Another great headline today in The Guardian today: ‘Malta is bird hell’

Published: April 28, 2014 at 2:03pm

Guardian Monday 28 April 2014

9 Comments Comment

  1. MF says:

    ” Oh you’re from Malta, are ya? You like shooting birds down there, don’t ya?”

    Had this statement or similar aimed toward me around 10 times in pubs/work in the last week here in UK.

    Great time to be proud of being Maltese here.

    [Daphne – Well, it makes a change from being asked whether you’ve got a passport for sale.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I went from “You’re the Arab and Palestinian-lovers” to “Oh, you’re the ones who can’t divorce” to “You’re the ungrateful ones who got into Europe by cheating” to “You’re the obese ones” to “You’re the ones who sent a seagull to Eurovision” to “You’re the ones selling passports” to this. Soon it will be “How’s your new Chinese president?”

  2. ciccio says:

    So has the Minister for the Protection of Animals filed a request with the EU for a derogation (read “technical loophole”) on the trapping of certain bird species in the Autumn as he had promised?

    It would be good to know before the May 24th MEP elections. Should give those ‘journalists’ at Ta’ Times something to do.

  3. PWG says:

    During question time at the Badawi lecture on journalism this morning, a fellow Briton tried to involve her in the hunting controversy, in an apparent attempt to gain Badawi’s support.

    It backfired badly. Not only did she drag in the fox-hunting issue but countered that at least the Maltese hunters ate the quails they shot down. My feelings are that it was her way of telling this guy that his question was out of order.

    • Artemis says:

      Fox-hunting has, at long last, been banned in England. Bull-baiting, bear-baiting and cock-fighting were banned many years ago.

      However, Chris Packham has bigger cojones than Joey Muscat for standing up to these sad people who shoot our feathered friends.

      This year I shall not be voting for Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest as I would normally do. Neither are my family and friends.

      I have also been told by many British people that they will boycott Malta until this massacre of birds is stopped.

      Before I get shot down in flames I would like to point out that I have dual Maltese/British citizenship and it gives me great pain to see fellow citizens in Malta behaving with such ignorant, selfish arrogance in shooting down these migratory birds. They do not belong to Malta, or to anyone or anything else.

  4. says:

    I am not sure Mr Engerer is one of the favourites so I am not concerned about him being elected. What shocks me is that he is trying to win over votes by promoting hunting. Any sadder than this. I read Artemis post and I agree with him. I am Maltese living overseas and for this reason (and others for that matter) I will certainly not vote in the Eurovision this year.

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