CHOGM head of security celebrating Labour victory in March last year

Published: May 20, 2014 at 12:49pm

This picture shows Kurt Cini, a real estate developer and shareholder in Steel Structures Ltd and in GINWI Ltd (with brothers Charles and Paul Polidano), who has now been appointed Head of Security for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting next year.

He is celebrating the Labour victory on the mass meeting stage in March last year.

With him are James Piscopo, now chairman and CEO of Transport Malta, Aaron Farrugia, now CEO of Malta Freeport, and Charlon Gouder, now aiming for a seat in the European Parliament.

I rang Kurt Cini again this morning for further clarification on some points, but he did not take the call. I sent him a message saying, “Please call me when you can as I would like to check some facts with you. Thank you.” He did not acknowledge that either.

I suppose there are some people who are happier to say that I work to an agenda (you know, like Charlon Gouder, Simone Cini and the Labour Party TV station) than to acknowledge even to themselves that I have made more than one attempt to acquire their point of view and put the facts past them for double-checking.

As those who have the decency to respond to my calls and emails will tell them, I am not in the least bit hostile when making enquiries; I used to be regularly at the receiving end of hostile ‘fact-checking’ calls from the Labour Party station (that was when they bothered; they soon gave it up and began running with with whatever story they wanted anyway) and I know exactly how counter-productive it is, how it puts your back up and how it means you get a snappy remark rather than a proper discussion.

I’m quite amazed at the way some people rebuff any attempt to get their side of the story or their quotes, and then go out and say that I ‘attacked’ them because I have an agenda. They fail to understand that appointments like this are news and must be discussed.

So Mr Cini, if you wish to return my call, I would be happy to take it (I don’t bite and am actually quite nice unless my interlocutors are aggressive).

Kurt Cini MLP mass meeting

10 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Welcome to Zimbabwe.

  2. Volley says:

    Sinjal li qed ‘jisthi Daphne.

  3. says:

    OK… so conclusion …another iced bun!.
    The PN government was chocablock with these appointments (we all knew this) for their closest friends but it seems the LP has caught up very well in just 13 months.

    [Daphne – The Nationalist government did not appoint a (non-qualified) friend to the post of head of security for CHOGM 2005, but the Commissioner of Police, John Rizzo. The point here and in other appointments is not whether they are friends of Labour or not, but whether they are qualified or not, or whether others are more qualified but they got the appointment because of their friendship, putting the role and job themselves at risk.]

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Speaking of CHOGM 2015

    Alessandra Pace – Media Coordinator at CHOGM 2015

  5. Mirko says:

    It would be interesting to know who will be employed for the CHOGM 2015.

  6. gaetano pace says:

    Being at the receiving end. I know exactly what it means. It goes something like this. We the police are given order not to leak any information to the press. The chaps from the orizzont and their papers taghhom ilkoll used to phone me up asking for a scoop. In line with standing orders I used to refer them to our PRO at HQ. They used to flare up a flare as red as the torch they honoured. From that point on whenever I appeared in Court prosecuting a case, they used to report the case but instead of indicating that it was a case I had investigated, they used to accredit it to one of their red eyed boys who used to leak them information., He used to be conspicuous by his absence from court, so much was he a very good, efficient officer. My sympathies Daphne. Some people simply never learn nor are they willing or inclined to learn.

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