Uh-oh. Just when Muscat’s made Malta ‘di bast’, somebody’s gone and moved those goal-posts

Published: April 23, 2014 at 3:15pm


A lesbian married threesome is expecting a baby – but fortunately for our prime minister, they’re in Massachusetts, not Manchester.

44 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    Incidentally, one of them is called Kitten. Interesting.

  2. Lorry says:

    As hilarious as this might sound I feel utterly disgusted and appalled. Who knows maybe in the coming weeks the “movement tar- ras” might discover the need for such rights to be given to our beloved children.

    Let’s face it, having three mums instead of two has its advantages too.

  3. Rosie says:

    Charming – what a heart warming story. We should change the law immediately so that Maltese gay couples will not be left behind.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Er, but this is happening right in the heart of l-Ewropa di bast:


    Come on ‘Jo’, I want you and your lovely, glamorous wife at my Shezrityenniah’s indeterminate christening, to be celebrated by the Waxed MC.

  5. Hawwadni says:

    It seems that some couples are now more equal than others.

    When a heterosexual couple get married, the bride has to decide whether to retain her surname or take on her future husband’s, whereas a husband cannot decide to take on his wife’s. In the case of a homosexual couple, they can choose either surname.

    According to law, an adoptive child takes on the surname of the adoptive father. So what happens in the case of an adoptive child of two women?

    Seems that the implications of the Act were not thought through.

  6. TheBest says:

    Maybe we could be the best in the world and have the first married groupie.

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    With someone like Muscat at its helm. soon it will be ‘Malta the bust’.

  8. Chris Ripard says:

    Could I please ask Gabi Dyke how many gay/lesbian couples have married so far, since the introduction of the Act that allows them to? I bet any money its very few couples. Gays may be selfish, and pretend to more rights than any of us, but they’re not stupid.

  9. M. Cassar says:

    ”The trio also plan on homeschooling their children to prevent them getting bullied by peers for having an unconventional family. ”

    Is that so!

  10. Clixx says:

    Well even a Muslim can marry up to four wives according to the Quran. Doesn’t that make straight marriage seem a joke as well?

  11. bernie says:

    I had asked if the law speaks only of ‘couples’. I haven’t seen any expert’s answer to what happens if there is a case involving a threesome.

    So is the law now still discriminating? Our Prime Minister is very keen on having no discrimination at all. Can he give us a decent answer?

  12. bernie says:

    In such threesome cases we would also have to change the Maltese word for zwieg deriving from “zewg”. We’d start calling them “trieg”.

  13. Francis Zammit says:

    This is getting weirder and weirder.

  14. C C says:

    The Daily Mail quotes these three women as saying that they decided on home schooling so as their child and any other future children won’t be bullied.

    It seems only here in Malta things will go plain sailing according to Jo.

  15. il-Ginger says:

    Kullhadd b’xi hobby.

  16. canon says:

    Fuq tlieta toqghod il-borma.

  17. George Grech says:

    Oh look ! One of them is called kitten imma ma hix bic-coff

  18. NGT says:

    Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?

  19. Nahseb says:

    Liberal and progressive? Liberal or progressive? Liberal, progressive but still liberal?


  20. Nicolette says:

    Curious question “can a person of either sex married to the same sex with this new civil union law also marry someone of the same sex?” I would reason that bigamy would still apply but does the law provide for this case scenario?

  21. Sargu_Xih says:

    Can we collect signatures against the law of child adoption by same-sex couples so as it would have to be approved by a referendum?

  22. Maltri says:

    Wi arr Zejtun bend and wi arr di bast in Malta (Yeah!)


    Disclaimer: If you are allergic to Maltese village mentality, kindly ignore this link.

    I deserve a badge as I have seen the whole video.

  23. dutchie says:

    Polyamorists also have rights Mr Muscat, how could you leave us out?

    And while you’re at it, start pushing for euthanasia. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes the logical thing to do in some isolated cases.

  24. The Psychologist says:

    Poor Joe,
    Inflate that chest
    Before the mic and camera,
    “We’re not the best?”
    “Of course, we are!”
    he challenges.
    “It’s only a matter
    of a few words,” says he.
    “Amendment of the legal notice
    is nothing–nothing much at all,
    a regular procedure
    envisioned by the law.”

  25. Lorry says:

    “One giant step backwards”

    “We are no longer in the 60s. Yet Busuttil, who was not yet even born in the days of the Interdett, seems to want to take us all back there”

    Raphael Vassallo 24 April 2014, 7:30am

    Raphael this shows how intolerant y’all liberals are.
    Is this the democracy y’all dream of living in?
    Living In a country where Liberalism is the order of the day and muzzling everyone else.
    No thank you!


  26. ciccio says:

    You can see the sheer excitement and motivation in the face of the Enemalta employees in the pictures here:


    To me, it looks more like a picture taken on a Kim Jong Un visit to one of North Korea’s power plants.

    • ciccio says:

      Seems like The Times has updated its report and has removed the pictures and uploaded a video. Well, it makes things worse, because the disillusionment of those workers is very evident in their face when they meet Jo the prime minister.

      And is this sort of “Gvern Pozittiv” political campaigning in a public corporation during working hours allowed in Malta?

  27. verita says:

    The threesome will call the baby Taghna lkoll

  28. Queli says:

    X’porkerija! Is this where we are heading?

  29. Jozef says:

    If Cacopardo intends to blame policy, that’s being utterly disingenuous; when he repeats Cassola’s mantra, it’s panic.


    One wonders whether Cassola, if elected, expects to align himself with Pecoraro Scagno, disgraced green minister during Cassola’s stint with Prodi’s Ulivo. Nice bit of musical chairs going on.


    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Can I bring the wrath of the sandals-and-beads brigade upon me?

      Cacopardo is a ghastly piece of work, and Cassola is a common opportunist, at the head of a party of teenage-brained drifters and posers.

      Just like their counterparts in Europe.

      They’re a kind of higher-dimensional hamalli.

  30. angry bird says:

    So I work and pay my taxes in this shithole of a country and then I have to pay for some “eligible” voter and his/her non-eligible spouse and kids to come for a holiday in Malta, so that they can vote for say Norman Lowell, who is technically ineligible to stand for elections.

    *why did I move back to Malta*


    • Calculator says:

      Do we have enough bridges locally to keep up with the demand by bachelors clamouring for their civil rights, though?

      Maybe that’s why Jo’s being so comfortable with the construction lobby.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Right lads, listen up, for I have come up with the perfect plan.

      I will marry myself.

      Then I will be:
      1. a single parent (because I’m eligible for IVF treatment), so I get state aid
      2. a minority, so I get EU funds
      3. a gay couple
      4. able to adopt as a couple
      5. a couple. So I get tax cuts, which I will share with my husbowifoid, i.e. myself.
      6. a regular guest on Xarabank

  31. c says:

    What would Fr Rene’ say about this new wave of reality that the Church has to adapt to, now that our liberal government has opened the doors for this new mentality? Would he expect the Church to stay silent about this not to serve as a forcina for the PN?

  32. zunzana says:

    Jekk zewgt irgiel jew zewg nisa, ghax ihobbu lil-xulxin ghandhom id-dritt ta’ unjoni civili (kelma ohra ghal zwieg civili), kif ukoll ihossu li ghandhom dritt tal-adozzjoni tat-tfal, bl-istess ragunament dawn it-tlieta (ghax jinhabbu) ghandhom jinghataw l-istess drittijiet.

    Mela, ejja Jo, biex inkunu progressivi fil-futur din naccetawha ukoll.

  33. Anthony Mallia says:

    A rotten society!
    Poor ‘abused’ children!

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