You can tell that the public broadcaster’s newsroom is now full of ex Super One and L-Orizzont staffers

Published: April 9, 2014 at 6:17pm

The tone of TVM’s web news coverage is now distinctly L-Orizzont/Maltastar – that undertow of salaciousness and the feeling you get that they are not so much reporting as salivating.

It is not the news value of these stories that interests them, but the sex angle.


14 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    ‘This’ is news : an English minster resigns over expenses row.

    In Malta, half a million Euros cash is found in a minister’s home, several ministers have dodged tax…. Did any of them resign?

  2. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    MTV’s coverage would inevitably acclimatize public opinion in Malta to start accepting the infliction of such salaciousness on the elderly and the enfeebled.

    The lady in the background covering her eyes says it all! I am certain that she was not shielding her eyes from UV radiation!

  3. bob-a-job says:

    It is amazing the amount of vulgarity one finds on Youtube and related to Malta where swearing seems to be regarded as the pinnacle of Maltese humour.

    Be warned the swearing is very offensive but there is no other way to demonstrate the low levels we have descended to.

    This is a real track seemingly recorded in Paceville by someone trying to provoke a fight.

    If you feel offended by heavy swearing please do not listen to this.

  4. P Sant says:

    Is this inewsmalta (a GWU site) journalist also working on the TVM website? If so, do we realise the conflict of interest?

  5. Louis says:

    That’s the reason I don’t watch PBS news anymore, they lost all credibility.

  6. jarred ears says:

    Who invented this awful word “dimensja”? In English, “dementia” is pronounced roughly like “dimenxa” (written in Maltese orthography), di-ˈmen(t)-shə, -shē-ə as written in phonetic orthography. In Italian, the word is “demenza”.

    Why doesn’t PBS use the latter one which is correct Italian and perfectly suited to Maltese phonetics? Does anybody have any interest in correct Maltese and English in this country?

    Another grave fault at PBS and all other broadcasting media in Malta is diction. Listen to Italian TV and you understand each and every word.

    Are broadcasters made to follow courses in clear diction? No wonder, I prefer satellite tv and only watch Maltese stations for a few minutes a day.

    • Wilfrid Buttigieg says:

      I hate listening to most Maltese broadcasters, announcers, newscasters on most Maltese TV and radio stations, most especially those who excel in adding the vowel ‘e’ to all words ending in a consonant in any language, be it Maltese or English.

  7. Bubu says:

    Hmieg u aktar hmieg.

  8. Anna Maria Gatt says:

    U ghandi feeling li dak l-istripper xi impjegat ta’ TVM ukoll. Peter Cossai forsi?

  9. Ivan says:

    Strangely enough(?), even the GWU online paper carried this news:

    The ‘journalists’ even have the patience to translate articles from other sites, make them their own and ‘forget’ to quote the source:

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