Isn’t this awful, though absolutely fitting?

Published: May 19, 2014 at 10:17am

Here’s the memorial carving put up on the exterior of Dom Mintoff’s house in Hal Tarxien, to mark the fact that he lived there.

Mintoff plaque 1

Mintoff plaque 2

70 Comments Comment

  1. Nokkla says:

    And there go the bajtar…again.

  2. Nik says:

    What’s with the cornetto?

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    This one is wall-mounted, I see.

    • vic says:

      Occasionally, a dog does stop in front of it. It can’t read but it finds it useful.

    • Rob says:

      Yes, and thank God the holding down screws have been drilled almost within the thickness of the mortar joints. With a bit of luck the job can be easily reversed without leaving much visible damage to the stonework.

  4. tinnat says:

    Was this made by a 6-year-old using plasticine?

  5. Ivan says:

    The Maltese flag is evidently hiding his huge belt buckle. Either that or he’s got no trousers on after meeting his sister-in-law. They might want to remember that too.

    Nice touch with the prickly pear so close to his ear – probably symbolising the fact that he wasn’t a good listener.

    But the mastery lies with putting the luzzu in a downward slope towards the blazing flames of the Torca. Nice one.

    • Calculator says:

      You’ve clearly shown how future history of arts students are going to have a grand time discussing this one.

      • ken il malti says:

        In his next novel author Dan Brown will include this mysterious and enigmatic bas-relief carving for interpretation of the hidden occultic meaning in the items shown.

        This will be like the odd Shepherd’s Monument in the grounds of Shugborough Hall in Staffordshire England.

  6. Gahan says:

    Eżista iva mela għex.

    Hawnhekk ġiet miġmugħa l-ikbar somma ta’ flus minn bniedem wieħed minn fuq dahar Malta li ghalih dejjem giet l-ewwel ,(comma) u qabel kollox !

  7. Tabatha White says:

    Shame they opted for the “mesmerizing” eyes instead of the buckle. Must be something symbolic to that.

    Disgusting sense of aesthetics all round.

  8. Clueless says:

    A tribute from the Suldati tal-Hamallagni to their general.

  9. Neo says:

    Ugly sculpture, shoddy masonry work, rusty pipes, dead weeds… very appropriate.

  10. Calculator says:

    It would seem the man can’t help but inspire mediocrity, even in death.

  11. sel says:

    I like the matching monument platform, fuq il-fil. What a bunch of amateurs.

  12. Steff Bannister says:

    Finally something for the south – a state-of-the-art pissoir.

  13. dutchie says:

    What kind of architecht ever went around with divider and compasses in his breast pocket unless he liked being pricked?

    The four-inch ruler must have been made to fit him.

  14. Peter Mallia says:

    I enlarged the picture but, to my amazement, the sculptor didn’t put his mobile number behind his name.

  15. Tal-kostituzzjoni says:

    Dak x’qed jaghmel mohbi wara l-bandiera Maltija taht il-paghal tal-bajtar – jitnejjek mil-Kostituzzjoni?

  16. Drood says:

    Didn’t his daughters sell it in their auction?

  17. Drood says:

    One thing is missing: the Thermos flask.

  18. Pawlu says:

    I want one like this when I leave this world. Since I am a gigolo I want penises in my shirt pocket.

  19. GiovDeMartino says:

    Should have been unveiled by Alfred Sant and J Debono Grech.

  20. Antoine Vella says:

    It’s made by Sergio Gauci, “stonepecker”.

  21. Ian Castillo says:

    Excuse my ignorance, but what’s a ‘Stonepecker’?

    [Daphne – I imagine he thinks ‘woodpecker’ is the word for somebody who sculpts in wood, therefore he must be a stonepecker.]

  22. wacko says:

    Horrific art depicting a horrific person… sounds good to me :)

  23. Gahan says:

    Is there a MEPA permit for this “monument” which conveniently is against a third party wall while encroaching a metre of public land?

  24. Jozef says:

    Malta must be the only place where spectacles have to be portrayed to the nearest detail. Every village and town has this bespectacled maestro tal-banda, and they all wear the same huge pair of glasses.

    Even Buttigieg dozed off in Blata L-Bajda with his specs on.

    That’s cheating.

    So Mintoff disfigured his thumb holding his pipe and kept needle sharp dividers against the left nipple. No wonder he was always in a rage.

    • ken il malti says:

      I want a Maltese town with no notable maestro tal-banda to adopt a full size bust of Buddy Holly, so they can have well carved spectacles too.

  25. FacePalm says:

    This is the “sculptor”

    Face palm….

  26. matt says:

    When I see his face I am reminded of the dictatorial and misery years.

    • White coat says:

      I have been studying and working hard since I was six. My children are MScs and PhDs against the express wishes of Dom Mintoff and his despotic Labour Party stalwarts and men of steal, I mean steel.

  27. M. Borg says:

    Sergio Gauci Stonepecker – taking bass relief to new depths.

  28. lablaba says:

    Il-midra u l-luħ imdendlin in aria, u l-wiċċ ta’ taħt it-torċa tgħidx kemm hu mqarras u mdejjaq biex jirrapreżenta lill-povru poplu Malti li għix fi żmien is-salvatur.

  29. The face is not that of Dom Mintoff, at all. The paraphernalia around the person is Mintoffian, though I am sure that some Mintoffians will object to the prominent George Cross on the Maltese flag.

  30. Neo says:

    I don’t think we needed a monument. His followers can rest assured will never forget him. He will be forever remembered for all the other despicable things not mentioned anywhere on the marble plaque.

  31. Ara min jitfa l-ewwell harja ghax Sammy Mejlaq ghassa taghkom.

  32. Francis Saliba MD says:

    That face resembles Lorry Sant much more than it resembles Dumink – and I believe that they were not speaking terms towards the end.

    • el bandido guapo says:

      My thoughts exactly. I bet Stonepecker would have Queen Elizabeth looking like David Cameron.

      But very apt, Labour has stood for low standards throughout and this is more of the same.

  33. anthony says:

    How very fitting.

    It’s just great.

    That is exactly how he should be remembered.

    On his way to setting fire to Malta.

    We will have one for Fenech Adami dressed as a fireman with a great big hosepipe in his hands to match.

    Sorry Eddie, Ad Multos Annos.

  34. Tracy says:

    Iva f’kollox amateurs, anki f’bicca skultura. X’pastazata.

  35. Rob says:

    I didn’t know Henry Kissinger was fighter ace Dom Mintoff but here he is holding a Messerschmitt’s tail with a George Cross on it.

    I also thought he invariably smoked a billiard pipe, bent at times but certainly not a half-bent one.

    And what’s with the (one) button on the polo shirt collar? Surely that’s anachronistic.

  36. Mandy says:

    X’hamallagni. Interesting, though, to see that nobody could be bothered to take care of any plants that must have been planted in the purposely-built planter, seeing that just dried stems remain.

  37. Rumplestiltskin says:

    That’s a scary piece of sculpture. The only good thing about it is that the head does not resemble Mintoff’s – but then again it looks like Lorry Sant’s with glasses, which is worse.

    Then that abomination of ‘national emblems’ – xemx, bajtar, dghajsa u ghodda tal-ghelieqi – is resuscitated to generate nightmares of the ‘golden years.’

    The perit’s instruments in his breast pocket make him look like a character out of ‘The Revenge of The Nerds’, and …oh why bother, there’s so much wrong with this it’s not funny. Well, actually it is.

  38. ken il malti says:

    That flag looks like a giant potato crisp (chip in Americanese) that is about to amputate his right hand.

    What a horrible mess of a monument.

    But that is what that nasty bugger deserves.

  39. il-Ginger says:

    This is North Korea quality bizarre.

    There’s Mintoff again rubbing the Maltese flag with his stone pecker.

  40. verita says:

    He seems to be suffering from tummy ache after eating all those prickly pears

  41. Kim says:

    Gives a new meaning to Mr.Whippy.

  42. nemesis says:

    Hey, Joe. Lost your compass? Well there it is sticking out of Dom’s pocket.

  43. White coat says:

    Beware he may come back from the dead. The North Korean dictator’s girlfriend did just that yesterday. It’s surprising what these Commies are capable of.

    • ken il malti says:

      I have sharpened wooden stakes and a heavy mallet at the ready in case such a ghastly scenario does happen for real.

  44. edgar says:

    Damn, it is far too high to piss on it.

  45. ken il malti says:

    What is the significance of Sputnik landing on a kitchen table in the background?

  46. Albert Floyd says:

    Is this house ever going up for sale? If in the affirmative, will the new owners be obliged to leave this horrendous plaque intact?

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