If you want your government to listen to you, pop down to the nearest Labour Party club

Published: March 11, 2014 at 8:51pm

Manuel Mallia officials

manuel mallia

There’s no chance we might forget that Labour politicians make no distinction between party and government.

Now one of the newest recruits, Manuel ‘Blubber’ Mallia is out to prove himself a worthy member of the group by holding his ministerial meetings in Labour Party clubs. Oh, and only those in his electoral constituencies.

As part of the Gvern Li Jisma (The Listening Government) campaign, cabinet ministers are expected to schedule public meetings to communicate the government’s objectives and listen to the public’s complaints.

Those for Manuel Mallia’s Home Affairs Ministry will take place in Labour Party clubs.

Apart from the fact that this shows he is unable to distinguish between party and government, it also makes it obvious that the only people whose complaints (and no doubt, requests for favours) he is interested in hearing are those of Laburisti prepared to queue up at the party club, and those able to vote for him in the next general election.

17 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    I expected Manuel Mallia to hold his ministerial meetings at Montekristo, before or after a boxing event.

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    The bullfrog fears serious, critical questions? A typical example of a ‘bully’, who is really a coward.

  3. madgoal says:

    And it will not be the minister himself giving out favours and listening to complaints but ministry officials, paid by the public to serve Labour and Laburisti in Labour clubs.

    No wonder Manuel Mallia comes out in surveys as being thought the worst minister in this circus act of a government.

  4. Paul says:

    I expect catering for the event will be in the hands of the Police.

    • Weird no ? says:

      Speaking of catering Minister Mallia was in a Sliema Strand catering outlet lunch time last Saturday. He was with another man in a suit and a woman possibly Minister’s wife (Minister explains menu to lady). The driver goes straight to the restaurant manager with the “ara taqduhx malajr lill-Ministru please).

  5. socrates says:

    In the second photo, Mallia looks like a bleeping sheep.

  6. Allo Allo says:

    Kemm jiddobba u jwahhal dik it-tabella ‘Hawn jidhlu biss Laburisti’ minghand Debono Grech.

  7. Gahan says:

    Nixtieq nara lil Mawel diehel fil-kazin tal-Lejber ta’ Hal-Luqa.Bil-wisa’ l’hemm, biex jidhol hu nahseb anke l-barman ikollu johrog.

  8. Matthew S says:

    Aren’t the public officials paid from public coffers?

    How did Joseph Muscat say that the people assigned to Mallia’s ministry are not government employees?

    Unless I’m missing something, Muscat is blatantly lying in everyone’s face hoping to confuse people.

  9. Foggy says:

    This minister should be a prime candidate for dismissal from the Cabinet. He has done his utmost to undermine the police and AFM whilst committing blunders galore. In any mature democracy he would have been dismissed long ago.

  10. Manuel says:

    Back to the goltin jers when permits for colour TV’s were distributed at MLP clubs.

    I hope the Switchers and the Floaters are enjoying this.

  11. This minister goes out of his way to make a mockery of the slogan “Malta taghna lkoll”. Is this due to perversity or defiance?

  12. ciccio says:

    So will the Labour clubs be charging the government for services rendered?

    And what about the business these meetings will create at the bar?

    I hope they clean their clubs from any ‘white dust’ before these meetings – even if they only just sweep it under the carpet.

  13. Vigillanti says:

    Well hopefully, with the cabinet reshufle, he will be gone and not sorely missed.

    I have seen some dumb people in my day, but this guy takes the biscuit (leaving the biscuit tin free for his half a million in cash).

  14. Bugi_30 says:

    Well, in my opinion these meetings are more “Poplu li Jisma” meetings, because personally I have never ever seen any of the people present at these activities speak.

    It’s always the minister boasting about how good s/he is and the people listening like a bunch of twits.

    These activities are “Taht it-Tinda tal-PL” activities in disguise. And obviously, the people present are staunch labourites who are in need of a promotion or something.

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