Spare us the hypocrisy

Published: April 19, 2014 at 11:21pm

The Foundation for National Celebrations, having got the Brian May fiasco over with – what was it, if not just another NNG profit-making event that nobody connected even remotely to any kind of national celebration, not even the performer himself – is gearing up for the second performance to justify its existence and the salary of one or two of its members.

This is going to be a reprisal of the EU accession celebrations over Grand Harbour in May 10 years ago. And what part, pray, is Joseph Muscat – who with Alfred Sant led the campaign against membership and was licking his wounds that very day – going to play in these celebrations?

I absolutely and utterly detest the way the members of the Foundation for National Celebrations are so keen to allow themselves to be used in Muscat’s rewriting of his personal political story and that of his grisly, ghastly party.

Is it absolutely essential to be so cheap? It seems that not even the immense pleasure and satisfaction it gives Muscat to buy people so easily (and when you know you have bought somebody, you know how little they are worth) is sufficient to stop them allowing themselves to be bought.

This chapter is entitled: How Joseph Muscat Was Never Against EU Membership.

It will soon be retitled: How Joseph Muscat Led Malta Into Europe Through His Remarkable Vision and Foresight

U l-aqwa li kollox b’xejn, Charlton – mhux bhal ta’ dak tal-Queen.

29 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew says:

    What’s in it for Bondi? He can’t be that cheap. There’s something we don’t know.

  2. claude says:

    How tacky. Kollox b’xejn. The trashification of Malta continues.

    • ken il malti says:

      Wait till you see how Silvio Parnis is going to cater the event.

      Just one cold pastizz and a dank greasy sausage-roll, plus a styrofoam cup of Thermos luke-warm Nescafe per invited guest.

      Yummy !

  3. edgar says:

    Kollox b’xejn.

    Except for Lou Bondi.

  4. Mallia P says:

    Lou Bondi is now Labour, I take it? Well, he was always the classic opportunist. He returned from Canada only in 1988 when it was ‘safe’ and got a job with the Nationalist Party.

    Now that he knows the PN has got nine more years in Opposition he has realised he’ll be pushing 70 when Mario de Marco becomes prime minister.

    Simon Busuttil clearly stated he’ll step down if the PN loses the next election, though it was extremely silly of him to set goalposts when nobody asked him too – I wonder who is helping him come up with these strategic gems.

    • Giovanni says:

      He is one honest person that does not need any help to make honest statements.

      • M. Cassar says:

        When one is dealing with the biggest marketing scam, on this tiny island, ever to have been pulled of, it is never wise to show all your cards. Just make a list to all that it was said was wrong in the country before the general election: public transport, patients in corridors, long waiting lists, lack of medicines and other supplies, money paid for consultants, then go see if these have been solved. You will find that most are still the same, some are only slightly different, some are in fact worse.

        Do you hear a peep on the news or in the newspapers? What about the talk shows and phone-ins? It has come to the point where one has to pinch oneself for what was so wrong and dreadful just over a year ago has now become right and dandy!

  5. silly says:

    Jien irrid lura lin-Nazzjonalisti fil-gvern.
    Dal-partit hu zibel u mbarazz.

    • Catsrbest says:

      Huwa unur ghall-Labour tghid li hu zibel u imbarazz u dizunur ghall-istess zibel u imbarazz li tqabblu mal-Labour.

    • Jozef says:

      Tiskanta kif qabel kull min kien jikteb fuq il-gazzetti kellu problema bil-gvern u issa ghandu problema bl-opposizzjoni.

      Donnu Malta ghandha bzonn tmaqdar jew tigri wara n-Nazzjonalisti biex tezisti. Is-sabiha li meta n-Nazzjonalisti jkunu fl-opposizjoni t-tmaqdir isir bzonnjuz ma jmurx tal-Labour jiehdu ghalihom.

      Daphne ghandha ragun, kwistjoni ta’ differenza kulturali, dak li jghodd ghan-Nazzjonalisti, u x’gharukaza din u ara l-ohra, ma jistax jigi applikat ghal-Labour.

      Sta ghan-Nazzjonalisti jifhmu x’bicca xoghol ghandhom quddiemhom u kif x-xewqa tan-nies, dak kollu li jhossu f’ruhhom, dik li tqassam bejn il-mohh u l-qalb, jassimilawh mal-PN.

  6. bob-a-job says:

    Jew b’xejn jew xejn –

    Relive – Rejoyce

  7. ciccio says:

    It would be great if Lou Bondi could project a few episodes of “Made in Brussels” onto Fort St. Angelo.

    Bondi should check with Jason Micallef to see if he has any archived copies left.

  8. ciccio says:

    And this one here is a MUST projection on the magnificent fort St. Angelo for the night.

    The entertainment is guaranteed.

  9. Jozef says:

    How Malta made it to the EU. Unplugged.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    Far too much #anking going on. It would be better if the government gets down to business.

  11. ron says:

    Illum jien konvint li Muscat rebah l-elezzjoni li ghaddiet mhux ghax hawn hahna Laburisti imma ghax hawn hafna laghqa opportunisti li qabel kienu jippuzaw ta’ Nazzjonalisti u issa konvenjenti hafna ikunu Laburisti.

  12. Gahan says:

    When is the PN going to start putting posters with simple messages on the facades of its clubs/offices?

    If I were an events organiser I would organise coach loads of PN supporters/SDM students to attend these celebrations with the PN team meeting at some vantage point in Valletta, there should be all the MPs, candidates, EP candidates and PN officials mingling with the crowd, after the “show” an organised “invasion” by SDM students of the party which is also “b’xejn”.

    Joseph Muscat is trying to tame down the stance against the EU by his party followers, who will surely won’t be excited by this “b’xejn” show about his version of our entry into the EU.

    With brazen-faced people one should not be polite and nice. If Muscat shows up anywhere he should be booed and if need be, eggs and tomatoes should be thrown at him.

  13. Alf ellul says:

    When Brian May gave that show in St.George’s Sq. I happened to be passing from Old Theatre Str. A reception was going on with waiters serving canapes and wine. I just wondered who was footing the bill.this was at about 20.30

  14. Albert Floyd says:

    Propja propja x’inhu ‘kollox b’xejn’ ghax ma fhimtx?

  15. vic says:

    The communists used to say that the truth is as proclaimed by the party.

  16. Maltija says:

    Has anyone else noted the huge number of traffic signs suddenly sprouting all over Tarxien and Paola, making most roads one-way roads and creating a chaotic traffic flow? Has Transport Malta got a new sign-company friend?

  17. White coat says:

    The first time I read George Orwell’s book Nineteen Eighty-four was somewhere around 1980. It had impressed me quite a bit, especially Orwell’s imagination , creating an England taken over by a Big Brother government that was all knowing, all powerful, controlling minds and knowledge and continuously recreating the past according to its present needs. I had re-read it again a few years ago and it is still captivating, if not more so.

    Big Brother’s main theme is: ‘He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.’

    In my opinion, Joseph Muscat is (ab)using Orwell’s book to his own dark ends. He is imaging himself a Big Brother of sorts, changing the past since he can control the present through the power of incumbency. Controlling the past means changing history for his own glory and discrediting all the good work that the previous 25 years of PN administrations carried out while giving himself credit for all the good that Malta has achieved this last quarter of a century.Joseph Muscat is an Orwellian liar.

    I do believe that Joseph Muscat has read Orwell’s book, not to make him a better man, but to use it for his own glory. Orwell’s Big Brother fits in so perfectly into the current Maltese situation.

    • Tabatha White says:

      The chaos and confusion an intention. When the pieces go up in the air they fall down in a different order with pieces added and pieces missing.

      When the order is already at an optimum, time would normally be responsible for adding those new elements to the order. The order then responsibly revised.

      The lying and cheating are an attempt to pre-empt time.

      The only way to have absolute control over the new elements noticed, named and recognised that enter the fray.

      All attention by the media follows the spotlight given: Decoys placed.

      The regular scamming of the electorate mass with its consent.

      Raping reason.

      The glorification of all that is bad, mad and a fad.

  18. Tarzan says:

    In the TV programme Bijografija of Alfred Sant, Simone Cini tells us that Alfred Sant, was never against EU membership. This was only a wrong impression that people had of him.

    As you say, Daphne, it will not be long before the true history will be twisted and spun to appear that Alfred Sant and Joseph Muscat led us into the EU against fierce opposition from the Nationalists.

    • Jozef says:

      Peppi Azzopardi did the same in his ‘bijografiji’, gently skipping the Sunday afternoon Sant stood on the back of truck proclaiming he had won the referendum.

      If only the PN get the fourth seat, Labour’s membership of the PES would be at risk.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Peppi Azzopardi isn’t stupid. It’s just the wrong impression that people have of him.

  19. “Bread and Circuses.”
    Juvenal in his “Tenth Satire” addressed to the Romans.

  20. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Crumbs of stale bread thrown under under the table and circuses by unfunny clowns held under blinding lights in tents that have a tendency to collapse are today’s version of the Latin maxim “panes et circenses” doled out to the hoi polloi of Malta under this government.

    Unfortunately these bemused individuals are so numerous among the Malta voters that they elect democratically the government that we have but do not really deserve.

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