Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando – parked on a double yellow line outside the Prime Minister’s Office yesterday

Published: April 9, 2014 at 10:46am

2014-04-08 13.26.34 Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando parked at Castille

Here’s Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s car, parked with defiant in-your-face obviousness and blatant arrogance on a double yellow line near the police sentry box outside the Auberge de Castille, where the cars of government officials visiting for meetings with the prime minister are sometimes permitted to wait.

This was yesterday at around lunchtime.

Whoever refuses to see the connection between Godfrey Farrugia’s ill-treatment at the hands of the prime minister, and the prime minister’s Faustian pact with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who hates him with a passion, really are in serious denial.

I am quite sure that Marlene Farrugia has understood this now (hence her behaviour) but will say nothing in public because of the children she has with Pullicino Orlando.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Catsrbest says:

    Oh my dear God – how I thank you every second for not giving me somebody like Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando as my father.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    Marlene Farrugia writes a whole article on the need for new thinking and concludes it with two last paragraphs that are a confirmation and reinforcement of old (current?) thinking, no matter the key wording:

    One cannot dance at two weddings at the same time.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Is the PM’s office a sort of ‘kazin’? People seem to come and go. Why on earth would he need to see the likes of JPO (or Erin Tanti)?

  4. TROY says:

    Kullhadd jghamel liz- z.. irid ghandu jkun.

  5. Sister Ray says:

    Double yellow line pacenzja; isn’t that a police sentry box next to the car?

  6. Benny Hill says:

    The bigger the car, the bigger the…

  7. thehappyone says:

    Not at all Benny.The bigger the car the smaller the …

  8. La Redoute says:

    Why does a chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology need a Land Rover?

  9. el bandido guapo says:

    He’s always been a jerk, and I realised as much when he was still with the PN and way before the “troubles”.

    He was manouevering, doing a three point turn and somehow all it took me was 2 seconds, as long as it took me to glance at his face, to conclude the aforegoing. Something that was fully confirmed within a couple of years.

  10. el bandido guapo says:

    JPO has always been a jerk, and I realised as much when he was still with the PN and way before the “troubles”.

    He was manouevering, doing a three point turn and somehow all it took me was 2 seconds, as long as it took me to glance at his face, to conclude the aforegoing. Something that was fully confirmed within a couple of years.

  11. George Abdilla says:

    What is the problem with JPO driving a Discovery (no wise guys, that is not a Land Rover, but a LR DISCOVERY)? Are you jealous? a Discovery is noting out of this world, much cheaper than the many BMs we see in boy races hands! or the Jag’s or others… if you want to comment, comment on the fact that JPO parked his car illegally! and not on the type of car, as your comments hurt people who drive such cars!

    I am a proud Land Rover Series 2a owner and driver!

    • WhoamI? says:

      Go get a life, George. Issa hadet ghaliha il-Land Rover Series 2a tieghek?

      Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, a man who takes very little physical space, is driving a Land Rover Discovery. The car is a pointer to his need to feel big and being big, and since nature has been rather unkind to him in that respect, he’s doing it with cash because he can afford it.

      If he didn’t want to send out any sort of message, he’d be driving a normal-sized car. A BMW 1-series suits him in fact. Like Franky Tabone.

      People who drive Land Rovers Series (x) are passionate about the car, full stop. Ghamillha zizi il-LR issa ta, ghalija.

  12. Manuel says:

    This is reminiscent of the Mintoff days when his tough guy Fusellu used to park his car anywhere on Castille Square and enter the PM’s office as if he owned the place. Even the guards were afraid of him.

    JPO seems to have become the new Fusellu.

    Something tells me that sooner or later MEPA will be approving development in a particular spot down at Mistra.

  13. Maltri says:

    I am not interested in what Mr George Abdilla drives. But I am very amused with Jey Po’s Discovery. He did not go for flash as I thought he would but he went for sheer size.

    Can I suggest a Marauder for Jeffrey?

  14. gaetano pace says:

    Jekk Malta taghhom ilkoll ghaliex iz-zebgha is-safra ma ghandhiex tkun taghhom ilkoll? Ghax qegheda hemm ghal kulhadd. Lanqas sa hawn ma ghandu hila jkun jaf il-Labour kollu kemm hu.

  15. verita says:

    Malta taghna kollha

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