Hospital overcrowding: ‘excess’ patients to be sent to Mount Carmel Psychiatric Hospital or St Vincent de Paule Home for the Aged

Published: March 26, 2014 at 2:17pm

Mount Carmel

If what we are talking about here is the physically or mentally infirm who have been abandoned by their families to occupy a hospital bed permanently, then this makes sense.

But it appears to be going beyond that.

Ah, management by crisis – and poor old Godfrey Farrugia the Health Minister, with the Bahama Mama of Portomaso snapping at his heels.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Nerd of Redhead says:

    Il-Qaghad zdied, huwa ovvju li l-iffullar fil-Mater Dei qed jizdied.

    Il-Kwalita ta’ hajja nizlet fit 12-il xahar li rajna biddla u flus in nies m’ghandhomx. Nistenna li l-iffullar jibqa jizdied.

    Viva l-Lejber, Dejjem. Ghax il-lejber jahseb fil-haddiem suppost. imma flus m’hawnx.

    Rajt il-qaghda nazzjonali fl-Italja fuq l-ahbarijiet qalu li n-nies qas jaffordjaw imorru ghand dentist biex jikkurahom. Fl-isptarijiet tal-gverm m’hemmx cans u l-ekonomija tant hi dizastruza li n nies, specjalment l-anzjani, flus m’ghandhomx.

    Wiehed sahansitra stqarr li jrid joqghod b’ugiegh kbir f’wiccu li jaffettwalu rasu imma jippreferi joqghod hekk milli jmur go sptar privat u joqghod jinkwieta fuq il kont tad dentist.

    Nispera li ma nispiccawx hekk.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Can the government do that? Will the patients who are not suffering mental health problems have “admitted to a mental institution” written down in their medical records? Odd, to say the least.

  3. Calculator says:

    Simple: send them home. Wasn’t that what the whole ‘medicine on your doorstep’ supposed to be about? Or are we not sticking to the roadmap?

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Not to put too fine a point on it, dear Switchers, but is life better under Labour?

  5. Natalie says:

    So we’re told that one of the major causes for overcrowding is the large amount of social cases waiting to be transferred to an old people’s home.

    However since the patient population is too large for Mater Dei, some patients are transferred to St. Vincent de Paule Hospital so that they can receive their treatment there.

    And who will provide this treatment? Geriatric specialists or will Physicians have to do two ward rounds, one at MDH and another at SVPR?

    This is beyond crazy.

    • gosh says:

      Rather simply put, biex jaqdu lin-nies taghhom qed izommu x-xjuh li qed juhdu post dawk li ghandom bzonn.

      Before this Labour government took over patients were not kept beyond the basic recovery time.

      Now they are stuck with elderly patients whose families do not want to care for them taking up precious bed space.

      Seeing a repeat of St. Luke’s in less than 12 months is a true disaster.

      This was the main default of separating the elderly portfolio from that of health. One Minister binning the responsibility to another Minister.

  6. Tabatha White says:

    Just for clarity:

    Do people who are handicapped or in a mental institution retain the right to vote?

    Is their family allowed in with them?

    Are they “helped” to vote by the voting assistants with nobody else in the room?

    What’s the position on this?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I’ve seen patients (there really is no other words for them) led into the polling station on stretchers in a non-responsive state.

      I’ve seen frail old men and women wearing oxygen masks, sleeping or to all intents and purposes unconscious, being led into the polling stations.

      I’ve seen voters who would be judged non compos mentis in court being led into the polling stations.

      So I really don’t know where we draw the line, or if we even have one. Who these people vote for is anyone’s guess. I suppose if the senile ones ask to give the Number One to Mintoff, the assistants will just choose the most popular Labour candidate, or if they ask to vote for Enrico Mizzi, for a PN candidate. But what if some senile pepe voter, silver-haired, cataract-eyed and wearing an RMA blazer badge, asks to vote for Lord Strickland and damn Jerry’s eyes? Would that be classified as a vote for AD?

  7. Manuel says:

    My mother is at St Vincent de Paule home at present and it is already overcrowded. My mother’s room was meant to take two patients; now there are three in a small space. Imagine if they are going to send more patients there from the general hospital.

  8. Anthony says:

    This is a brilliant idea.

    They will inform you that you are being transferred to the “manikomju ta’ frankuni” and you will immediately opt to go back home.

    Mater Dei overcrowding problem solved in a jiffy.

  9. QahbuMalti says:

    I so clearly remember Godfrey Farrugia a few days into his job crowing that the hospital overcrowding issue had been resolved and that there was no waiting at Casualty that weekend.

    How naive they were – still are. And where is that infamous roadmap?

  10. C Falzon says:

    Very appropriate and accidentally correct that “Service unavailable” error right under the picture.

  11. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    This may be creating a Mater Dei Hospital shortcut to jump the queue of hundreds of deserving old people already waiting patiently their turn to be admitted to St Vincent de Paule Geriatric Hospital or any queue of criminals sentenced to prison but waiting for admission to Mt Carmel Hospital instead.

    What a clever, clever stratagen that would be.

  12. Gaetano Pace says:

    When there used to be half a dozen patients waiting at casualty for beds to be prepared in the wards, Super One journalists, now turned government consultants, turned them into heart-rending news for the Labour Party’s television station.

    Barely a year later, and there are patients in corridors all over the hospital. But there are no Super One reporters.

  13. Claude Sciberras says:

    When I heard this news item on the radio I thought that if you are going to send a patient to Mount Carmel then why wasn’t he/she sent there before? Unless our doctors and the Hospital administration are completely incompetent I would assume that whoever should not be at Mater Dei hospital would have been sent immediately, one wouldn’t wait until the hospital is full. One should not send someone out just because he needs more space.

    And then a scary thought came to mind, in the age of Malta Taghna Ilkoll, what criteria will they be using to send these patients out of Mater Dei and into Mount Carmel or St. Vincent de Paule?

    Last week I was at the Pharmacy and whilst I was waiting a woman came in to argue with the Pharmacist. Apparently the woman needs some medicine and the pharmacy (poyc) had been telling her that the medicine was out of stock. She had called the ministry and within hours a courier came to the Pharmacy with a few boxes of said medicine. The Ministry then phoned the woman and told her to go quickly to the Pharmacy as the medicines had been delivered. The woman went to the Pharmacy and asked for the medicine. The Pharmacist did the right thing and only gave her one box leaving the others for the other clients who had also been waiting for this medicine. The woman then came back for the other boxes and when the pharmacist told her these would be given to others she went into a fit saying that these were sent from the ministry for her not for others and that she had been waiting for weeks so she should be given the pills she had not been given. Anyway, the point is that this is the way medicines are being distributed in the POYC nowadays. No wonder we were promised delivery door-to-door.

    When you see these things happening then you cannot be confident that in such a move only the patient’s interests are being considered.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      They should have started the promised scheme of “POYC medicines delivered to your door” with this woman. Then no one would have learnt about this perversion of the “Malta Taghna Lkoll” unkept promise by a supposedly transparent new Labour Movement that is beginning to look more and more like a patient suffering from Ballo di San Vito.

  14. verita says:

    I was left for a night and a day in the corridor which someone was calling the new extension. It was freezing at night and had to walk to the toilet a good way which was detrimental to my medical situation.The worst part was when I was told to be thankful as at least I had a bed.I had to put all my belongings at the foot of the bed as not even a chair was provided.Muscat,Dalli and Godfrey should spend a couple of days as I did.

  15. Anon says:

    I live in england. Over last few years my nan developed dementia and was cared for by my aunt and family, to the point where my aunt could no longer cope.

    Because the government care homes were full she was placed in the mount carmel unit for elderly care. All seemed fine at first and family visited her on a daily basis. Quite often she was sleeping or quite non responsive. Turned out she was being drugged and tied to her chair, because she wanted to go home. She was also told to go to the toilet in her pad, when requested. Her legs had swelled due to lack of movment….and god knows what else was going on… We are so helpless back in england,but would like to know where to write to to investigate the matter….this is not human care, it is against human rights.. Thankfully my aunt refused to leave her there much longer, and although a struggle, she has taken her home, where she looks a picture of health compared to other photos taken when she was in the so called care of mount carmel.
    Please can someone tell me who i need to write too, not just for my nan but for other paitents who are in there..if this is the last few months or years of their life, is this a humane way to spend them.

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