How utterly crass: Labour’s official news site is running two identical photos of the PM with the headline that he will not waste time on the Opposition leader

Published: March 31, 2014 at 9:53pm

absolutely crass 1

absolutely crass

The Labour Party’s official news site, Maltastar, is running a big headline ‘PM: I will not waste time on Opposition leader’.

There is no story beneath it, no report, no facts, nothing – just two identical photographs of a smug Joseph Muscat, repeated.

Quite apart from the utter, absolute crassness of the prime minister saying something like that and his party’s official news site trumpeting it with contemptible arrogance, have all Maltastar’s staff gone AWOL, or have they all been put on the state payroll, leaving nobody behind to actually upload proper content?

As for that remark of the prime minister’s that he will not waste time on the leader of the Opposition, there are a couple of really patronising and supercilious middle-aged-to-outright-elderly men I’d sorely love to ring right now to remind them how enthusiastic they were about voting Labour to make this ghastly and uncivilised hamallu prime minister, and how nasty and spiteful they were to some of us who said how wrong they were.

Perhaps they’d like to ring him up themselves and give him some advice on how to behave properly. After all, they went out of their way to help put him into power and he’s the monster they created.

Just as they did with Mintoff in 1971…and they got pretty worked up when I reminded them about that too.

It looks as though no matter how long some people live, they never learn.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    Joseph is wasting his time and ours trying to be Prime Minister.

    He should consider to start wasting his time tweeting to his ministers instead of meeting them. At least it saves them wasting time. He is already doing this to the media or press.

  2. Spock says:

    Have you been following the ‘documentary’ ‘Helsien’ on the new take of Xandir Malta? The unashamed distortion and even completely changing of historical facts beggars belief!

    There was no mention of Gaddafi, for example.

    • Calculator says:

      Figures they would leave Gaddafi out.

      Speaking of ‘Il-Ħelsien’, did anyone manage to get a look at Mark Camilleri’s book? God knows how much he distorted it if a) it was commissioned by Jo and b) Dominic Fenech’s only reservation is Camilleri’s claim that Mintoff bluffed when issuing threats.

  3. Harry Purdie says:

    Nazi talk?

    • Carmelo Micallef says:


      The usual National Socialist behaviour of MLP / PL of the past 65 years.

      Technically the Prime Minister of Malta is the leader of the PL, Joseph Muscat. I have come to the conclusion that this man is the leader of a gang of ‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’ supported by hordes of imbecilic soldier ants.

      Let us stop using the respectful terms of Prime Minister, PM etc in relation to Joseph Muscat. The use of these terms bestows an undeserved level of respect.

      Jo is the fascist leader of a fascist party and fascist governing regime.

      We must respect and utilise in full the democratic process – this does not entail showing undue respect to an enemy of democracy.

      As for the honourable leader of the opposition being ignored by some enemy of democracy, great: the Leader of the Opposition will know by now that civility and protocol will be continuously abused by the real enemies of the state, they will heap insults – the Opposition Leaders responsibility and duty is to establish a platform of beliefs and communicate this to 50% + of the Maltese electorate – quickly. There is a duty to affect this speedily to diminish and mitigate the damage being done to Malta and its people.

  4. Anthony says:

    To be quite honest I cannot blame him for attempting to divert attention to the leader of the Opposition.

    Barely twelve months in office and his government is in a shambles necessitating a reshuffle of unprecedented proportions. After just twelve months and a third of the cabinet is judged unfit for purpose by the same person who appointed it.

    What do you expect him to say, that he fucked up big time?

  5. Rover says:

    How right you are, Daphne.

    It’s 1971 all over again and it will be just as hard to rid ourselves of this rotten git.

  6. Cikku says:

    Ilu li beda jberraq imma din urugan. Jiġifieri issa lanqas se jagħti każ dak li jgħid il-kap tal-Oppożizzjoni.

    U jgħid iżda li huwa gvern li jisma’.

    Irid jagħmel biss dak li jrid hu. Jgħaddi gaffa minn fuq kulħadd. Sur Prim Ministru fejn tgħallimt kif tisma’?

  7. Peritocracy says:

    Not even St Aloysius’ College can turn a bonobo into a man.

  8. bob-a-job says:

    Spot the difference.

    No prizes.

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    So at last we know how he reproduces. Mitosis.

  10. Neil says:

    I think the site is in a state of abandonment, because the double photo and headline have been there for days. Since the MEPA decision on the LNG tanker I think, if not before.

  11. M. Cassar says:

    Translation of the caption: ‘I will not waste time on 43% of the population’ says the Taghna Llkoll proponent, because after all, that is who the leader of the opposition represents.

  12. FRAN says:

    Well it seems that the Gasans will do absolutely anything for MORE money – no principles whatsoever. Like father like son I guess. Joe, you should know by now that money does not buy you happiness or love for that matter.

  13. Tabatha White says:

    That tie again.

    That colour.

    Insipid light blue: not here, not there, not anywhere.

    As leader of the county only flying the LP flag?

    What should the rest of us do? apply elsewhere for asylum?

    Very much in line with dictatorial procedure.

    Very out of line for a democracy, even a sham of one.

    No context provided suggests this was the way conclusions should have gone. 2nd photo for emphasis.

    To have approved this projection and uttered it, is to have wanted it reported just as it was.

    How unfit for purpose.

    How petty.

    How lacking of any of the qualities that make a Statesman.

    What a fine example of how to “remove prejudices.”

    Any more empty words?

  14. kram says:

    The link has remained the same over 22 hours. So, can’t they write a story about the title, or are they ashamed to do so?

    • Tabatha White says:

      Perhaps it’s linked to sense of humour…pulling a fast one:

      two for one scenarios happening through the week.

  15. Joanna Vassallo says:

    The Opposition leader represents a substantial proportion of us, the electorate!

    I, for one, find that it is indeed very worrying that the prime minister has no time for the Opposition leader because it means he has no time for the opinions and views of a large section of Malta’s population.

    Simon Busuttil represents my views on many an occasion. How arrogant and undemocratic of the prime minister to utter such dismissive remarks.

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