Here’s another one who’s getting around without bombast

Published: April 14, 2014 at 1:36am

Cameron Lanzarote

Mrs Renzi queues for a second-class carriage alongside all the office workers on the train station platform. Angela Merkel queues with all the tourists for her tickets at Pompeii. And David Cameron flies to his Lanzarote holiday destination on Ryanair.

Meanwhile, back home on the ranch…

11 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    And our twits in Malta want to jump the queue at all costs. If they don’t manage they even call on +356 7900 0331 to get in touch with the Police Commissioner.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    This is just pre-election spin. The Tories are the British equivalent of the Malta Labour Party: they brought the country down on its knees with corruption, privileges, incompetence, and their general strategies with regard to education, economy, etc .

  3. just me says:

    Miskin Cameron, “tat-twerwir” kif kellu jsiefer. Dnub m’ghandhomx Community Chest fund bhalna, ghax forsi kienu jghinuh biex isiefer ma airline ohra b’mod iktar komdu.

  4. rose grima says:

    My mother, God rest her soul, always used to say “Min qatt ma ra laham, s*** ommu jahsbu xaham.”

    Don’t know how to translate this.

  5. R. Azzopardi says:

    I think it all depends on who’s footing the bill. In April 2011 I flew to Rome on Easyjet. One of my fellow passengers was none other than Manuel Mallia.

    He did not even bother with priority boarding.

    He joined the queue with the rest of us and found vacant seats as all those (myself included) who did not have priority boarding. Would love to see him doing the same now!

  6. xdcc says:

    The Minister for the Environment was not consulted, let alone having his endorsement, for proposals on rural areas which will have extensive implications for the environment. If the Minister was not consulted, how much less will the new Environment Agency be consulted on planning policy and on decisions on applications. The Agency will get to know about controversial planning decisions from the media.

    Currently within MEPA, the Environment Director has ample opportunity to make his case on any planning issue or decision. With the new set up, the Environment Director will become a non-entity.

    A few environmentalists argued vigorously for the separation of ‘environment’ from ‘planning’ prior to the 2013 elections. Implicit in their argument was that ‘environment’ would have some kind of veto over any permit issued by ‘planning’.

    PL promised them the separation of ‘environment’ from ‘planning’. What PL did not explain was that it had no intention to give any rights of veto to the new Environment Agency.

    Another broken promise from Labour. The environment will NOT be given greater priority in decisions on development and planning.

    Do the environmentalists still think it’s a good idea to separate ‘environment’ from ‘planning’?

  7. Toni Bajada says:

    Germany is run by a PHD Nuclear Chemist and Scientist and is one of the richest economies in the world. Merkel when she finishes in the evening, goes to her flat in Berlin to cook her husband a meal.

    Our numb nut lawyers and other assorted losers by comparison live in Palaces, are driven around in luxury cars with police sirens blaring in case we miss their passage!

    Guess they need to compensate for their short comings!

  8. anthony says:

    Can anyone imagine Nuxellina, stranded in Cirkewwa, being the wife of the British or the Italian prime minister or the Bundeskanzlerin herself ?

    Who would she have phoned, God the Father?

    Possibly a teleconference with the Holy Trinity.

    Kos, kemm ahna poplu tan-nejk.

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