Facebook: always there to make you despair about who gets to decide your future

Published: April 20, 2014 at 12:48am

Does Christ rise today or tomorrow, this lady asked her Facebook friends on the Saturday sandwiched cunningly between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Well, Rita, it all depends on how much he drank last night and what time he got in. If he’s not snoring that loudly, he just might be up in time for lunch.

And all the replies she gets are about figolli, and not one of her sweet friends asks why she thinks it’s called Easter Sunday and what exactly all those RE classes and Muzew taught her.

Easter 2

72 Comments Comment

  1. wow says:

    Jien ma niflahx iktar.

  2. Jozef says:

    Fit-tielet jum Rita,

    ibda, il-gimgha l-ewwel, is-Sibt it-tieni…….

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Sorry to dampen Rita’s spirits, but given the way things have been going, did he rise at all?

  4. ciccio says:

    All right, so here we have one of this year’s Gieh ir-Republika nominations.


    Ira Losco’s reign at Gensna is going to be short-lived.

  5. P Shaw says:

    Maybe she is eager to gulp all those figolli. She can’t wait until Sunday.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    The rise depends mainly on factors such as temperature, proofing time and type of rising agent. During the bake avoid opening the oven door too early otherwise your Christ will sink.

  7. kev says:

    You must have missed this clip, Lady Deafley. It’s a RAI hit job against ‘greedy, super-rich Malta’, a pirate member state that makes a living off gambling and tax evasion, welcomes the rich and their super yachts, and locks up poor immigrants on cranky boats – to which a beaming Sajmint Buzuttin responds, ‘non si puo’ inkompli sejrin hekk.


    Aħleb Ġuż! Għal kollox għad irridu npattu. Anki talli għandna Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni nofs kedda.

    [Daphne – Actually, I had uploaded on this site immediately. You must have missed it, Kevin.]

  8. arguzin says:

    Picture her in a quiz booth clutching at her headphones and asking the presenter the immortal question synonymous with Maltese ineptitude: “Tista tghinni ftit?”

  9. Weird no ? says:

    Winston Churchill : “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

  10. Melissa says:

    And she asked the wrong people……

  11. Helen says:

    Relax. At least she knows she is stupid.

  12. etil says:

    They are so stupid that they are almost bragging how ignorant they really are. and proud of it too.

  13. Painter says:

    Perhaps she is one of those militant atheists who gets offended by the word ‘Christmas’. Or she doesn’t know how to do a basic Google search query.

  14. Genius says:

    It’s a tricky question because in those days, the day ended at sunset. That is why Muslims break their fasting at night during Ramadan and that is why we celebrate mass on the eve, because 8pm on Saturday is equivalent to the beginning of Sunday!

  15. Stupido says:

    Christ rose today, Rita, mainly to save ignorant people like yourself, from getting stupider.

  16. just me says:

    Dear Daphne, I would like to wish you and your family a happy Easter. Best wishes to you and your loved ones.

  17. Vagabond King says:

    This has nothing to do with the subject matter of the entry above but I feel it is important. According to the Independent on Sunday, we have 159 new citizens, generating a possible revenue for Malta of €103 million.

    A few weeks ago Vanessa McDonald reported in the Business section of Times of Malta that a much smaller number (less than 10 I believe) of citizens’ applications that have been accepted. What is going on? And what about publishing the names?

  18. JX says:

    Well, technically speaking, if he died/was killed around 1500 on Friday, and according to what we were taught at Duttrina, he rose on the third day, then I suppose Easter should be celebrated on a Monday.

    The disciples/apostles found this out on a morning, so the rolled stone must have been discovered on a Tuesday, since Monday morning would have been far too early.
    Hope this clarifies.

  19. Harry Worth says:

    Nahseb ahjar komplejtha Jozef … Il-Hadd it-tielet jum …. Ma tmurx tinfixel miskina Rita … Bilhaqq qaddisha tal -impossibbli

  20. Calculator says:

    And some people wonder why Labour could ever get elected.

  21. Sister Ray says:

    There you go Rita dear. As long as we’re talking about the same “christ”. http://www.lookingtojesus.com/resources/Saturday+or+Sunday.pdf

  22. Bella Patria says:

    Auguri to you and yours.

  23. Albert Floyd says:

    I gave up a long time ago.

  24. Maltri says:

    Ah! Tricky question.

    The answer is Neither.

    He is allegedly risen 1981 years ago and it is generally believed that he still alive even till the last couple days. One tragic death is enough for all eternity.

    One more thing, at the time of the Great event, most probably it was still Saturday on this time Zone.

    Well done Rita for the brain teaser.

  25. Desmond says:

    I’m off to shoot myself. Goodbye

  26. Simon says:

    Well at least she knows it”s a stupid question.

  27. P Bonnici says:

    Come on Daphne, don’t be so hard on this lady, at least she writes good English.

  28. Anthony says:

    Nahseb Rita ma kienetx tkun attenta ghal-lezzjoni tal-Muzew

  29. L.Gatt says:

    I saw the post. I think she actually posted it on Salott. There’s worse on Facebook, trust me.

  30. ursula says:

    Parti mill-kredu:

    ‘Miet u difnuh, u wara t tielet jum qam minn bejn l imwiet….’

    Forsi kienet sejra l-vigili tal-Ghid, il-funzjoni tas-Sibt fl-ghaxija….mal-ghaxra ta’ bil-lejl Kristu jigi dikjarat ‘rxoxt’, forsi ghalhekk tfixklet.

  31. Joseph Borg says:

    u dawn in-nies ghandom il-vot.

  32. Harry Purdie says:

    So sad, so stupid, so scary.

  33. Cityblu says:

    Ghal min tela t-telgha l-Mulej.

  34. ghalgolhajt.com says:

    F’dawn iz-zmienijiet ma jistax ma jigix f’mohhi kif kienu jghidu dari…”Jahasra ghal min isallab Kristu! “

  35. Ruth says:

    Ara ghal min issallab Alla!

    Almenu taf li mistoqsija stupida.

  36. mario c says:

    Ma x’biza!

  37. Chris says:


    [Daphne – It’s actually not ‘three days’ but ‘on the third day’, which is different.]

  38. Gaetano Borg says:

    Ghalhekk ma tridx tohodha bi kbira, jew tiskanta, li hemm il-Partit Laburista fil-gvern.

  39. Jozef says:


    Now is the time to address the long standing unmentionable taboo.

    The one unifying factor which every Nationalist voter understands, a center right perspective which encompasses both factions making them complementary. A perspective made of a particular social background and/or its signifiers, something Muscat wistfully calls ‘middle class’.

    Every article, editorial and whatnot seems anxious with the PN’s catharsis, moderating factions and their identifying axioms. It’s as if the PN must remain the moral, practical and original authority in Maltese politics.

    Doesn’t reflect well on Muscat.

    Comments and articles aren’t about his ‘victory’, more about why Busuttil chose an uncomfortable stance. I take it some are actually disappointed at the petulant attempt to legitimacy by the party machine.

    It will only be commendable how Busuttil in the end wasn’t moved to political convenience only when these understand they can’t follow Muscat’s hotch potch of a ‘movement’.

    Ideas can be ordered, perspective trained and cohesion attained. Muscat has his method to tame extremisms, kill political discourse with snide tactics.

    That’s because he doesn’t have what it takes to do what, everyone implies, subtly or otherwise, remains the PN’s reserve, rightful thinking producing adequate policy.

    Just look at the cacophonic frenzy to blame a preconceived caricature of a ‘confessional’ PN to justify Muscat’s insidious and intentionally ignored claim on the privilege to arbitrary decision making.

    As long as Malta remains the ultimate nanny state, rationality won’t be recognised as key to the state.

    Guess who can’t afford that. He’s doing everything to keep politics away from that space, weighed down he is with inherent contradictions and paradox.

    It’s a vast empty space ready for the taking. Britain’s current example could help.

    • Jozef says:

      Another one who can’t get by without the PN.

      The fundamental problem with the movement remains. That which cannot be defined cannot be known. Perhaps Josanne Cassar should delve into what’s limiting, in the public perspective of which she forms part of its manufacture, the PN to remain wary of the unknown.

      Not to mention the blatant contradictions, one moment she mentions the ‘changes’, another she goes for the principles ‘handed down by the catholic church’. I get this sneaking suspicion all she can recognise, (how convenient) is Muscat’s method.

      Muscat thinks therefore we are.


      And isn’t it delusionary to think Muscat was inspired when he refused to discern between gay and children when it comes to ‘granting’ rights?

      Blame Busuttil for a prime minister who can’t even get himself to face an electorate then.

      I was always under the impression Muscat heads a hollow shell protected by extremist lobbies, seeing Cassar et al, spin beyond control, anything to refute any fundamental (shock horror), cannot but lead me to wait for the house to come down.

      In other words, what happens when that other lobby, favoured by Muscat, to date as moderate as ever, hints at Shar’ia courts? Who’s to tell them they cannot?

      I hope Busuttil isn’t blamed for that as well. And they call themselves liberal.

      The joys of vintage Clinton and Blair, positive discrimination, multiculturalism at its lowest entropic state, policy by talk shows and an economy at the mercy of deficit spending, ideologically enforced materialism the true tenet.

      Late are we Josanne Cassar?

  40. Karl says:

    Please tell me she was typing after a long night out.

  41. Aunt Hetty says:

    Why was she asking, so that she will be there on time to take a pic of Him rising from the dead with her mobile for her Facebook?

  42. Jozef says:


    Zapatero didn’t lose control of the economy as much as wilfully destroyed it with his ‘forced’ liberalisation and state sanctioned property bubble.

    There’s this talk of discrimination when it comes to in vitro processes now as well.

    Or better, look, it’s not my fault if heteros reproduce by natural means, in hetero-speak it’s considered a medical minus not to.

    How that discriminates gays may unravel every social construct achieved notwithstanding the most feminist, liberal and progressive government, apart from opening a very nasty can of worms, scientifically speaking.

    This must be the only other place where rights align with the nearest social benefits overnight, Zapatero style.

      • Jozef says:


        ‘Iggibunha qisna qattiela tat-tfal’.

        The issue isn’t the merit of what’s being said, but Muscat’s political flexibillity allowing his innovative use of language to contradict and encompass conjunctively.

        There’s also the European constitutional court on which to rest for any decision to be taken. Dalli was quite clear this morning on who gets to decide surrogacy laws.

        It’s the three card trick, with Times of Malta, Maltatoday and PBS as three little plastic cups to conceal the true gist.

        When the press takes on the public as being somewhat primitive game, casting out the only one who shows a minimum of respect to her readers by verbalising her opinion to its core beliefs, their motive for doing so takes on chilling aspects.

        But then Daphne Caruana Galizia edits both premium magazines essential to nourishment, spiritual and real.

        Their mission at the moment is to feed the public a gradually evolving diet, weaning the poor locals off their oily dishes and rags. The assumption being there was never anything else.

        And no wonder people on this blog tend to shy from identity, the subliminal onslaught a collective fatwa.

        George Pullicino is right, no PM has ever lied as much as this one. But he’s not alone in this.

  43. anthony says:

    The latest candidate for Gieh ir-Repubblika.

    Duma member Vladimir Zhirinovsky prospective citizen of Malta.

  44. gaetano pace says:

    He will rise on the day people like Rita will start using their brains not their fancies

  45. Xejn Sew says:

    Doesn’t he rise on Christmas day?

  46. Calculator says:


    “The Labour Party’s slogan is “Positive energy”, and was launched with a tweet by the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.”

    a) Launch by tweet? What a twit.

    b) Oh my goodness, the ‘positive energy’ campaign is back. Be sure that harsh accusations of ‘negativity’ are sure to follow.

  47. Jackie says:

    Dear Daphne
    what is your email address, please?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  48. Gwakkin says:

    And, tragically, she also has a right to vote.

    Please bring me the bottle.

  49. A stupid question indeed.

  50. Jozef says:



    Nothing new actually, Anglu Farrugia and Jason Micallef were the first to imply everyone does it.

  51. Socrates says:

    No surprise that many people like Rita (36,000 plus majority) entrusted the country’s five-year future in the hands of PL fools headed by a cheap marketing manager, Joseph Muscat.

  52. M. says:

    A different matter entirely …

    “It said that the arresting officer told a Maltese Birdlife volunteer at the scene of the incident: “You are all faggots, the lot of you” (pufti kollha).”


  53. Joseph Caruana says:

    I bet our Prime Minister will black out this part of Malta’s history, from 1:20:

  54. Calculator says:


    Just noticed a few worrying facts about this press conference.

    a) I know that the press conference was supposed to be about the introduction of civil unions and whatnot, but Gabi Calleja cannot make it any clearer that she is simply enthralled by Labour.

    b) Dalli really needs to learn how to speak using proper English. Her sentence about the Church was just incoherent.

    c) Her point about surrogacy should ring some alarm bells.

  55. M. Cassar says:

    And the newpapers make one despair about law enforcers these days. What would the police commissioner suggest that one does with an injured bird?

    ”Asked why the BLM member was also under investigation, the police commissioner said that BLM illegally keeps protected birds found to be injured by an illegal poacher with the excuse that they would be taking them to a vet.

    “It is illegal to be in possession of a protected bird,” he said.”


    This quote, once verified, should be put in the international press circuit under the ‘beggars belief’ section. Compilers of advice info for international travellers might want to take it into account when writing the personal safety and security sections.

  56. Jozef says:

    Go on, Raphael, demand that Muscat be coherent and introduce abortion. But please stop blaming others for your lack of nous.


    I mean, who exactly came out in force against civil unions and adoptions by gay couples? And these will be the scientific empiricists who’ll rely on evidence to conclude a hypothesis, here goes: Pastor Manche’ leads the PN, itself subdued to Mons.Grech who’s taken over the Curia, Chris Said his acolyte in Pieta’.

    The Calypso conspiracy.

    So Bonobos can identify 250 different symbols and ‘communicate’ and cars adopted the internal combustion engine in their evolution to modernity.

    Ever seen a Bonobo jot down a verse? You’ll be the first to quote the mathematical paradox obviously. That given an infinite number and so on there’s a higher possibility of one and not two.

    Utter rubbish – it never was the ape’s intention was it?

    As for the modernity of the automobile, electric car sales in 1900 were actually five times that of petrol powered ones.

    I believe Raphael may still have to cover the infinite square well. He’ll insist on destroying evidence by mere observation in his case.

    One hopes Gabi Calleja realise who’s using her MGRM and why.

  57. ACD says:

    Today (the BBC Radio 4 programme) aired an piece about spring hunting in Malta. This is the audio –


  58. Rita says:

    Many thanks to all those who called me stupid.

    But actually I was thought you learn by asking and listening when in doubt

    So who is stupid You or ME.

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