Yet another important comment on the case of Erin Tanti

Published: April 16, 2014 at 1:59am

‘Student’ sent in the following comment today, beneath one of my posts about Erin Tanti:

I would like to also recall a time when Lisa was sick and there was a lesson taking place when Mr Erin’s phone rang and he said “Hi I’m in a lesson I’ll call you back later”.

He then addressed the class and said, “This is why you shouldn’t get involved in relationships”.

This clearly shows how he was planning this end for about a month for sure.

I would also like to recall a disturbing moment when the performing arts group went down for a lesson and in the studio with a LOCKED door were Mr Erin and Lisa. I would like to add that he always wore a watch.

17 Comments Comment

  1. david farrugia says:

    He most probably had a watch with him that night…so what happened to it? Is it still hidden somewhere around Dingli cliffs?

  2. Fran says:

    Is Erin Tanti a member of the family who owned the Tanti Palmier ice cream kiosk at Ghar-id-Dud? He certainly looks similar to the owner.

  3. Dave II says:

    Locked door?

    Schools shouldn’t have locks on their class room doors. There basically is no need for them.

    • Ivan says:

      Yes, there is need for them to safeguard any items that might be stolen by anyone.

      Certain classes are dedicated for a certain subject and sometimes there are items either brought in by the teacher or bought by the school which are quite valuable. Drama classes might have props for example.

      The problem here lies with the teacher not the locks. Same example as for knives. If someone goes stabbing someone else, the problem would be the attacker not the knife.

    • Trisha says:

      Actually, Dave II, classrooms have to have a lock on the door to protect the belongings of the teachers and students when the classroom is empty (or during breaks/assemblies/outings etc).

      For a ‘teacher’ to blatantly lock him/herself in a classroom with a student is beyond belief.

      What is also beyond belief is that other students seem to have taken this incident in their stride and not reported it to the school authorities. Does this sort of thing happen often enough to make it ‘normal’? Thank God that at least one student has been brave enough to come forward to you, Daphne.

    • M. says:

      At least two other independent schools have locks on the classroom doors. The doors are locked after school hours.

  4. M. Cassar says:

    With every added comment from people who were at the same school/drama group I cannot help but wonder how the family of Lisa must feel. A number of adults who were in a position to know better seem not to have lifted a finger to intervene or raise the alarm. This is horifying in itself but the fact that these people will presumably continue to be employed in a position where they are entrusted with other students as well is the stuff of nightmares.

    Some have said that Lisa skipped her own classes to go to Erin’s. Did her own teachers not notice this and not think it worrying? Where did the teachers think Lisa was when she skipped class on days when she was actually at school? Is someone checking if the persons involved are idiots, stupid or ‘cover their ass’ experts with no regard except for the pay at the end of the month and a belief in not rocking the boat.

    Ignorant teachers need to realise that vigilance is part of their job description and so they must wake up to the reality of to-day. No one should be allowed to close ranks to protect a group or organization. This will only allow other abuse to continue. An abuser isolates his victim from the family first and having seen how this is done I must say that parents should exert pressure on institutions to regularly screen and re-evaluate their operations as well as insist that transgressions are not swept under the carpet. Not everyone who is groomed and abused is killed but waking up one day and finding that your family is destroyed is horrific.

  5. La Redoute says:

    Shouldn’t these comments be sent directly to the police?

  6. Nissindika says:

    Yes he is a member of the ice cream family. His mum also had a very popular hair salon in Naxxar. (Caroline Stewart’s)

  7. Ganna says:

    Ma nafx jekk ghandiex zball imma sa fejn naf jien hemm regola li fl-iskejjel il-bibien tal-klassijiet ghandhom dejjem ikollhom access min barra, parti mil-bieb tkun tal-hgieg biex wiehed jista’ dejjem jara x’inhu ghaddej u m’hemmx uzu tal-mowbajl.

  8. MYL says:

    He comes across as a very professional guy, you know, answering his mobile in class, telling his pupils titbits of his personal life, locking the door when ‘talking’ to one of his pupils…

    Telling his pupils not to get involved in relationships…at that age, teenagers are easily influenced… Nice contribution he was giving to our society of tomorrow.

  9. xxx says:

    Pity no one ever reported this before… who one maybe just maybe she would still be alive today.

    • Nahseb says:

      The Maltese, in general, aren’t good at foreseeing problems and doing something about the reality of problems before it is too late.

      It’s like it is in their nature to just let it happen and take action afterwards.

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