There speaks a fine man of principle

Published: April 16, 2014 at 8:00pm

84 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    He was either high, or he was lying. The clue is the opium poppy.

    • La Redoute says:

      Muscat famously wore that poppy on the memorial Sunday afternoon when he led an army of ‘warriors of courage’ in a pastizzi-fuelled charge in Valletta against il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma.

      In the morning of that same day he equally famously failed to turn up to do his duty as Leader of the Opposition at the war memorial ceremony, having dispatched Joe Debono Grech in his stead.

      It was the 90th anniversary of Armistice Day.

      The bleeding hypocrite.

    • Jozef says:

      No he was campaigning, which with Muscat is a perpetual state of affairs.

      Have you noticed how these past four weeks have been about him removed from pressing needs of state?

      The purge of plausible dissent, Coleiro’s incoronation (ditto), a week of dark contemplation and the colouring of jum il-helsien.

      The lord protector of minorities shall prevail as need be, as the crowds cheered and cheered.

    • Albert Bonnici says:

      Agreed with your remark H.P. Percentage wise I would say 98% lying 2% high, though I don’t know on what.

    • AE says:

      I actually think he was saying the truth in this one instance or just pandering to his audience as usual.

      His change in stance was just to score political mileage over the Opposition. That is his sole focus. He doesn’t care about what is good for Malta. All he cares about is winning the elections, and destroying the Nationalist Party.

      Muscat knew that the PN would not go as far as to agree to adoptions by gay couples so by ensuring this was also included in the legislation and once again bulldozing it through, he made it difficult for them to vote in favour.

      I’m afraid that once again he has outplayed the PN. They are up against a strategist of note. It is not a level playing field when Joseph Muscat is unprincipled and Simon Busuttil is. Joseph Muscat will always have the upper hand because simply the population is not really principled.

      Also I am dead certain that there are several Labour MPs and also supporters who do not agree with the principle, however “il-Partit jigi l-ewwel”. Those who would typically support the Nationalist Party would not give the same blind support and often are the most vociferous critics of the PN.

      • zunzana says:

        AE I totally agree with you, especially the comments in your last paragraph.

      • zunzana says:

        “Ma NAHSIBX li l-koppji ta’ l-istess sess ghandhom jinghataw id-dritt tal-adduzzjoni………..izda jekk twiegheduni il-vot NAHSIBA DIFFERENTI !”

    • P Bonnici says:

      You’re a genius H.P.

    • anna caruana says:

      The clue is that he listened and learned . He changed his opinion and this shows maturity.

      Being gay myself and having other gay friends as parents I can
      assure you that this was long overdue.

      Once again Dr Busuttil proved how spineless he is.

      Dr Busuttil said that the party stands united.

      If they are so united why were they denied a free vote.

      • Tabatha White says:

        A voice of convenience.

        How glad I am that Dr Busuttil has a backbone.

        I am fed up of people like you – gay or not.

        Some people act for the good of others, not only their own immediate gain.

        Gay adoption is only for gay couple acquisition, it has nothing at all to do with the right of the child.

        Gay adoption is not a right. What you have been served on a plate is a loop-hole ridden policy for you to exploit as you wish. One that gives gay couples MORE rights than heterosexual parents with their own children. Then, the whole area of the right of the child has been completely neglected.

        This policy is only intent on defragmenting society as we know it to please voters who have bargained their vote on securing this advantage and others – not on a principle.

        You have been positioned, by a conniver who doesn’t appear to give two hoots, in a position of advantage over parents who decide to have their own children and raise them within that same relationship. Where, on earth, is the logic and spine in all that? Where is the child given prominence as a result?

        Overdue is a population that thinks further than its nose.

        You spineless people are a joke.

        Like Marlene Farrugia, if Claudette Buttigieg didn’t agree with the stand taken by the party, she should be out, not coming to enlightenment later. Hindsight is Joseph Muscat’s forte. Such stands are weak. Insight is expected of those people who represent the party and the electorate within it.

        One either agrees with the value package the party represents for the electorate that backs them, or one doesn’t.

        The choice to change his mind has been only too present with Joseph Muscat, but only once the election result was under his belt.

        That is not maturity, that is deceit.

        How convenient not to see the difference.

      • verita says:

        Those who go on at the Nationalist Party for not allowing its members a free vote should remember that the Labour Party didn’t allow a free vote either.

        I think that both government and Opposition should have agreed on a free vote, especially given that the Labour Party did not include same-sex couples adoption in its electoral programme.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        How very mature of him not to have explained how he changed his opinion, and to have sprung this political trap on his opponents.

        Do not confuse political expediency for maturity.

      • just me says:

        Anna, I might have agreed with you if Muscat had “changed his opinion” only on this issue.

        But the truth is that he is delivering exactly the opposite of what be promised on most issues. The man just cannot be trusted.

        Everything he does is with only one aim in mind, to win votes and not to make Malta better.

      • P Shaw says:

        Since when did you become gay Anna, in your late 60s? Since your marriage failed ages ago, as well as your numerous businesses, I have always seen you with men.

      • Jozef says:

        So you’re gay and your parents are your gay friends?

  2. canon says:

    Man of principle, my foot.

  3. WhoamI? says:

    “…imma imbaghad il-pufti u l-lizbjani weghduni li jghinuni ntella ir-raba siggu ghall Ewropa, u gejt nitnejjek minn dak li kont ghidt. U halli l-Deffni tghid li trid”.

  4. Manuel says:

    He was deceiving the audience knowing exactly that after winning the election he would change his taparsi principles.

  5. Painter says:

    I hope he changed his mind by now.

  6. Just Saying says:

    Maybe his thinking simply evolved as he became more educated on the issue?

  7. anthony says:

    This is no big deal.

    What high ?

    He is simply and plainly a compulsive liar.

    He lies through his teeth, as we say.

    Positive fraud all along. JPO style.

  8. thealley says:

    Possibbli hawn daqshekk IGHNA li jemmnu li dan l-eks gurnalist huwa in good faith?

    Ara ma jigix jghid li biddel fhemtu ghax fehem is-sitwazzjoni ghax kif darba qal Eddie Fenech Adami, l-uniku statista li qatt ezista f’dal-pajjiz, “mal-principji m’hemmx kompromessi”.

    Jien nista’ naghmel u-turn fuq xi haga li kont zbaljat, imma ma tistax taghmel u-turn fuq principju. Ghax inkella ma tkunx ghajr kummidjant.

  9. Augustus says:

    Meta qal dan il-kliem ma kellux poppy;

    Taghna lkoll
    Tista’ ma taqbilx maghna imma tista’ tahdem maghna
    Il-pilloli nwassluhomlok wara l-bieb
    Ahna mhux ha nithanzru
    L-aqwa fl-Ewropa
    Mhux ha nbieghu l-Enemalta

    U jekk nibqa’ sejjer ma nispicca qatt

  10. ZORRO says:

    Of course this man has principles! His most important principle is how to get votes to make sure his wonderful dream of power and authority continues to be a reality for him, his family and his friends. Tell me what you want and I will give it to you.Just give me your vote!

  11. CIS says:

    Now he got their vote, so he gave them adoption rights. Pure and simple.

  12. ken il malti says:

    He is like a flag on windy days, on different days of the week.
    It blows every which way.

  13. David says:

    It appears that before the last election, both major parties were hostage to the gay lobby and tried much to appease them. This still seems to be the case, with no MP voting against the current law.

  14. Malti ta Veru says:

    Ethics and principles are just buzzwords that have no real meaning anymore with this progressive government!

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Thoughts? I have outright indignation and condemnation. That street party-cum-rally-cum-concert was paid for out of public funds. No amount of semantic contortion by Gabi Calleja can hide this outrageous scandal.

      What a fine way for a “minority” to celebrate the granting of its “rights”. And what a great start to this new era of progressive liberalism, by stealing from the public purse.

      Gay rights? Sure. Gay malfeasance? No way.

  15. Ruth says:


  16. Anthony Ellul says:

    Our PM changed his mind when it was pretty obvious that the opposition now championed gay civil unions and rightly so.

    Knowing that there’s widespread opposition within the PN ranks (and the society at large) to gay adoptions rights, our PM bundled the two issues together. Make no mistake as all this newfounded gay adoption rights ideology is no higher value harboured by our PM but rather another opportunity to nib at the opposition and making sure it comes out as being less tolerant to the gay community.

    Personally I find this disturbing in a person who is not only a political leader but also a father willingly putting in jeopardy the children rights and well-being for political expediency.

    I’m basing this insight on the following events/facts happening in the last few days:
    1. The gay rights gathering at Valletta was no spontaneous celebration but a well-funded government event, well attended by the usual Labour activists. Apparently the only contribution to this event by the MGRM was the symbolic cake.

    2. No other country bundled both rights together in one law act, since gay adoption rights impinge on children rights, this is unchartered territory.

    3. The section in the legal notice relating to gay adoptions was hastily drafted lacking clear safeguards and other fine tuning, suggesting a lack of commitment in thinking it through and really believing in this cause.

    As always with Labour, perception is everything, the rest can go to hell.

  17. A says:

    “But if they give me their vote and keep me in power, then they should have the right to adopt children, nevermind the child’s interest. Children don’t have a vote”

  18. marlene says:

    All Joseph Muscat has to do to lie is open his mouth.

  19. D.C says:

    Let’s just hope he carries on making this country more liberal!

  20. Jozef says:

    And the chaos continues.

    The contradictions by Ramon Casha, who if I’m not mistaken, fancies himself to be skilled in thought only if orphaned of any taste, are multiple and I’m afraid the product of a sterilised mind.

    His comment below The Malta Independent’s interview with Busuttil.

    ‘…Abstention was the worst possible choice for PN. It revealed far greater fractures within the party – so great that they won’t even allow its MPs to vote as it is their duty to do. It showed a party that is spineless and a leader that is weak. It exposed a party that still stamps out diversity in opinion, and makes its MPs appear as nothing but parrots for whatever the party leader or executive decides. It makes a mockery of the democratic process in which it was the MPs who were elected, not the party’s executive.’

    Our humanist cannot conceal his displeasure at having been denied the witchhunt. Someone was supposed to say no if Casha has to distract himself before barbecue season.

    ‘…A free vote would have had some PN MPs voting in favour and some against, matching the opinions of the voters they represent….’

    Erm, that implies both sides of the house do the same, obviously Muscat’s control on his party doesn’t render Labour spineless.

    ‘…Yes, there are many people who are against gay adoptions, just as there are many people who are against black people being in Malta. Should this be put to a vote too? Equality means unqualified. There is no basis whatsoever to deny adoption rights – only prejudice.’

    Why is it that whenever these people speak they always have to throw in the race card to kill any argument?
    I suppose ‘having reservations about the interests of children’ is being racially prejudiced.

    ‘..PN shot itself in both feet with this abstention. Don’t be surprised when people abstain from voting PN at the polls.’

    So there, the humanists, whose sole agenda is to decipher the weekly(sort of) puzzle that is Raphael Vassallo’s byzantine logic, have spoken.

    If only life were as digital as these bible belt equivalents would have it.

    • Gahan says:

      There are MPs from both sides of the house who are against the Civil Union Lill, one side just agreed not to speak out because it would not make any difference, and the other side ordered them to vote in favour of it.

      Ideally MPs should vote freely, but when they join a party they have to toe the party line.

      We all know what Labour means by a “free vote”: vote in favour or suffer the consequences (the Divorce Bill).

      • Jozef says:

        What I can’t stand is how rational thinking is mistaken for pragmatic chess-playing.

        It’s as if these people need some ultra-reactionary force to combat and overcome.

        Then there’s his ultimate gem; ‘equality means unqualified’, uniformity taken to utilitarian extreme issued like a fatwa and from which ‘humanists’ cannot digress. Roba da Robespierre.

        Pascal was absolutely right in praying he never lose the faith. There seems to be this earnest beige and magnolia glumness attached.

  21. Jozef says:

    ‘…The losers are the bigots who for a short while won the battle when reports began to emerge that Malta’s former president had refused to give his assent to the Bill … only to realize that they had lost the war. For far too long, this minority of bigots has been allowed to impose its narrow-minded agenda on the rest of society, an agenda that was formed around an imagined god, one that they created in their own likeness….’

    ‘….The Opposition’s continued strategy of deceit saw it give the impression that it was against discrimination and homophobia as it set about fuelling both. Classical parliamentary delaying tactics that mislead no one by an Opposition unfit to govern…’

    ‘…The next battle is for marriage equality, still an important goal mostly for symbolic reasons and for sending a clear message to society that what is good for the heterosexual goose is good for the homosexual gander. Yet, in a strange twist of fate, the passage of the Civil Unions Bill has made that struggle (in Malta at least) almost immaterial. After all, a bill providing for marriage equality may have left many issues unresolved including that surrounding the adoption of children…’

    Come again?

  22. Bill Millam says:

    Spoken like a true clown.

    Ara lil minn tellajtu fil-poter f’Malta.

    Bill Millam
    Los Angeles

    • Last Post says:

      Perhaps the key to Joseph Muscat’s mindset and actions with regard to such sensitive issues is his opening words: “MA NAHSIBX” (I don’t think).

  23. John Higgins says:

    A brazen liar and yet his acolytes cheer him ever time he opens his mouth.

  24. salvu says:

    I am convinced that these PL statements are actually written by Joseph Muscat himself.

    Whenever he feels that he is being cornered on an issue in a particular manner, (this blog is not the only media which highlighted that his change of heart on adoption by gay couples was dictated by political convenience), he accuses PN of doing what he is being accused of doing.

  25. xdcc says:

    From Maltatoday: “Sarsero, a private architect and chairman of the Freeport, was appointed to the tribunal by the present administration after it reversed a ban made by the previous administration on private architects serving on planning boards.”

    This reversal of policy is news to me.

    What has FAA to say? Under the PN they had embarked upon a vicious, mud-slinging campaign for practising architects not to sit on MEPA boards.

    Now that the measure they had campaigned for has been reversed by the PL government, what do we get from FAA? SILENCE!

    What was ‘conflict of interest’ under the PN becomes acceptable under PL.

  26. C.G says:

    Make up your mind Sur Muscat u zomm kelmtek. Sa issa kollox bil-kontra ta’ dak li ftahar bih qabel l-elezzjoni ghamel! Ma nistax nifhem lil dawk in-Nazzjonalisti li belaw is-sunnara. Wiccu wkoll jurik kemm hu bniedem falz.

  27. Smirnoff says:

    Remember when he said “The end justifies the means” -this is exactly that

  28. Charlie says:

    A party leader’s personal opinion and what a party decides are very different.

  29. Calculator says:

    Speaking of persons of principle, I couldn’t help but notice this, provided by a colleague:

    The attitude among these people is unbelievable. They just can’t seem to help but mock anyone who doesn’t agree with their ideas to a T.

    To quote one recent film trailer. “What a bunch of a-holes”.

    [Daphne – Note to Alessandra Pace, star of many a Labour propaganda video: it’s not ‘brain-wrecking’. Read these simples notes: ]

  30. Lucienne says:

    How quickly we forget

  31. pm says:

    Can someone indicate when these words were spoken?

  32. WhoamI? says:

    Joseph Muscat jippretendi li jekk xi hadd jissekonda xi haga, ikun jaqbel maghha mija fil-mija.

    PN agrees with civil unions but not adoption by a same-sex couples. So the PN agreed with the bill anything between 1% and 99%, but not 100%.

    So why is this jerk kicking up a fuss about the way the PN voted?

    Such inconsistency – he should have been barred from politics ages ago.

  33. ganna says:

    …..ehlisna nitolbuk Mulej

  34. ciccio says:

    Daphne, please allow me a small space to remember Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a great author and journalist.

  35. Mandy says:

    “According to Haaretz, a notice to that effect was pasted up near a synagogue in Donetsk – a city being claimed by ethnic Russians. The notice ordered all Jews over the age of 16 to register with the self-proclaimed government and to pay a registration fee. It asks them to provide:
    ID and passport … to register your Jewish religion, religious documents of family members, as well as documents establishing the rights to all real estate property that belongs to you, including vehicles.”

  36. zunzana says:

    Allura miskien, tuh cans! Dan ma jistax ibiddel il- principju skont fejn ser jirbah il-voti bhal m’ghamel fuq tal- EU.

  37. sunshine says:

    Meanwhile, the national broadcaster is reinventing the Maltese language:
    “Tarmux ix-xugaman” indeed!

  38. Persil says:

    Anyone can change his mind.

    • Last Post says:

      In his position he ‘majtezwel’ have no mind at all. Saves him the trouble of changing it every time he feels it is convenient for him to do so.

      Earlier on we had a party and a government that tried (or at least promised) to enter into dialogue with citizens.

      Now we have ‘a government that listens’ and decides according to the votes it can garner at the expense of the Opposition.

      So much for Lejber principles.

    • Angus Black says:

      Of course, anyone can change his mind.
      Can the electorate change its mind too?
      Wouldn’t mind if by changing its mind, it can dump this inept bunch of LIARS!

  39. david says:

    Make up your mind, liar.

    I hope all these clips will be shown at the right time.

  40. Kevin says:

    I watched this yesterday – rather thematic.

    • Gahan says:

      Labour huwa il-partit qammiel u giddieb.

      Jekk inħarsu madwarna nindunaw li ma ħareġ b’xejn ġdid fejn jidħlu proġetti kapitali.

      Issa imlejna żaqqna bil-liġi tal-Unjoni Ċivili u hedejna ‘l-poplu għal ftit taż-żmien.

      Kif nibdew nistejqru se joħroġilna il-liġi tad-dikriminaliżżazzjoni tad-droga, u imbagħad joħroġ il-vot ta’ sittax il-sena, u imbagħad il-“family wage” u imbagħad ċimiterju għal-Musulmani u krematorju, u fl-aħħar nindunaw li l-qagħad sploda.

      Kif naslu hemm il-PN ikun maqsum f’battalji inutli ta’ idejaliżmu.

      L-Oppożizzjoni għandha tistaqsi mistoqsija waħda sempliċi għal-kull karta li joħroġ mill-komma Muscat: “Kemm ħolqot, jew sa toħloq xogħol din il-liġi, jew din il-miżura?”

  41. A+ says:

    Where is the PN’s media?

    • Pippa says:

      Reporting and transmitting funeral marches as it is Holy Week.

      The PN media is more like a subsidiary of the Catholic Church than a political one.


    • carlos bonavia says:

      Soundly sleeping and still suffering from withdrawal symptoms from the electoral post-traumatic experience.

      Most of the PN leaders can also be found in dark and secluded corners consulting and listening to their consciences led by Mr. Vassallo of Mosta.

      Facing up to a pure, unmitigated devil, they are trying to find refuge and deliverance in “irgulija ” and will shortly be running back to the Curia for support and pats on the back.

  42. C Falzon says:

    I don’t think he consciously lies, he just says whatever is convenient for him at the time, with no regard for reality.

    The truth just does not figure at all in the equation.

  43. ZORRO says:

    Yes. I would like to know where the PN’s media are. That video clip of him making his opposite statement should be all over Malta.

    They managed to push so much about Tonio Fenech’s clock. We were brainwashed. Why can’t the Opposition do the same for every single stupid move Muscat and his ministers make. He is simply getting away with murder.

  44. sixties boy says:

    Maybe I stand to be corrected but if I am not mistaken during a pre-election activity Muscat said: JIEN NEMMEN LI Z-ZWIEG HUWA BEJN RAGEL U MARA. If this is so Net and Radio 101 should bombard us with the clip in question.

  45. Spock says:

    Zorro , well said . The media machinery in the PN needs a massive overhaul – and fast

  46. joe farrugia says:

    In a recent speech he gave recently, The Prime Minister made it a point to inform us that he had met all the promises he made prior to the elections. What he failed to add was that he was of course referring only to the entire staff of Super One.

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