Taghna Lkoll arrogance update: Tourism Minister Edward Zammit Lewis

Published: April 9, 2014 at 6:24pm

It was sports day today at the school where the tourism minister’s children are pupils. So the tourism minister popped over for a look-see (valuri sodi tal-familja & c & c).

He couldn’t be fagged to park like all the little people so he plonked his car on the double yellow line near a roundabout and left it there for the duration.

Edward Zammit Lewis 9 April 2014 San Anton School_1

Edward Zammit Lewis 9 April 2014 San Anton School_2

26 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    Fejn kien ix-xufier?

    Izommlu l-handbag?

  2. James Hardy says:

    Just for the sake of the record, doesn’t he only have one sprog? Not that it makes a difference to the story.

  3. U Le! says:

    I have just paid 23 euros as a fine for parking on a yellow line whilst popping in the local convenience store for a bottle of water.

    It took me three minutes as the shop was empty. However, it serves me right. I am guilty on two counts. I did break the law, and i am not a member of Malta Taghna Lkoll.

    • Nokkla says:

      Ezatt…la m’intix membru ta’ Taghna Lkoll ikollok thallas il-kontravenzjoni.

      The same happened to me a short while ago, while I unloaded my elderly mother and a couple of seriously heavy shopping bags.

      I found nowhere to park my (hard earned and fully paid by my hard work) quite big and unfortunately eye-catching car, so I parked at a corner (obviously obstructing no-one, and definitely not posing any danger to other drivers), but unfortunately on returning some 10 minutes afterwards I discovered a warden ticket stuck to my windscreen.

      Haga tal-iskantament, f’din il-kantuniera dejjem ikun hemm xi karozza ipparkjata, imma forsi l-warden haseb li mal-karozza tieghi kienet veru tixraq ic-citazzjoni.

      No wonder Dr Zammit (Lewis bil-haqq ukoll, minn wara li dahal fil-kors tal-Ligi – tghid forsi zied il-kunjom biex jonfoh lilu nnifsu ghal stat aktar elevat?) seems to be getting bigger (and fatter) by the minute.

      He’s not exercising enough, parking wherever suits him, and blatantly ignoring double yellow lines. Qishom kollha qed jehxienu dan l-ahhar.

  4. Min Jaf says:

    Has Edward Zammit Lewis done a ‘Joseph’ for ministerial transport? The GM number plate overlies another that could well be that of a personally owned vehicle

  5. M. Cassar says:

    The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, pride and arrogance.

    Samuel Butler

  6. Maria says:

    Well, the problem is that whereas the headmaster was shouting out the number-plates of cars that were blocking the car park on the mic, he didn’t seem aware of the GM number plate.

    He also seemed to enjoy a long chat with Mrs Zammit Lewis and Mrs Muscat on the bleachers.

  7. Mariella says:

    And if we park like that we ll get a ticket.

  8. Aunt Hetty says:

    Chi comanda fa la legge

  9. ciccio says:

    Looks as if he even knocked the wooden pole down when he opened the door.

  10. Gahan says:

    Kif jistgħu ma jqażżukx?

  11. MB says:

    Flok jaghtu ezempji jurhuna kemm huma bravi. Shame on this people.

  12. Summer says:

    Elena and Edward have only one daughter named Lucia.

  13. geez says:

    Not only was this car parked in a corner, creating a restriction, the school had actually organised a park-and-ride for parents. We lesser mortals were in fact advised NOT to park at school and to use that.

  14. verita says:

    Kelma wahda ARROGANZA

  15. Nuqqas t’edukazzjoni, dixxiplina, njoranza u arroganza grassa. 150 sena kolonja u ma’ tghallimna xejn.

    • tinnat says:

      The Maltese species should have split into two after the British left. At this point, there is such a difference between the two types of Maltese that one wonders if we carry the same genes.

  16. Manuel says:

    Dr. Zammit Lewis should have known better. He was, after all, a pupil at St. Aloysius’ College.

    Yet, like his own master and bosom friend, it seems that the only thing they’ve learned was arrogance.

    • Pawlu says:

      Sorry, you do not learn arrogance at St. Aloysius’ College. That is something which is in his DNA like our great leader Muscat.

      • Manuel says:

        My comment was not intended to imply that the Jesuits teach arrogance; far from it. It was intended to state that from all the good knowledge they could have acquired from their time at St. Aloysius’ College, they stuck to their arrogance.

        There were quite a few arrogant students at St. Aloysius’ College; the Jesuits offered different approaches to help their students acquire a sense of gentlemanly conduct, civil behaviour and become honest citizens. Many, many, many students turned out to be become honest, hard working, law abiding citizens.

        These two seem to have only acquired a huge inflated ego.

  17. Lorry says:

    I don’t think Zammit Lewis the minister was there, but his wife was – so the ministerial car must have been ferrying her. Elena ta’ Bagollu was there queuing right behind me at the school canteen and boy she looked awful.

  18. It seems that double yellow lines have been given a new meaning by this administration. “Parking reserved only for ministers and their friends”.

  19. Chris Xuereb says:

    This item strikes me as a little mean spirited. Is it not possible that the minister might have been unaware of where his driver parked the car?

    [Daphne – The chauffeur takes instructions from the person chauffeured, not the other way round. It is the minister’s responsibility to instruct his chauffeur to park correctly at all times. If his chauffeur parks on a double yellow line on a roundabout while waiting for his boss, his boss is responsible for failing to have given him the correct orders. This is an employer/employee relationship, not a collegial one.]

  20. Chris Xuereb says:

    I agree although we don’t know whether the chauffeur might have been disobeying instructions.

    Furthermore, it could be that the chauffeur might have felt that the rules could be bent a little since this was not a public thoroughfare.

    Rule bending is a pandemic disease in this country and, to my mind, not necessarily connotative of a brazen display of arrogance.

    That said, and bearing in mind our penchant for thinking the worst of people, I would have thought it would be astute of any minister to ensure that he doesn’t make of a sitting duck of himself.

    If arrogance it is, the previous incumbents were every bit as guilty.

    [Daphne – Rubbish. Joseph Muscat is the only prime minister to drive through traffic routinely with police outriders and screaming sirens, pushing everyone out of the way as though he’s an ambulance with somebody dying inside. No prime minister ever did that before.]

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