Oh, the irony – look at this picture from the Labour Party’s anti-EU campaign in 2003

Published: April 25, 2014 at 6:42pm

MLP l-istess sess

14 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Kien zmien fejn l-omosesswali tal-Labour kienu repressed? Xi tghidu Jason, Ray, Ronnie, Natius u dawk kollha tas-Super One?

  2. P Sant says:

    Excellent piece. Pero’ l-poplu tista’ taljenah ghal gimgha, xhar, sena imma mhux ghal hames snin!


  3. Painter says:

    All they needed to add was ‘multikulturalizmu’ and it would be perfect.

    Many Laburisti used to (or still) view multiculturalism as a threat to Malta and when some foreigner (read: North African or Arab) gets into trouble in Malta, they view ALL of them as bad. But today, I’m afraid it is not just Labour.

    The comment section here is relevant:


    By the way, this sign looks like something you will see outside a church or something that a Westboro Baptist Church adherent would carry in public.

  4. canon says:

    Kemm jinbidlu z-zmienijiet.

    • silly says:

      Mhux iz-zminijiet jinbidlu, u lanqas l-ideat. Li jinbidlu huma l-interessi.

      Issa tajba l-Ewropa ghax il-paga hi sabiha.

      U z-zwieg bejn il-gays issa tajjeb ukoll ghax jissarraf f’voti mhux bhal qabel.

      Ja buffi Laburisti.

  5. nev says:

    Should have read ” …..u bejn zwieg ta’ l-istess sess “. But as usual some jackass Laburista forgot to insert ” ta “.

  6. Rumpole says:

    The short-term memory of the genus melitensis is incredible! Not to mention l-opportunizmu and the embarrassingly unprincipled behavior of such a sizable portion of Maltese society. Unbelievable!

  7. Jozef says:

    ‘bejn zwieg l-istess sess’. Imagine these guys keeping a baseball score.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Il-PN qalli biex inkun pozittiv. One mustn’t bring up the past, heqq.

  9. C.G says:

    Eh, imma issa ghandna moviment gdid u progressiv u li ser johloq it terremoti. Il laber xejn ma mbidell u baqa mwahhal mas 70ijiet.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    They were always full of irony that’s why they called themselves ‘Suldati tal-Azzar’

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Updated for 2014, in the lingwagg tal-poplu:


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