A lovely video about suldati tal-azzar, featuring Malta’s ambassador to Belgium as show-host

Published: May 3, 2014 at 11:23am

11 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    “Never trust a man with short legs…his brain’s too near his bottom.”

    Noel Coward

  2. curious says:

    They are preparing the ‘suldati tal-azzar’ for their fight against the EU.

    It worries me that Joseph Muscat said that ‘we are all Europeans now’. He always says the opposite of what he really means. Mintoff did the same. When they emphasise an issue, you can be sure that trouble is on the way.

    “Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant believes it important for Maltese MEPs in the coming five years to stand for the safeguarding of Malta’s autonomy when the government is drawing up its budget, or when pressures arise from the EU for member states to accept the introduction of common taxes on a European basis.”


  3. L-iehor says:

    ‘Din hija l-moviment li ha mmexxu flimkien’. His Maltese is as bad as his English.

  4. RF says:

    “What you see is what you get.” He said. Indeed. Garbage in…garbage out.

  5. Don Camillo says:

    Bring in the steel infantry! The prime minister’s mind is full of fantasies and past phobias, even though he wants so much to project himself as a man of the times to break new ground.

    He is now resorting to his supposed mega army of steel soldiers to come forward and fight his battles, much like the Orcs from the Lord of the Rings.

    From what I see he needs to send his steel army for galvanising because rust has set in so badly that they are now beyond being fit for purpose.

    Using armies and other hostile rhetoric will not convince or bully us into submission.

    If he wants us to fight, we will, but not with soldiers – we will take him on with good counter arguments and ideas. We have had enough of Orcs and the like – we choose to use our positive energy to fight obscenities such as the award of lucrative positions of privilege to servants of Labour.

    The PM was elected on solemn promises of fairness, equality and meritocracy. This, we now realise to our cost, was a mere public relations ploy suggested by his consultants to win votes. We will never trust you again, Muscat.

  6. Joseph Caruana says:

    Isn’t her behaviour degrading to women? As she stands among an army of men, all looking down at her, knowing that they aren’t interested in what she is say, but in her image. “Mur ara di’ fej’ taf xogħolna (…) l-awqa li tiġi s’hawn Ġuz!”

  7. thealley says:

    Why does Muscat says “ikkkuqqqieghed” instead of “inkun qieghed”?

  8. spep says:

    Speaking of lovely videos, you should really have a look at this ‘charge the vote’ Labour video – so progressive.


  9. janni says:

    Post wiehed kien jixraqlu li jkun il-Partit Laburista: gol landa taz-zibel.

  10. P Bonnici says:

    Using expressions such as ‘suldati tal-azzar’ (soldiers of steel) sends a message of violence.

    Soldiers are used as a last resort when diplomatic negotiations have failed.

    Muscat is trying to turn back the clock to Mintoff’s time and make the PL into a militant party where use of violence is justified if you lose the argument.

    I suggest that Muscat uses the term ‘suldati tal-perswazjoni’. Maybe the lack of grey matter does not facilitate this in the PL.

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