Can Joe Azzopardi be any more craven?

Published: April 12, 2014 at 5:22am

Times of Malta reported a couple of days ago:

An Employment Commission heard today how Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had warned Xarabank producers Norman Vella and Peppi Azzopardi that he would pay them back if they were unfair with the Labour Party.

Xarabank presenter Peppi Azzopardi confirmed how during a meeting prior to the second debate between Dr Muscat and then Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Dr Muscat had said: “For every blow that we feel you are striking the Labour Party, I will strike you twice, with all my strength, under the belt.”

Earlier, Mr Vella’s lawyer Andrew Borg Cardona had read out the above phrase at the tribunal.

However, the version he read out ended with the words “where it hurts”.

Mr Azzopardi called this evening to clarify that the words “where it hurts” were “an invention”.

He said that when testifying during a hearing on a case filed by Mr Vella against Dr Muscat in which he is claiming political discrimination in the way he was re-deployed from PBS, the lawyer had purposely left out these words when confirming the exchange.

Mr Azzopardi also clarified that the comment was made in the context of an imbalance Dr Muscat had claimed he had suffered during a programme Bondi+, also produced by the company Where’s Everybody.

For God’s sake, did Joe Azzopardi (let’s cut out this Peppi crap) really have to ring Times of Malta to say that the words ‘where it hurts’ were an “invention” because what Joseph Muscat really said was “below the belt”?

He always was a craven, double-dealing coward with the linguistic skills of one of the cabbages in his audience, but this is really the limit.

“Where it hurts” and “below the belt” mean one and same thing: both are code for a blow to the family jewels. The fact that with many men in Malta the main thing below the belt is a large belly does not obscure the real meaning of the expression.

A kick below the belt is a kick in the balls. And that is why the expression ‘below the belt’ is not used for women, except by the truly ignorant.

In any case, was Muscat speaking English? Or did he translate literally as he tends to do: ‘taht ic-cinturin’?

While I’m on the subject of Joe Azzopardi, I think it’s time he packs up and calls it a day. He’s now got these half-mad staring eyes that he opens wide with an effort and fixes unblinkingly on the camera which, with his mad hair and vastly increased weight, make him look like somebody who has smuggled himself out of a mental asylum and somehow found himself in a studio holding a clipboard.

His speech is slowing, his thoughts are slowing faster, he seems to be in a half-daze sometimes and barely knows what to ask next. The ‘debate’ between the PM and the Opposition leader was a case in point. He was a total shambles.

And then we have the subject matter, now that he can’t tackle the real issues in case Muscat kicks him below the belt: Jerry Springer meets the tedium of Maltese village life and eats himself supine on pastizzi and tragedji.

This is the best we can do, the best we can expect.

46 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    During the last two days Joe Azzopardi tried to convince (uselessly) the non-idiot public on Facebook that Xarabank is still the same and that there is no censorship.

    He (and Bondi) are really shallow people with no principles, greedy as greedy can be, or utter idiots. He claims that current issues were tackled just because there was a debate between two political leaders.

  2. Daisy says:

    Even his answers on Facebook seem those of a Labour stooge. Come on, we are much more intelligent than what he thinks we are. He is trying to convince us that his Xarabank is the same as it was before, with heated political arguments.

  3. canon says:

    Slowly and surely Joe Azzopardi is losing credibility.

  4. Francesca says:

    Last night I watched Xarabank for the first time in a long while. I am convinced that Joe Azzopardi is not quite right. It seems as if he is on strong medication.

    From a controversial show it’s become a very pro Labour (every time he mentions the PM the audience starts to applaud) boring affair. Azzopardi sold his soul for this? So pathetic.

  5. Neo says:

    Actually, the term ‘below the belt’ also refers to the fact that in boxing and similar sports punches thrown below the belt are deemed unfair and contrary to sportsmanship, that is, being hit in a place one would not expect.

    Given Muscat’s mentality, this is probably the meaning that he originally intended.

  6. Joe Micallef says:

    The explanation of Joe’s hilarious clarification can only be understood if it is a self confession of him being metaphorically “bla bajd”

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It warms one’s heart to know that one is not alone.

  8. Finding Nemo says:

    The reason why Mr Azzopardi does not know that “where it hurts” and “below the belt” mean a kick in the balls is because he doesn’t have any.

  9. Vagabond King says:

    Lou Bondi had his price and so does Joe Azzopardi.

    The two biggest ass-kissers on this island; honestly, always thought as much.

    Take Lou Bondi for instance; he spent years in Canada while Malta was gong through hell in the eighties and then right after the 1987 election, he returns triumphantly to Malta to a cushy job handed to him on a plate at the Nationalist Party.

  10. pablo says:

    Self-castration can be, at times, in one’s self interest.

  11. Gahan says:

    Daqqa taħt iċ-ċintorin, jiena nifhima li tkun daqqa ta’ ponn kontra ir-regolamenti (tal-“boxing” bejn l-irġiel), li tista’ tgħotor lil min jaqlgħha u ma jqumx għal oħra warajha.

  12. Calculator says:

    My family has always made the decision to boycott ‘Xarabank’ at all costs, even when not covering topics of public/national interest. Azzopardi’s behaviour just confirms it has always been the right choice.

  13. gigi says:

    I have waited in vain for Xarabank to go to Washington (Plymoth) and make a programme regarding the LNG explosion.

  14. WOW says:

    Xarabank needs a VRT and a failed certificate.It is well past its `roadworthy`date.I really pity those who still watch this programe.It tries to capture audiences by giving freebies

  15. Robert says:

    It seems to me that the PN will spend at least another 7 years as the opposition party.

  16. bob-a-job says:

    If Norman Vella doesn’t make it to MEP status I would give him a programme on NET TV on Friday evenings and watch Xarabank figures evaporate.

    It’s time for Joe Azzopardi to back to his locker. It’s well past his sell by date.

    Moreover, it’s about time TVM is relegated to what it has become – Super Two

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      A lucrative prize for the loser. How very Maltese.

      If Norman Vella fails to get elected he can always go back to his normal job, like the rest of us. No more iced buns.

  17. No brain No pain says:

    Chewing a gum throughout his programmes, which on occasion he sticks very evidently to the gum adjacent to his right cheek, increases Joe Azzopardi’s appeal only with the cabbage community following his show.

    It’s clearly high time he quit the scene, doing us all a favour, and himself too as the stress is telling on him now.

  18. matt says:

    If they were truly in search of the truth and good journalism, Joe Azzopardi and Lou Bondi would have moved their shows to another station. Their audience would have followed.

  19. Spiru says:

    My dad’s been describing him as an opportunist since his time with Zghazagh Taht L-art or was it Tan-Numri?

  20. Rahal says:

    Azzopardi is humiliated and conquered. He has been subdued by Muscat, who will not have Azzopardi aggressively criticising his performance during the first term in office – so this must be a scheme to neutralise this important media.

    But Azzopardi knows that his inertia could penalise him into oblivion.

  21. Jozef says:

    The under (the belt) dog

  22. ciccio says:

    “While I’m on the subject of Joe Azzopardi, I think it’s time he packs up and calls it a day. He’s now got these half-mad staring eyes that he opens wide with an effort and fixes unblinkingly on the camera which, with his mad hair and vastly increased weight, make him look like somebody who has smuggled himself out of a mental asylum and somehow found himself in a studio holding a clipboard.”

    I love it when somebody else sees the same things that I see.

    Xarabank. Oh eh oh, oh eh oh. Xarabank.

    • A. Charles says:

      Azzopardi has a family to support.

      [Daphne – His wife is a working woman and he has just the one son, who is no longer a child. Also, his wife is a generation his junior – at least 20 years, as I recall – and will be the one supporting him before long as he has reached pensionable age.]

  23. Augustus says:

    I used to admire Joe Azzopardi and Lou Bondi because I always thought that they are made of iron, but when the government changed they melted like a candle.

    I should have learned a lesson from Mistragate because at that time I was sure that JPO wasn’t guilty.

  24. Ray says:

    Joe Azzopardi hasn’t got any balls. That’s why a kick below the belt is irrelevant to him, and also why he had to clarify the statement.

  25. TROY says:

    Fejn hu Lou Bondi?

    When the going gets tough, he hides under Muscat’s skirt.

    Dawn kienu s-suldati tal-PN?

    • Giraffa says:

      Does anybody remember when, before the last election, during a programme where Lou Bondi was quizzing Muscat (I remembered that I had noted that Bondi was very weak compared to his normally aggressive style) Muscat finished the programme by telling him that one day he will get him to vote Labour. Does anyone have a link to the YouTube video?

  26. Jozef says:

    How’s that for being of the people, or better, how’s that for keeping Muscat out of trouble?

  27. Jozef says:

    The chairman of the MTA, the chairman of Enemalta and the boss at PBS want some more.

    Highly unlikely they’ll give up their current position.

  28. P Shaw says:

    There was a ‘red-flag’ event a few years ago that the PN should have taken in consideration. Joe Azzopardi willingly participated in a stage-managed event organized by the MLP that is the drafting of rules to the Super One crew on ethics, professionalism, etc.

    Now, we all know that explaining ethics to a Super One reporter is liking asking a paedophile not to touch another child again. It simply can never happen.

    So why did he participate in that farce – did he strike a deal with Joseph Muscat there and then? All the editions of Xarabank during the last three years of the PN administration, and the topics chosen, have to be seen and scrutinized in this context.

    [Daphne – The only context you need is that Joe Azzopardi voted Labour in 1996, which meant a vote against EU membership for Malta and a vote for the removal of VAT and a vote to make Sant prime minister.]

  29. observer says:

    Dear Daphne

    I’m afraid I cannot answer your headline question.

    I must admit that, at a great disadvantage to my education and general culture, it has been ages ago since I watched Xarabank. It was the second time I did it in the programme’s ‘glorious’ history.

    I therefore plead guilty to my utter ignorance of the contents, value, and methods of the programme and of the merits of its presenter.

  30. Nik says:

    Peppi Azzopardi: from agitator to prop of the establishment. what a disappointment. Lou Bondi: total sellout.

  31. John Higgins says:

    I totally agree with Bob a Job that Norman Vella should be given a programme on Net TV on Fridays should he not be elected to the European Parliament. He is much more interesting than Joe Azzopardi and his show wouldn’t have the hammallagni of Xarabank.

  32. Xejn sew says:

    Peppi Taghna Lkoll.

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