 at 11:57am
This is an advertisement for tickets to Gensna. You can buy them at the Embassy Complex in Valletta and at the Labour Party’s broadcaster.
Yet this is supposed to be a ‘national celebration’ – presumably along the lines of North Korea.
It’s yet another way of funnelling money to the Labour Party, this time in the form of commission on the sale of tickets. Look after the pennies, as the Victorian saying goes, and the pounds look after themselves.
It’s more than money-grubbing, though. They really don’t see any separation between party and government.
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You can see why Joey and Manwel admire Putin and his way of doing things. At the moment, I can see them, in a room at Castille, choosing a new word for “unemployment”. They already found one for “out of stock” (pending order), “sale of passports” (investment), “corruption of public officials” (small fish).
As a wordsmith, I make them a free present of one:
“open to new opportunities.”
As in “The number of young people open to new opportunities has risen by 10%. Rejoice!”
People don’t know what’s hit them yet.
Unemployment? “Improved supply on the labour market”.
‘Inflation’. ‘Bright prospects for business.’
They are slightly slow off the starter’s block in this case.
I am surprised they have not yet come out with something like “Unemployed: Nationalist supporters with two or three jobs registering to make the government look bad.”
Remember them saying that it was Nationalists who planted bombs outside Nationalist clubs and houses? Or that it was a Nationalist who shot at the Nationalist club and then attempted to frame another Nationalist with the murder of still another Nationalist.
That is more consistent with their mentality. For them sabotage and harming the nation (which for them is the Labour Party) is a Nationalist pastime.
“spectacularly incompetent government” (progressive)
“putting labour tools on the state payroll” (meritocracy)
“Inexcusable behaviour” (ghax ma tarax x’taghmel int)
No fucking clue = “roadmap”
Paid for by the Chinese regime = costed
“Paid for by the Chinese regime = costed”
What about Henley & Co.?
Henley and Co.; mhux fl-interess nazzjonali nkunu nafu.
Henley & Partners = “The Public Service”
I like this game. Here’s more.
shambolic = “aghtuna cans nahdmu”
attent kif titkellem = “lesti nahdmu ma’ kulhadd”
allahares nidhlu fl-Ewropa = “Malta globali”
Bejing = “Brussels”
“Unemployment”? That’s “work-life balance.”
Speaking about ‘national celeberation events’; There are ads being aired on Magic Malta as well as a billboard in Msida about ‘Divas’, a performance by Yada to commemorate its 30th anniversary and by performing tracks composed by foreign divas (and possibly Felix too) starring Mary Spiteri, Ira Losco & Co.
Why the hell is it part of the national celebrations?
I know Felix Busuttil was cosy with Taghna Lkoll, and his JAZ 777-registration car (Peugeot) is frequently seen outside the Office of the Prime Minister, but does being cosy with Joseph put the anniversary of dance studio on par with Independence Day, Republic Day, and the day the British got fed up with Mintoff’s demands for more money and left?
Imbaghad ghandhom wicc isaqsu lil Simon Busuttil fuq xoghol ta’ konsulenza li ha b’offerta jew fuq il-kafetterija. Vera ghandhom wiccom u s***m xorta.
Here we go, make sure every rule is broken, then apply to sanction irregularities. Burokrazija zejda they said.
Lawrence Gonzi had introduced a planning regime where abuse wouldn’t be tolerated, period. The idea of sanctioning was eradicated from MEPA’s rulebook. It was hoped the mentality became a thing of the past.
And yet, they squeaked and squeaked corruption and how arrogant all this was.
Dear Joseph declared this as mhix fier on those who know nothing else. Any law abiding citizen, make that anyone decent and who’s not into loopholes and working the system will be at these ‘developers’ mercy. Basically a state sanctioned free for all.
Good to see Maltatoday carry the previous administration’s mindset. Bit too late now.
Never underestimate Zurrieq and surrounding villages. History has it as the hotbed of revolt. Must be the Norman ancestry.
The interview denotes the formulation of an internal opposition in Labour. No longer a sporadic incident on some single issue. More like a challenge on who gets to decide the style and method of government.
‘Il-ministru Dalli, skuzani, l-exministru Dalli ghandu x’jaghti lil pajjiz gia la darba il-kwistjoni ta’ kif gab ruhu f’posizzjonijiet ohrajn tkun iccaratha’.
Gia la darba.
Yet how does she vote in Parliament?
Why all this washing of dirty linen in public when it can be contained and settled within the party? Doesn’t Joseph Muscat listen to his parliamentary representatives either?
Why doesn’t she just say that then?
I still think this is all for show. A stunt.
The words being placed in the mouth of the electorate that they “show their loyalty” if they happen to speak out. They can “speak out and be in.” Permission granted.
Marlene Farrugia is acting like a giant elastic band, dressed appropriately in blue for the occasion, serving to restrain deserters.
And are we to believe that Joseph Muscat hasn’t told her “attenta xi tghid?” that he controls what journalists say but not his own core flock?
When she shows in Parliament that her vote is also conveying the same message as her words, I will begin to take her seriously. Until then, no. After all, it’s not as if there is no considerable PL advantage and her vote will make a difference to the final result.
Just spin. And for this the media has space and time.
There’s more to it Tabatha.
Let’s put it this way, property all over the island which she plans to transform into community day centres, the architect dealing on her behalf, Robert Musumeci.
She definitely has a problem with ‘il-ministru John Dalli’ and his ongoing snus saga, actually make that the interruption of investigations.
Now that Marie Louise Coleiro’s been kicked upstairs and her PS Franco Mercieca’s uselessness proved Joseph’s doubts to his liability in her regards (He only got elected leader when she gave up Gorg Abela and endorsed him), everything’s up for grabs again.
John Dalli’s proposal for coal fired CCS was shot down when she declared, as shadow for energy (remember that?), that CCS isn’t for John Dalli to decide.
The rest is history. Ever been to the stretch of cliffs from Wied Fulija, a toxic dump in need of major works and the ‘Gibjun’ promontory?
6:25, where he’s very particular who to thank. Look who’s second on the list.
How times change.
1:58; 2:32-2:44 of the latter You Tube clip
Marlene Farrugia has been used as a mouthpiece for quite a long time.
This type of woman is the type that needs il-parir ta’ Gorg Abela biex tasal ghal-opinjoni? ghal-fehma? – not impressed in the least. Spin already at work?
The type of woman who deals with the problem created and not the vision required to prevent it.
The type of woman who feels it’s ok to speak out against certain poll-sticking points whilst completely ignoring fundamentals such as the lies of this Government and the manner in which it has misrepresented its agenda before the Maltese electorate?
The body-language again speaks volumes.
The final flick-back of the hair in the current Malta Independent stream to reveal a religious symbol for an earring, coincidentally the same religion that took a bashing by Michelle Muscat who earned herself a right lashing for the latest shamble performance?
Whilst I don’t discount anything and whilst internal quibbles will be exploited, whether Marlene Farrugia realises it or not she has been positioned as an instrument to be played at will from day one of this administration.
If Joseph Muscat had a modicum of respect for her, and any seriousness at all to his dealings with people as individuals, he would never have put her in the initial position he did.
If Marlene Farrugia was an authentically outspoken woman, her reactions would not wait to be shaped by the results of events (and other people, again?) that she has already actively participated in:
her thoughts should have gotten her there beforehand and her actions synchronised accordingly to shape that first result correctly.
No use complaining afterwards – unless that is the sole objective. In performing her allotted role she comes across as a very confused woman.
Whilst she was supposedly thinking of the social capital of the nation in the internal discussions on divorce, what was her excuse for the IIP scam? Spin by One already had her sorted. Saviour, obligingly at the ready.
This woman doesn’t know the meaning of backbone. She is of the exact same ilk as those that have created “Government by confusion.”
She still belongs to a generation and class of woman whose opinions are second rate because – according to how she has presented herself – they have neither been tailored or shaped in time nor individually assimilated.
She is a woman.
She has the baggage she does.
She is a useful mouthpiece for the Labour Party.
She is not given a position of importance.
This is her position of importance: at the gatepost – a sentinel reporting positions.
The women Joseph Muscat really admires and rewards are
i) loyal to him;
ii) have a different sleaze base.
If she was really honest about wanting to do the best for the “social capital of the nation”, she would admit it and get rid of the “false idols” that interfere with this agenda.
But she won’t.
She is compromised.
Imagine Joseph Muscat on a foot-pedalled Singer:
Marlene Farrugia “the mouthpiece” is stitched up.
Yes, she does sound thrilled at having discovered concepts and arguments relatively late, throwing undigested soundbites at any interlocutor to leave some mark.
Then there’s the obsession with capital as something to define at all costs. Define as in cage to control. In her case, it serves her well, no conflict with her personal interests whatsoever.
That’s where the confusion arises, although it could be more an intention to harness support for planned business models than mere good, naive faith.
Complaining afterwards becomes the alibi to get what she deserves, which isn’t necessarily political space, more like physical volume in every village core.
Her game is blind, religious trust.
In an interview with NET TV, Jose Herrera could not confirm if the rights to Gensna are held by the Labour Party because he said he did not have the information.
Can some journalist check again with him?
JPO and Diva Debono have seats reserved for them especially up front.
Taghna f’taghna, f’Malta Taghna lkoll.
80% commission to Henley and Co. = business exposure
Fat and bald = “zaghzugh”
National events should reach everyone. So making one pay for the ticket makes it entirely a private event.
Also how can Gensna be classified as ‘national’ when it’s the ideological creation of the Labour Party?