Monty Python on a man’s right to have a baby

Published: April 16, 2014 at 1:45am

16 Comments Comment

  1. George Grech says:

    Kif jahsibha l-IMAM illum?

    Kif jahsibha Mario Farrugia Borg?

    Kif Joe Muscat iddiskuta ‘fost l-ohrajn it-tolleranza u d-drittijiet tan-nisa’ izda ma hassx il-htiega li jsemmi id-drittijiet tal-gays?

    • musulman says:

      Jista Mario Farrugia Borg bhala Musulman ferventi u predikatur favur ir-religjon Musulmana jassocja ruhu ma’ partit li jippromovi z-zwieg ta nies tal-istess sess?

      X’jghid it-taghlim tal-Profeta Mohammad fuq hekk? Dnub li ma jinhafirx ghal vera Musulman jew anki lMusulmani qed igebdu r-religjon bhal lakstu?

  2. Kevin says:

    “Symbolic of his struggle against reality” says it all

  3. millie says:

    issa d-droga jonqos jillegalizza. Mela l-pajjiz ihallas minn butu l-miljuni ta’ euros biex ipaxxi agenziji bhal Caritas u dawk li jahdmu kontra l-abbuz mid-drogi, u jigi dal-pulcinell flimkien mal-partit tieghu u jindika li issa biex innaqsu n-nies mill-habs (ghax mimli daqs bajda) innehhu r-reat ta’ pussess u abbuz ta’ droga ghall-uzu personali (min jaf hux hekk?).

    X’jonqos jillegizla?

    Mhux ahjar jghin il-familji Maltin li qed ibatu minhabba t-taxxi godda li qed jaghmel il-gvern tieghu? Jew hemm xi hbieb tieghu li juzawha d-droga. U allura addio s-serjeta’ u dritt ghal gol-hajt.

    Basta fi zmien iehor kienu jwerzqu kontra l-barunijiet tad-droga.

  4. White Coat says:

    The patients have now taken over full control of the mental asylum.

  5. White Coat says:

    Pot smoking destroys the brains in teenagers and young adults.
    The world is slowly slowly pushing for a total tobacco ban while legalising pot/cannabis/marihuana call it what you like, which is the Form 1 of drug addiction. IT’s a mad mad mad mad world where being a hard working, GDP producing, tax-paying, apolitical member of the straight and honest majority makes you a pariah.

  6. White Coat says:

    And what have the 25 years of PN governments ver done for us, asks Joseph the Great?

  7. Felix says:

    Just yesterday I was talking to a guy, a PL supporter, and he informs me that, as a result of the latest legislation giving the right of adoption to gay people, the feeling going around in the labour camp, is that the PL will even increase their margin in the next MEP elections and the PN will only manage one seat!!

    • Calculator says:

      The timing is a bit too convenient not to have been planned by Labour. We’ll surely be inundated with messages of “Issa grazzi għall-Gvern sirt ugwali. Biex tkun taf id-drittijiet tiegħek ċempel …” over the radio – paid for by our taxes – in the coming weeks.

  8. Mark my words, the manner in which Joseph Muscat ran roughshod over the people with the inclusion of adoption rights for homosexual couples will have ramifications in time on the very fabric of society.

    The rights of the child have been ignored. This will come back to bite the PL when they least expect it.

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