The mayor of Zurrieq publishes photographs of Malta’s first transgender wedding

Published: March 28, 2014 at 10:26am

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Rachel Tabone Gilford_Natius Farrugia

Well, trust him – the name and identity of Malta’s first transgender bride have been kept concealed by the mainstream media, then all you have to do is go to the Facebook photo albums (set to ‘public’) of the attention-seeking mayor who conducted the ceremony, and everything is right there.

Except for the groom’s name – he’s there all right, the bald one, but nobody’s even bothering with him. It’s as though he’s the functional tool which makes Malta’s first transgender wedding possible.

Even the bride, a make-up artist called Rachel Tabone Gilford, writes and behaves on her Facebook page as though she married herself, a one-person coupling: “My marriage”, “my wedding”, “those who congratulated me”…no sign of the name or face of the man she married.

Says it all, really.

And is there something wrong with the mayor of Zurrieq? Most of the photos he uploaded feature him, as though he is the main protagonist of the occasion, the bride being a side issue.

Joanne Cassar, who curiously likes to be known for the fact that she is transgender, was there in a horrid electric blue satin ‘evening’, with that boyfriend of hers with the strange, fixed-stare eyes (I don’t think I’d be happy to meet him on a dark night).

Then there’s Marisa Schembri, who seems to have slipped right down the social ladder to end up exactly where she belonged to begin with.

Oh, and there’s Jo, the prime minister, in one of his ill-fitting suits, looking as weirdly camp as the mayor.

Is there anyone normal left in this country? It makes you long for lumberjack territory and plain living among men who think that a day’s entertainment involves putting on some old clothes and going out to shoot a moose.

Where was all this buried before all the shackles were thrown off? I mean, what were they actually doing in those villages beneath that tal-Muzew band club surface?

84 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Trust Natius Farrugia to screw up in more ways than one. What did he think he was doing putting on a shirt and tie under that sort of jacket?

  2. Manuel says:

    Within the year we will have the first transgender divorce case presented in our Law Courts. As you said, Daphne, it says it all.

    [Daphne – There is a statutory requirement of four years separation before you can file for divorce.]

  3. Timon of Athens says:

    With an 11 year old child, I’m seriously beginning to worry.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Send him off to boarding school in the UK. It’s the only way.

      • Timon of Athens says:

        That comment was meant for another page.

        Yes, that seems to be the only way. This island is fast becoming totally screwed up, where everything goes and nobody gives a hoot.

  4. Steff Bannister says:

    The trashification of a country gaining speed. From a country which had got as close to being regarded as European as it could possibly get, to one that reminds you of a developing African/Middle Eastern country. Take that last picture – every little details says it all.

    I get the impression that under Labour Malta strives to look more and more Arabic. As if to show Europeans that although we’ve got a seat next to Merkel’s and Cameron’s at the European Summit, we are as mischievous as we could possibly be.

    The Mintoff attitude all over again.

    But it doesn’t stop there. Take the faces appearing on government back-drops. Is it Beirut? Take this new movie that came out – why are the Maltese actors speaking in a funny Arabic accent?

    Even the lullaby that Clare Agius is singing to a baby is given an Arabic cadence, which is not at all present in Maltese. Show me a Maltese mother who sings like that to her baby and we’ll rush her to the Archaeology Museum.

    • Fucking hilarious says:

      I recommend you have a nice long chat with your psychiatrist. Only he or she can help you with your delusions and severe paranoia.

      As a concerned citizen, I wish you a speedy recovery, till then, farewell weirdo.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:


    • Timon of Athens says:

      Maltese wedding were always pompous.

    • mike desira says:

      So transgender marriages remind you of largely Muslim countries? The mind boggles…….try asking them what they think about such things, you are in for one hell of a surprise, mate.

      [Daphne – I think we’re talking here about the general scenario and the scene, and not about the couple themselves.]

    • Leanne Galea says:

      Oh god. Funny.

  5. Gahan says:

    Min jaf x’tiehu pjacir b’Nejxjis il-Madonna tal-Karmnu?

    M’hemmx aghar milli ikollok semi litterati imexxu istituzzjonijiet tal-pajjiz.

    Mistoqsija: Ma nafx jekk dik is-sala hijiex fil-limiti taz-Zurrieq, jista’ is-sindku izewweg barra mil-lokalita tieghu?

  6. Paola says:

    Kollha jidhru superficjali….. koroh…….imbaccin……. hwejjeg orrendi……..silicon etc etc.

    Veru jaqbdek id-dahq tarhom dawn r-ritratti. Flop iehor minn Natius Farrugia. Ahjar tmur tistahba x’imkien fejn lanqas il-bebbux ma jarak jew jersaq lejk.

    • Rosie says:

      Paola, sorry imma jien il-biki qieghed jaqbadni; filli konna 21st century u issa inhossni msiefer minghajr qatt ma tlaqt.

      Sejra nixtri kaxxa tissues ohra.

    • Leanne Galea says:

      Ma nafx alfejn importanti l perfezzjoni. Kemm adna lura f dal pajjiz. Hallu l haddiehor ikun kuntent!

  7. X says:

    One of the ‘women’ with her hand on Natius in the above photos was previously known, I believe, as James Borg, a transsexual who used to work at Bonett’s Toy Shop on Sliema’s Tower Road a couple of decades ago, and who moonlighted as a stripper at stag nights.

    Oh, and what is Mrs. Galea Pace’s connection with Natius? They seen quite pally in a photo above.

    • Dicky says:

      Xi wiehed hemm – hemm balla nisa kienu rgiel. Xejn hazin ta’ basta issa ma jaghmluhiex tal-bullies imma jhallu lin-nies li jridu jahdmu fuq l-abbuz tal-minuri, jkomplu b’xoghlhom ghax issa too much.

  8. Alex says:

    Is there anyone normal left in this country?

    Yes, us, the idiots who actually keep the economy going and work for the remaining 80% of the population.

  9. Carmelo Micallef says:

    This is a freak show.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    This mayor needs psychological help ASAP. He’s another one of those Maltese people suffering from severe personality disorders.

    Transfer the situation to a sane country: could someone imagine the wedding registrar or minister publishing the photos? That will land him or her with a big fine or in jail.

  11. Brum says:

    Where is Michelle Muscat? A transgender wedding with Zurrieq hamalli not high society enough for her?

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Natius’s nails in the first photo – priceless.

  13. U Le! says:

    Anyone spear me a minute?

  14. TROY says:

    What’s with that jacket he’s wearing?

  15. The chemist says:

    Harry Enfield would have torn this lot to shreds with his satire.

  16. Lomax says:

    How unethical. Why should the officiating (public) official publish the pictures of a totally private function? How totally and utterly unethical.

    As the Italians so eloquently put it: “la classe non e’ acqua”. Indeed, this is, in my view, what our government of today lacks – class.

    Even the wedding hall is tacky. As the Italians also say: Il troppo stroppia.

    What a horrid, horrid affair.

  17. Lomax says:

    By the way, who is Marisa Schembri? The name sort of rings a bell but I cannot pin it down to one of our illustrissimi VIPs.

    [Daphne – Who is Marisa Schembri? Exactly right.]

  18. WhoamI? says:

    That newlywed husband strikes me as someone of the “F’o** il-pufti” type.

    Wow, what a show. Go Nejxis, go! Liebes id-damask tal-knisja u fih daqs gwardarobba.

  19. Kif inhi din? says:

    Some think it is progressive and liberal; others call it vulgar and obscene.

  20. TinaB says:

    Mamma mia xi kruha ta’ nies, u ta’ lbies!

    Jo jidher qiesu ghandu bzonn urgenti jmur sal kamra l-baxxa. Tghid iffanga bil “epitazers” u fethuh?

  21. Mark says:

    One of the many problems of this is that Natius Farrugia behaved as if he was one of the guests and a show-stealing (well …) one at that.

    His outfit, the swanning about on Facebook, and so on, are all about that. He seems to have forgotten that he was there as a public official.

  22. Persil says:

    And how big he has grown! when he worked at the hospital he was more slim. What next after this marriage?

  23. simca says:

    “i have a spear minute to take all….”. wow Rachel. what would you mange to do if you have a “spear” hour?

  24. Frans Cassar says:

    This country is fast sinking into absurdity. Trash, you can only see trash around. I feel very sorry and ashamed for my own village but we get what we vote for ‘imbarazz’.

  25. Timon of Athens says:

    Did this Joanne seriously think she looks good in that attire?

    She looks more like a wax figure to me, or one of the transvestites on “Little Britain”

    What a circus.

  26. Dicky Cliffs says:

    Meta Malta mimlija problemi bhalissa – mietet tifla ta’ 15 il senai f’kazijiet ta’ negligenza kbira li ghad Malta trid tara bhala, LNG fis-sawt, qaghad, gholi tal-hajja, traffiku u tniggiz kullimkien, basta gejjin bl-arja nadifa, meritokazija my sieqi, niccelebraw l-ovvju…

    Dawn ilhom pogguti ma’ xulxin is-snin. Kull ma bidlulhom fil Mr and Mr.

    Xejn specjali.

  27. Makjavel says:

    Fiex waqghu iz Zrieraq!

    Dawn huma l-istess Zrieraq li jekk issemilhom lill Santa Katerina jew lill tal-Karmnu, issaqsu ta’ min int?

    Imisshom jisthu jergghu itellawh sindku.

  28. Jozef says:

    ‘…..The Economy Minister did not bind himself to an exact date as to when the scheme will be launched, a fact that is worrying the education industry.

    “We cannot continue to wait around without having a date. The number of applicants are markedly down as people are determined to play the waiting game in order to benefit from the credits,” one owner of an education institute said.

    Neither of the two persons who spoke to The Malta Independent wished to be quoted by name for fear of reprisal by the government……’

    Reprisal by the government, as if that’s something to expect. I’m afraid Muscat’s solemn promise he’ll be there to interject didn’t suffice.

    The more time passes, the wider the alienation. On Times of Malta opinion poll; 64% do not agree with the decision taken for Delimara.

  29. Volley says:

    I really ‘like’ her English.

  30. Thomas says:

    Sorry to have to put this so bluntly, but WTF is he wearing there? The last time I saw anyone wearing one of those jackets, it was a student trying to sell me opera tickets in Vienna just outside the opera house.

    He has hit rock bottom, and now he is starting to dig.

  31. Dez says:

    This low-class mayor represents those who elected him. His town must be either desperate or on the same wavelength. The latter is my guess.

    • Gahan says:

      He represents Madonna tal-Karmnu supporters.

      In Zurrieq the feasts are given first priority over anything else.

      Some villagers live for their feast; they are like Brazilians who live for the Rio carnival.

      The Mount Carmel supporters voted en bloc for the feast’s cheer leader who on the feast day is seen reciting poems to the statue of our Lady of Mount Carmel on the Zurrieq church parvis.

      Didn’t the Rabat (Gozo) people vote for the latrine attendant and his Rock Party to be their mayor?

      The people of Zurrieq preferred a semi-literate library assistant to be their first citizen.

      Popularity ruins democracy.

  32. Ruth says:

    Just over a year since the elections and here we are, crashed and splashed against the wall big time. ‘Gas down gol-hajt’ like it was predicted.

    Is almost everyone going mad in this country? Feels like we’ve been cursed by some evil thing.

  33. il-Ginger says:

    I wonder what’s next – a San Francisco style parade in Zurrieq.

    “That’s so fresh, someone dressed up as a Pokemon.”

    “Er … I don’t think that’s a Pokemon, Jo.”

    “Wake up and smell the coffee coconut, isn’t that Jigglypuff?”

    “No, I think that’s the mayor of Zurrieq.”

  34. observer says:

    “I have a SPEAR minute to TAKE all the people involved in some way in preparation to my wedding day….”

    Natius tops the list.

    Did the bride, by any chance, have a SWORD, LANCE and SHIELD too (not to forget the charger)?

    And ‘she’ must have had an awful lot of space to TAKE Natius and all the others involved without yelling ‘FULL UP, CHALLIE’ in the traditional pre-Arriva driver’s friendly grunt, at some point.

  35. Sister Ray says:

    Rosie and Miss Rayon jonqos.

  36. Beingpressed says:

    Was Mrs Muscat in attendance or was it boys only?

  37. edgar says:

    And these wanke*s all have a vote.

  38. CM says:

    Is it the suit being to small or badly fitting? Joseph Muscat looks like a circus chimpanzee.

  39. Harry Purdie says:

    Has Marisa been to see JPO again? Can’t even smile now, probably worried her face would fall off. Sad.

  40. Sister Ray says:

    necklace x 4 … neckless x 4

  41. Timon of Athens says:

    Is that a dressing-gown cum (sorry..) house-coat the Mayor is wearing?

  42. Rosie says:

    What is wrong with the guy in the 2nd picture?

  43. lablaba says:

    X’waħda din, jien fl-istess pajjiż ma’ dawn ngħix?

  44. Claude Sciberras says:

    Why are bride and groom so far apart?

  45. Shame says:

    x misthija ta nies… jistaw ikunu koroh, hoxnin u mimlijin silicon imma kull min qed jikkumenta hawn b dan il mod vera bla qalb! hallu in nies jghixu bil kwiet ghax ma ggibux ir ritratti ta tieg takhom ha nidqhu ftit !!! qatta imdejqin tinfexxu f hajjet haddiehor… u min ikkumenta fuq id divorzju ahjar taraw familtkhom u kemm hawn nisa u rigiel ikornukhom minn taht… min jidhaq l ahhar jidhaq l iktar…

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Hallu n-nies jghixu bil-kwiet meta stiednu l-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta nnifsu ghat-tieg wara kampanja pubblika fejn il-mistiedna Joanne Cassar kienet l-ispokeswoman u l-poster girl? Il-veru low-key wedding, hux tassew.

      X’idea idjotika Maltija: Irrid inkun celebrity, irrid ingawdi u rrid il-prosit, imma tikkummentawx fuqi.

      • Shame says:

        Nistiednek itella ir ritratti ta tieg tieghek jew tal familjari tieghek ha nidqhu tnejn mela!! ha naraw kemm kontu qedin sew!! Ahjar tharsu lejkhom qabel tparlaw fuq haddiehor.

    • Timon of Athens says:

      Sfortunatament ghalik, Shame, ahna ma nhobbux nidrhu, biex jarana kullhadd fuq Facebook u naqghu ghac-cajt (ma nuzax kelma ghadattata ghal prudenza).

  46. J Abela says:

    What is ‘normal’? I don’t think there’s such a thing.

    [Daphne – For heaven’s sake, of course there is. Are we going to have to get into a debate about this now? Civilised society has entire bodies of law, systems, authorities, regulations – all growing out of a consensus, reached with great difficulty over centuries, as to what is normal. What do you think those systems and laws are all about, if not normality? Nobody cares about the harmless eccentric. But there are most definitely reasons why some forms of behaviour are viewed with suspicion and anxiety.]

  47. kev says:

    I think I’ve been away far too long, but is this contemporary high society in the ArchiMaltipelago, or is it Paris just before they stormed the Bastille?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Fancy not knowing your own Maltafly target audience, Kev.

      • kev says:

        Not anymore, Baxxter. It’s been 11 years already and the which-side-of-the-egg argument has developed into an omelette-with-cheese-peas-or-jam issue.

  48. Celtic Girl says:

    Oh dear, xi dwejjaq ta’ nies! That pompous fool in the brown jacket is absolutely hideous. And Bridezilla herself can barely write in English. I so feel the poor idiot she married was just a status for “her” wedding day.

  49. B_A :).. says:

    just to say u nahseb li tafuwha!!!


    Still proud & honored that I was part of that wedding :)…
    wonderful wedding and congratulations again to my aunt for organizing and have the COURAGE to be the FIRST to get married :).


    [Daphne – Your aunt is by no means the first to get married.]

  50. B.B says:

    Dak it-tieg taz-zija
    Hadd ma jikmandalha il-hajja privata taghha ghax lilkom hadd ma jikmandalkom hajjitkom …….WE ARE PROUD !!!!!!!!!!


    [Daphne – You are not proud. You are defiant. You people have never understood the verbal or conceptual difference between the two. That is why there is no word for ‘defiant’ in Maltese. ‘Tisfida’ means defiance in the sense of challenge, which is different. ‘Proud’ presupposes dignity, which you and your ilk consummately lack.]

    • Dicky Cliffs says:

      Kun proud kemm trid B.B. Jien proud hafna li ghandi serp gos-swimming pool – nitimghu, niehu hsiebu u kultant nohorgu ftit, imma ma taranix noqghod nehodlu r-ritratti, nitfaghhom Facebook, naghmel parties biex jigu jarawh. Nista kieku irrid ghax proud hafna.

      Das-serp qam iktar minn dak it-tieg u l-operations kollha biex minn ragel issir mara – u f’Malta had qatt ma tani one cent biex nghijjex lil das-serp, biex inzommu, biex inmantnih kif Roderick Galdes jghin l-ghaqdiet ta’ l-annimali l-ohra.

      Allura noqghod neqred jew nintefa Kastilja sakemm jghaddu xi ligi biex min ghandu serp jigi ikkalkulat ukoll? Mhux ghazla tieghi li jkolli serp?

      L-istess l-ghazla taghhom li nbiddlu imma issa hej, let’s move on.

      Ma tahsibx li Malta, bhala pajjiz, m’ghandhiex tieqaf fuq l-ebda change in circumstance ghax hawn xeba problems bhalissa, tipo tfal, minuri, li jmutu u qisu hadd ma jimpurtah?

      Anzi jitfghu il-kondoljanzi fuq l-Facebook u l-mewt ta’ tfajla qisu xi bicca mill-film Dallas ta’ l-80s.

      Mhux ahjar niffokaw fuq l-urgenti?

  51. Leanne Galea says:

    I cant believe how many ignorant people there are still in this country. Live and let live! And who does she think she is?! She doesnt have the right to say what is and whats not normal. I prefer being not normal than being a stupid, boring assface. Maybe everyone should just mind their own fuckin business and try to be happy with their own lives…instead of wasting it sniffing in other peoples lives! And most of all judging people they dont even know. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    • Dicky Cliffs says:

      Nistaqsi: X’inhi l-injuranza?

      Li Malta tieqaf ghax sar tieg? Li Malta tkompli tieqaf ghal kull tieg li ha jsir?

      Nistaqsi: Min hu l-injurant?

      Min jammetti ma’ Malta kollha li ghamel sex-change u ried jghid lil Malta li zzewweg? Id-diversita sabiha, tifhimx hazin, imam bhal f’kull haga jekk ser toqghodu tghixu qiskom Dallas, ser iddejjqu lin-nies bl-istil Facebookjan taghkom ghax qisu qed tghid li t-tieg, il-libsa, il-ministru, u l-ministeru u min zewwiggkom huma l-iktar affarijiet eghziez u mhux l-imhabba li fqajtuli demgha daqs kemm ilkom, tghidu li thobbu.

      Tridu tiddeciedu – l-imhabba hi tassew dak li tridu? jew il-pulcinellati li jemmnu fihom xeba nies etero sesswali jigifieri, tieg ta’ veru, kbir u hekk,imbaghad bil kemm jafu x’jismu r ragel?

  52. N G says:

    probably most of the people who commentef dont even have a clue of who she is but as long as you are all perfect you can judge all you want especially you Daphne,you never seize to amaze me..and Daphne if you have a grudge against Natius you dont have to involve others.. i would just like to see whoever commented’s reactions if one of your children turned out to be gay or trans..bunch of ignorant people

  53. Dicky Cliffs says:

    You’re missing the point.

    Thousands of people get married everyday and concentrate on that one important thing – Love.

    I suppose, they marry each other because they know they’re going to love till it hurts and all that.

    The photos upstairs speak volumes. I get the feeling the ceremony was very political. I hope I’m wrong because love and politics don’t go together.

    May the couple enjoy each others’ lives and lets talk in 20 years’ time when hopefully they’ll be telling us their marriage in 2014 worked / is working still after 20 years.

    Unlike some heteros whose marriage isn’t making it that far.

  54. charlene says:

    If you disagree with this marriage or anything you have all the rights, but to criticize anyone’s appearances is unjust. I mean is that what marriage means to you, being with a person for just his looks? if beauty and being perfect is so important to you, then go fix yourself at the first place because you’re not a diva either.

  55. Calculator says:

    I wonder, with the bride’s egocentric attitude, if we’re also looking at the first transgender divorcee in Malta.

  56. jacky says:

    I have been reading the above comments ! unbelievable how much jealousy there is in your comments ! I know the bride personally and now her husband , I bet each one of looks so ugly that you look at others , and critic them so you can feel good , I only tell you one thing , she is absolutely a stunning woman and have an outrageous body , if I wasn’t married I would want her to my self ,she is tall and so slim.

    PS. she have not a gram of silicon in her body or face ,like you are saying believe me, to make it clear , I know her since child hood and she always looked like that ! by the way she is 45yrs I hope you look like that at her age ,
    One last thing they have been together for 13 yrs and hope for many more years as they are so much in love and happy even after all those yrs no one will make them change their love & happiness
    I wish you could have just a friction of her happy life she lives ! she is so an out going person and down to earth ,when I told her that they wrote a block about her , she laughed her ass of and told me , what we did was just for me and my husband and no one else , and a glass of water who is dying with thirst , I don’t want to know if they want to tell me something they can come and tell me in my face other wise their words go in my ass , I bet half of or more of you are single, separated or wondering what your partner is doing …lol you all lunatics

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