Muscat, who fought tooth and nail to keep Malta out of the European Union, tells Reuters that he has made Malta “more liberal and more European”

Published: April 16, 2014 at 12:34am

Gay rights activists

This is such a WONDERFUL choice of photograph. Reuters’ picture editor must have a terrific sense of humour. The caption beneath those three redneck old crocks who look more like Mintoffian diehard marmalja from the dark ages than Rainbow Warriors, says:

Gay rights activists jeer at opposition members of parliament, who abstained during a vote to recognise same-sex partnerships, in Valletta April 14, 2014.

And in the story, you’ll find more irony:

Labor Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, elected one year ago, said: “Malta is now more liberal and more European and it has given equality to all its people.”

This from the man who voted AGAINST European Union membership 10 years ago, and who produced and presented a weekly show for Super One TV explaining to us in great detail why we should do likewise.

26 Comments Comment

  1. silly says:

    Jien nafa sew lil dik il-mara…spot on.

    Mintoffjana tal-wahx…ifrah ghax ghamlulek il-vapur tal-gass malli tiftah it-tieqa, sinjura minn Marsaxlokk.

    • canon says:

      Allura dik il-mara lezbjana?

    • nev says:

      I can bet my soul that the majority of those present were neither gay nor lesbians. They were there just to cheer Joseph and boo the opposition. Just for the fun of it.

    • C.G says:

      Dik il-mossa li qieghda taghmel b`ida ghal min kienet qed tirreferi, ghal ta’ hdeja?

    • millie says:

      Sinjura minn Marsaxlokk: L-ewwel haga nifrahlek ghax hallejt il-gvern tieghek jaghmillek bomba idrogina wara biebek u itlob kuljum lil Alla li jehilsek jekk qatt jigri xi haga ghax l-inqas dawk iz-zewg swaba ma jifdallek.

      Issa ghar-rigward ta’ dawk iz-zewg swaba dawk taf fejn ghandek iddahhalhom? F’ghajnejn min huwa bla principju ta’ xejn.

      Min jaf jekk mortx tigri wara l-Madonna tad-Duluri, u issa mort taghmel il-qrun lill-avvversarji tieghek li zammew mal-principji morali? Isthi, Mari’.

  2. Sparky says:

    Allow me please. What a tosser.

  3. Aunt Hetty says:


    In more progressive and much more liberal and secular societies, the possibility of gay couples adopting young children is still being discussed as nobody except our enlightened Prime Minister wishes to go clodhopping in where angels fear to tread.

    I have encountered many households where a boy or girl was brought up with no male figure around , and no one noticed or missed the male role model.

    But I still have to encounter a girl who was brought up in an exclusively male household who did not suffer in some way as a result of that.

    • Catsrbest says:

      That is why it is called mother nature. Mothers are able to nurture on their own.

    • Carrara says:

      Not to rubbish your superbly researched and well-sourced factoid, but which liberal/secular/progressive countries do you speak of exactly? Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, and the Netherlands, amongst others, have all legalized same-sex adoption.

  4. Joe Fenech says:

    Kos, kemm saru progressivi il-hamalli!

  5. ken il malti says:

    I am waiting by the hour so Jo will make Malta so liberal that I can blaze a blunt while walking down Republic street in Valletta while looking to buy some of those fancy round pastizzi and a chinotto for triple the price and not be hassled by the police.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    Darrin Zammit Lupi: brilliant photo! Speaks volumes.

  7. ganni Xewki says:

    Sorry, why is she making the ‘kornuti’ sign?

  8. M. Cassar says:

    Are dentists and dentures in short supply?

  9. X’misthija – kemm qieghdin iwaqqawna ghaz-zuffjett. Paprata wahda wara l-ohra.

  10. Butterfly says:

    Let’s see how many of these liberal Laburisti call Simon Busuttil, or anyone else for that matter, “pufta”. And how many of these will accept their child if s/he is gay?

    Just like divorce, gay rights issues have become politicised in this country and everything Joseph says is right. Alla jbierek, every Labour Party supporter is now in favour of gay rights – wara li xebghu jghajjru lil haddiehor minhabba l-orjentazzjoni sesswali taghhom.

  11. Disconcerted says:

    Imagine a teenage girl entering puberty and having two gay men explain periods and the birds and the bees. The natural process these men never had between them and through which, in their intimacy, she was never created, despite the birth certificate.

    I pity that poor girl and her confusion. It is for reasons such as these that far more advanced and secular nations have not yet introduced adoption clauses for gay couples.

    It’s because they are thinking things through, putting a child’s interests and its psychological well-being before popularity votes – and not because the concept never occurred to them.

  12. nev says:

    So true Daphne. I agree with you 100 percent on this one. Hats off.

  13. lo squalo says:

    Is she the same person who was present in the MCAST debate?

  14. nutmeg says:

    Perhaps McGill will now reconsider and bid for the public transport tender, after all.

  15. Jozef says:

    The assault continues.

    The big happy crowd wasn’t, the PN isn’t, yours to define, Mr Balzan, and the leader of the Opposition chose discernment over your cold soup of a social analysis.

    Which you refuse to admonish as ‘negative’ and ‘isolated’ notwithstanding your own survey.

    And as an aside, political suicide belongs to those who’ll render their pens to the great infallible leader. As of today you’ll have to remain true to your word and reinforce the fresh dogma that leaders are obliged to go against democratic constraints.

  16. #RantOver says:

    Muscat doesn’t give a single f*ck about gay issues and adoptions. All he cares about is getting more votes, and that’s it!

    Had this sorry excuse for a man true belief in the gay cause and their plight, he would have proposed marriage rather than civil union in the electoral manifesto. He would have had the Marriage Act amended to say that marriage can take place between two people of whatever gender, and that would have been the end of that.

    He did this to secure votes from the conservative segment of PL voters, who I’m sure faced with voting in favour or not for gay adoptions, would have thought otherwise than voting PL.

    Unfortunately, these sort of tactics where Muscat promises one thing but delivers a whole other thing are sure to repeat themselves in the coming years, especially since the 9-seat majority allows him to do it.

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