Photo of the month

Published: March 1, 2014 at 12:59am

Humpty Dumpty has a great fall: the police minister and the corrupt despot’s heavily crafted daughter.

Leyla Aliyeva_Manuel Mallia

42 Comments Comment

  1. robert says:

    Love at first sight

    • Spock says:

      Mallia really is a boob man – though he’s ignoring Michelle’s . He can’t get his eyes off those ‘ heavily crafted ‘ knockers ; leering and practically salivating . Jaqq

      • ciccio says:

        It seems as if Henley & Something had marked Leyla’s application for a Maltese passport as “Rejected” and, in accordance with the new Legal Notice, the case was now being examined by the Minister personally.

  2. ciccio says:

    “As I was telling you, Hon. Minister, this is what you get when you spend 500,000 euros.”

  3. La Redoute says:

    At 46″ the police catering minister says it was a fantastic idea that the police cooked and served a banquet at Michelle’s palace:

  4. Are you still 'in'? says:

    A slight variation of a poster seen during a demonstration in Venezuela:

    They talk Socialism, court despotism and (try so very hard to) live like Capitalists.

    • Jozef says:

      These aren’t capitalists. They’re scumbags siphoning taxpayers’ money to live the life, sort of.

  5. Jozef says:

    Have to say, if Muscat thinks this one’s going under the radar he’s mistaken. It’s as if they know they’re stretching it and have no clue how to break the news.

    As for what happened to those immigrants this week, call it a dress rehearsal and footage to register in viewers’ minds.

    So rubber pellets are better than rubber bullets they said.

  6. canon says:

    Manwel Mallia’s smile is priceless.

  7. curious says:

    Mallia is way out of his league with this one. His age and appearance are a drawback and his five hundred thousand under the mattress won’t leave an impression.

    Min jaf kemm ghandha Faberge eggs, Manuel.

  8. QahbuMalti says:

    Michelle Muscat showing off her cleavage – such class for a prime minister’s wife. The Azeri kleptocrat look.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      As if you ain’t gonna notice the fat arse.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Did you notice that Aliyeva is shorter than Manuel Mallia, even in six-inch fuck-me platforms?

        As the man said, it’s all relative.

  9. PWG says:

    What a difference. The previous government transported Malta slowly but surely into the 21st century, erring at times on the way, but steadily building a sound reputation. These people think that they can quicken the pace by taking short cuts and mixing with the wrong company. How can the switchers, who may have had all the good intentions in the world when making the switch, continue to back this regime?

  10. Rocky says:

    Oh babe,

    This is what you get when I get my passport. You will see more of me.

  11. Tabatha White says:

    New Labour:

    No physical violence this time round.

    With Manwel kollox bil-pulit.

  12. Grezz says:

    Manuel Mallia: colpo di fulmine.

  13. Alexander Ball says:

    If it wasn’t for this blog, no-one in Malta would know about any of this.

  14. Gladio says:

    Why was the ‘Times’ photo of the police officer firing the rubber pellets shotgun not included with the photos of the week? I believe that this was an escalation in immigrants riot-handling by the police.

    Last November we had a police officer armed with a submachine gun during Caqnu’s enforcement action and now we have this case of the shooting of rubber pellets at rioting immigrants.

    Who’s next? Will the same weapons be used against us Maltese citizens as used to happen during Labour’s golden years?

    • Jozef says:

      Agreed, they said it was just warning shots when what he was doing was pointing it at people behind barred windows.

      As if these were a real risk.

  15. QahbuMalti says:

    Mrs Muscat’s cleavage so reminds me of her comment on Super One TV (Ilsien In-Nisa) about push-up bras making her look like a ‘baqra’.

  16. Anthony says:

    Malta’s ‘gauche caviar’.

  17. gorg says:


  18. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    Xi hlew.

  19. ciccio says:

    Azerbaijan’s Got Talent, 2014.

  20. gorg says:

    They’re both speechless.

    Must be lust at first sight.

  21. kev says:

    Michelle was alarmed by what the aide had just told her.

    “Allahares!” she exclaimed in desperation. “We were warned his colon will come unstuck if Cupid misfires again.”

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