Another crucial fact in the Engerer persecution saga: the complaint was filed by Labour Party man Andy Ellul in his role as the victim’s lawyer

Published: May 13, 2014 at 1:36pm

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Chris Engerer persecution saga: he was searched and arrested for interrogation on the sole initiative of the head of the Drug Squad, Labour Party supporter Neil Harrison, assistant police commissioner, who is married to Labour Party billboard star, Audrey Harrison.

Cyrus Engerer persecution saga: the case began when his victim filed an official complaint and request for investigation/prosecution (‘kwerela’). The official complaint was filed on the victim’s behalf by Labour Party man Andy Ellul, a former policeman turned lawyer, whose sister Sharon Ellul Bonici was a Labour EP candidate.

These photographs show the nature of Andy Ellul’s involvement with the Taghna Lkoll project.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Ivan says:

    Riesqa l-elezzjoni u l-underdocs qed jaqdfu.

    • Energija pozittiva says:

      X’jahseb Anglu Farrugia dwar dawn ic-cekkijiet?

      Xiri ta’ voti?

      Tghid se jimla file iehor bihom u jmur ghand Pietru Pawl tal-Cops Caterers b’allegazzjoni ta’ “corrumpt prekticks” u jitlob li jaghmel tuks fors biex jinvestighom?

    • Energija pozittiva says:

      U ohra.

      Ara c-cekkijiet baghathom. Taf x’ma bghatx? Il-kontijiet imrahhsa.

      • observer says:

        Nahseb li ghad fadallek sa’ Lulju li gej biex jasallek l-ewwel kont ‘imrahhas’.

        U biex tkun taf kemm tassew rahaslek, ja poplu mazzun, oqghod fittex fl-internet fis-site kreat apposta, segwi l-instructions u tasal ghal konkluzjoni matematika.

        Dejjem, izda, ja poplu mazzun, jekk ghandek internet (u taf tuzah), intellett (u taf tuzah), u interess (u taf tfittxu).

        Ghaliex, altrimenti, ma nahsibx li il-komrade mizzi ser joqghod jispjegalek fuq il-kont kif u mhux kif ghandu jkun il-hlas dovut kieku ma rasshulekx.

        Issa l-vot hadu u jitnejjek altament minn x’tahseb u x’taf int.

  2. Dave says:

    The more you dig the more you will likely find that these moles were not only undermining the government but systematically targeting unstable people.

    We all know the end result. Seeds of foment can likely be traced back to 2008/9 as soon as Alfred Sant was put aside.

    Imbaghad jigu bin-negattivizmu u tradituri.

  3. The Observer says:

    “Le le persekuzzjoni tal-PN zgur. Ghax il-One hekk qed jghid”.
    Can’t believe the PL’s cheek in their accusation.

  4. Alf says:

    With the information that, thanks to you, the general public is being made aware of, to me it seems that the Partit Laburista, knowingly or unknowingly to its leader Joseph Muscat, wanted to get rid of Cyrus Engerer.

  5. Calculator says:

    For once it seems justice would have trumped Labour intra-party politics. Too bad nobody outside this space seems to be putting two and two together.

  6. zunzana says:

    His track record shows that Cyrus is spiteful and vindictive and that he plots against those he feels have slighted him. I would consider him a security risk in any office, more so a minister’s secretariat.

  7. freedom5 says:

    Ara d-deficit f’ Mejju, kif se jispara!

  8. John Higgins says:

    Too much emphasis is being made on the distribution of the pornographic pictures. Scant mention is being given to Engerer’s illegal entry to his ex-lover’s house behind his back, the theft of the pictures from the lover’s PC, the use of his female friend’s company computer.

    Incidentally, has disciplinary action been taken against GasanMamo’s employee for letting Engerer use her company’s computer?

  9. Wigi says:

    The prime minister said that he backs Cyrus because they share the same value and because he is a ragel fuq l-irgiel.

  10. PWG says:

    Thank God for the labour skip. A real last chance saloon.

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