The evidence is pretty damning that he was planning to get rid of Lisa Marie Zahra and bolt from Malta

Published: April 12, 2014 at 3:59am

Erin Tanti had with him 2,500 euros in cash which he stole from his comedy partners. He had his passport. He had a ticket (there appears to be some dispute about this last). And when the police searched his home, they found that “items of sentimental value were missing”.

And he did not write a suicide note himself, but he badgered and pestered her to write one and also to “leave it where they will find it when we do what we have to do”.

Times of Malta reports:

The lawyer quoted parts of the police report that notes that, when the police searched his home, they found that several items that were of sentimental value to Mr Tanti were missing.

A love letter from a Danish girl was found in his car.

He took the 15-year-old Maltese girl to her death and as he drove her there, sitting there in the car with them was a love letter from a Danish girl, with which (the letter) he planned to escape.

Il-vera zibel. What trash.

And purely as an aside, he must have discovered the only 4’6″ Danish girl known to man, unless he came across a regular-sized one with a gnome fetish.

Everything about this man should make every woman’s skin crawl.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Can’t get over him saying she counted to three.

    • MYL says:

      the way he’s retelling (or inventing) the shocking and gory details is so cold and impersonal…

      • Mandy says:

        Yes, in fact, that is what one of the police inspectors testified, that Erin Tanti was unemotional when speaking, I believe even immediately upon being rescued.

    • hmm says:

      I know it is so sad, it gives me the chills. I cannot imagine what her loved ones are going through.This maniac needs to be locked up for good.

    • La Redoute says:

      I can’t get over the horrific cruelty of using her, driving her to her death and letting her know she’d been abandoned before she died.

      And that’s when taking at face value Tanti’s version of what happened, a storyline he believes exculpates him.

  2. Cikku says:

    “Kellu ittra mingħand tfajla Daniża fil-karozza.”

    Il-pulizija sabu min hi din it-tfajla ħalli jistaqsuha kienetx taf li dan il-viljakk kien verament se jmur jiltaqa’ magħha u mhux kif qed jagħti l-impressjoni li kien se jagħmel suwiċidju hu ukoll?

    Ma nafux jekk lil Lisa Marie kienx qalilha li ried itemm ir-relazzjoni u allura kien hemm xi ġlieda bejniethom?

    U kemm qed iħawdu l-pulizija? Filli jgħidu li qalilhom li ħares lejn l-arloġġ qabel qabeż u ftit wara ingħad li hu qatt ma libes arloġġ. Aħna aħna jew m’aħniex? Jgħidu li d-dubji kollha favur l-akkużat…X’qed jiġri?

  3. C Mifsud says:

    He is pure evil.

    What is really sad is that he will most likely be sentenced for manslaughter and get 7-10 years. With good behaviour this creep will be free by the age of 30 or 32.

  4. Sister Ray says:

    Short Danish girls tend to spend time sitting on rocks and are known as mermaids. The rest are huge.

  5. MYL says:

    if he wanted to get rid of her, why didn’t he end the relationship and that’s it?

    Oh because he was/is too afraid to be incriminated with a paedophile crime.

    So why did he ‘go there’ in the first place?

    Because he has no moral values whatsoever.

    Why do we have 70 non-teachers acting as teachers (without a warrant) in this country?

    Because ‘qeghdin nghixu f’pajjix tal-Mickey Mouse’.

  6. Dave II says:

    He probably met the Dane on some internet chat line.

  7. Celtic girl says:

    This guy is an “effin” psychopath.

    My heart goes out to the poor vulnerable girl. For Christ’s sake, have we not all been there?

    So crazily and blindly in love that we are not thinking straight and would do anything he told us to?

    I was psychologically abused when I was younger, to the point where he finally nearly killed me and yet I was still blind to his insecurities. Yes, my heart goes out to her, big time.

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