How terrible it is when men in their 20s are as silly as 12-year-old girls

Published: April 3, 2014 at 11:46am

Matt Bonanno

Here’s Matt Bonanno, who was sacked from Times of Malta for colluding with Nicola ‘Fucking Wanker’ Abela (Garrett) over that episode at the university.

It’s all in the past, he says. No, actually, it’s not: that kind of behaviour is symptomatic of a personality problem and personality problems stay with you after the episode is gone (but not forgotten).

It’s no different than it is with Bonanno’s friend, who he continues to defend – Erin Tanti. His behaviour was symptomatic of some really serious problems, only this Bonanno person couldn’t see it and still doesn’t.

That nasty business with the cliffs was an ‘episode’, either, but the outcome of a permanent state of affairs in Tanti’s psychology, and it is mainly chip-driven.

I’ll say from long experience that Tanti didn’t pick out Tony Zahra’s daughter coincidentally. Those people have a big chip about real or perceived privilege.

And then, of course, they try to get some for themselves by setting up meetings with ‘Jo’.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    It is not easy to teach your children how to watch out for predators who will target them because of their parents’ position or status. It was easier in the past because people did not mix so much. Now everyone mixes with everyone and teenagers and people in their 20s often are unaware of the links between people, their background, and their motivation.

  2. Jozef says:

    Murder, assisting suicide (may imply inducing to commit suicide), defiling a minor. Arraignment postponed to gather all evidence.

    What now Bonanno, cry foul?

  3. George Grech says:

    Kemm dahhal f’royalties il-Partit Laburista mill-produzzjoni ta’ Gensna li ttellet bhala parti mic-celebrazzjonitijiet nazzjonali bil-ghan li jaqqdu lil poplu Malti ? Kemm ser idahhal mill-bejgh tad-DVDs ta’ lIstess produzzjoni ?

    Mistoqsija parlamentari lil ministru koncernat please.

  4. Aunt Hetty says:

    Daphne wrote: “I’ll say from long experience that Tanti didn’t pick out Tony Zahra’s daughter coincidentally. Those people have a big chip about real or perceived privilege.”

    So it is not just me who thinks so. History is replete with well-documented incidents where the offspring of people from a privileged (real or perceived) background were singled out for ‘special’ attention by the dregs of society.

    Such is human nature, unfortunately.

  5. socrates says:

    People of such kind should be kept away from society, especially from children, youngsters and vulnerable pockets of society.

  6. P Shaw says:

    If people are appalled at the low level of due diligence applied by St. Michael’s foundation school in recruiting Erin Tanti, what about the Times that has recruited Matt Bonanno and similar journalists?

  7. Painter says:

    Muscatian? Is Matt Bonanno from Oman by any chance?

  8. Gahan says:

    Back in yo skip, Muscatian scum!


    “I’ll say from long experience that Tanti didn’t pick out Tony Zahra’s daughter coincidentally. Those people have a big chip about real or perceived privilege.”


  9. Dave says:

    l-Injoranza qed teqridhom.

  10. manum says:

    These slugs think that they can do whatever comes into their sick heads. It is unbelievable that sharing DCG is a thing of the past! Sharing has become more relevant than ever if it means exposing this scum.

  11. Quebramar Dive Antarctica 2010 says:

    “I’ll say from long experience that Tanti didn’t pick out Tony Zahra’s daughter coincidentally. Those people have a big chip about real or perceived privilege.”

    My thoughts exactly.

  12. Harry Purdie says:

    Sickos stick together. Must be a chromosome thing.

  13. We have some seriously sick and deranged professionals in MALTA caring for vulnerable people. Other professionals know who they are but no action is possible as few would dirty their hands.

  14. R Camilleri says:

    There is an excellent opinion piece by Melanie Hart on titled ‘Get a second interconnector’.

    I always wondered why many environmental experts and the residents of Marsaxlokk and Birzebbugia fought for a gas plant, which still emits huge quantities of CO2 and NO2, while pushing aside the purchase of electricity through interconnectors from the mainland.

    The latter have zero emission here in Malta.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      And history will show that the inter-connector would have provided by far the best cost alternative to the consumers of Malta in addition to the environment benefits.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Because of the Mintoffian mantra of “self-reliance” (cf. the Korean “Juche”), which endures.

  15. Carmelo Micallef says:

    To paraphrase the apposite saying – evil prospers because good men do nothing

  16. Feminist says:

    How pathetic and self absorbed! There’s bearing a grudge, and then there’s… this.

    There’s some jealousy and bitterness simmering through this Facebook status, I’m sure of it.

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