The scene at the state general hospital: patients crowded into corridors, where some of them die publicly exposed

Published: April 27, 2014 at 12:58pm

Mater Dei Hospital corridors

There’s a story about it on Malta Right Now.

7 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    ‘…Paul Pace, il-President tal-Union tal-Infermiera u l-Qwiebel (MUMN) meta kien mistoqsi minn il-mument ikkonferma li l-union għadha għaddejja bid-direttivi lill-infermieri biex ma jagħmlux ċertu xogħol fil-kuruturi fosthom dak marbut ma’ tkeffin ta’ pazjenti.

    Din id-direttiva daħlet fis-seħħ hekk kif kien feġġ l-ewwel każ ta’ mewt ta’ pazjent f’wieħed mill-kuruturi. L-MUMN kienet ġiet mgħarrfa b’din is-sitwazzjoni mill-infermieri stess minħabba li l-iffullar ta’ pazjenti ma kienx jippermettilhom li jsir it-tkeffin ġ kemm minħabba raġunijiet ta’ etika medika u drittijiet tal-pazjent kif ukoll minħabba li kif inhi s-sitwazzjoni, m’hemmx purtieri li jifirdu pazjent minn ieħor, u għaldaqstant din is-sitwazzjoni hija ta’ umiljazzjoni ferm aktar għall-pazjenti….’

    This when the ex-minister denounced he had been undermined by the PM.

    A year after having dismantled every agreement with private hospitals, this government makes another U turn and announces a series of agreements.

    So sorry if some were left to die in a corridor, we’ll get better.

  2. Gobsmacked says:

    I just can’t imagine what the hospital will look like in 7 months’ time come December/January under the super-management of Konrad Fenominali, when the population on average gets sicker with influenza and the like.

  3. observer says:

    A picture speaks better than a thousand words!

  4. M.Vassallo says:


    Who is next on the marching order list?

    Chris Fearne and his senior minister.

    So now not one but two.

  5. Gahan says:

    State of the art hospital run by a bunch of dilettantes.

  6. manum says:

    I had to help a dear friend who was squirming in extreme pain. It was his last stay in hospital. It took the casualty department 12 hours to realise that they had a patient in a very serious heart condition, then a visibly overworked English doctor took over.

    My friend’s health seriously deteriorated since he badly needed oxygen due to his condition.

    There was no space in any ward for this 67-year-old patient. He was left in a corridor on a bed resembling a stretcher.

    Days later he passed away.

    I worry about anyone needing hospitalisation now. I never believed that we would come to this.

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