Cyrus Engerer was actually persecuted by the Labour government

Published: May 9, 2014 at 8:29pm

The Attorney General – no enemy of the government, because the prime minister has been very keen to rely on his advice when he finds it convenient – filed his appeal in the Cyrus Engerer case on the 24th June last year.

This is more than three months after Labour’s victory. When ‘l-avukat tal-gvern’ (as the Attorney-General is known colloquially) filed that appeal, the ‘gvern’ was Labour already.

This is not to suggest that the Attorney-General can or may take instruction from the government on criminal matters. I say it to point out how ridiculous and inappropriate these claims of persecution are.

The government was Labour. The Attorney-General could simply not have filed an appeal. And Cyrus Engerer could have carried on crowing about how he was acquitted of all charges, without claiming to be innocent (did you notice that’s what he does?).

The Attorney-General, after all, does not appeal against all acquittals by the Magistrates Court.

But he decided to do so with this one, and was proved right.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Wigi says:

    How pathetic!

    Cyrus Engerer was given a hero`s welcome at Mqabba.

    Where are the values that the PL boasts about?

    • ciccio says:

      The Times reporting the speech of the prime minister:

      “Mr Engerer was persecuted as were his mother and father. But this government left institutions to work in absolute independence and he was proud of this. If there were those who thought this development would develop a wedge between Mr Engerer and the movement, between the old Labourites and the new ones, they were proved wrong.”

      Can the prime minister decide whether this was a case of institutions working independently or a case of persecution?


      “Prime Minister Joseph Muscat praised Cyrus for opting to place the movement above himself and said this decision made him a new soldier of steel and the Labour family would always be with him showing its solidarity as one movement.”

      Ah, nice. Joseph Muscat has anointed a new recruit to the Movement’s army of soldiers of steel.

      Such a North Korean style of politics.

      • ciccio says:

        “a wedge”

        Nice choice of word in the circumstances.

      • Dave says:

        The question is, did Muscat think that there was a choice about leaving constitutionally independent institutions independent. Dodgily enough he’s proud that he left them independent.

        What a dangerous person and party.

      • Jozef says:

        You nailed it. Those will be independent until the love he has for us may require force if necessary.

        People seem to forget that Muscat’s first promise was to ignore a court sentence.

  2. iced bun says:

    Who had decided that the John Dalli case not be followed, the Attorney General or the Police Commissioner? Or had they both agreed?

    In any case, it appears Cyrus Engerer wasn’t so lucky.

  3. v says:

    Just tuned to One TV which was showing a recorded transmission of today’s P.L. activity.

    At the end Joseph Muscat embraced Cyrus Engerer. I got the impression that it was all a show by Muscat since the camera was focusing on them.

    Muscat should be ashamed of himself, embracing him instead of distancing himself from him.

    He has either forgotten that there is a victim in this case, or he doesn’t care.

    • bob-a-job says:

      The last person Joseph embraced was Godfrey Farrugia and we all know how that went.

      It works like a Judas kiss really or a Mafia embrace if you prefer.

  4. Libertas says:

    I’ve just watched it on Super One; Cyrus Engerer given a hero’s welcome at Mqabba by Muscat.

    Cyrus speaking as if he were right all along, when he used against his boyfriend the same homophobia he’s supposed to fight.

    And then I watched Muscat and I thought of Mussolini… gone are the days of ‘you can work with us’; it’s now all talk of ‘soldiers of steel’ including Cyrus Engerer.

    I hope many switchers watched it.

  5. Gahan says:


    L-appell kontra id-deċiżjoni li illiberat lil Cyrus saret taħt għajnejn jekk mhux ukoll instigata minn Joseph Muscat.

    Issa qed iwaddbu t-tajn kontra n-Nazzjonalisti minħabba li Cyrus huwa ikkundannat b’sentenza sospiża ta’ ħabs , Cyrus twarrab minn nofs u Kasco għandhom ordni ta’ karta speċjali b’direct order URGENTI, tiswa’ kemm tiswa’.

    U l-Laburisti jċapċpu u aħna nħallsu!

  6. Gaetano Pace says:

    Ghandi nifhem li jew il-24 ta’ Mejju filghaxija jew il-25 ta’ Mejju ser ikollna Marcia su Valetta biex simbolikament il gran mastru tas-suldati tal-azzar jiehu taht idejh il-hakma tal-belt u l-gzira.

    Min ma jghogbux ghandu l-ghazla fuq il-mejda, imur Ghawdex ghax dak tal-Ghawdxin u ma jehodulhom ebda Joseph.

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