Malta’s top searches: Free XXX, nude, times, maltatoday, daphne, facebook, teen, amazon, ebay, inews

Published: May 23, 2014 at 11:03pm

First Malta 1

First Malta 2

13 Comments Comment

  1. CIS says:

    Congrats, Daphne. Searched more than ebay? Awesome.

  2. gorg says:

    According to the photo Facebook must be addictive.

    I admit, I’m an addict. I am ‘on’ Daphne.

  3. Matt says:

    Amazing, this must translates in about 100,000 hits per day.

    [Daphne – 200,000+ views a day ]

  4. Murdoch says:

    How could the Malta Labour Party rank first and ninth simultaneously?

    • Maltri says:

      Dawk ghax ghandhom il-Laburisti akkaniti u l-Laburisti tal-qalba.

      On the 11th place probably you will see the LGBT Labour group.

  5. Rumplestiltskin says:

    What strikes me as typically ‘Maltese’ is the ‘Free’ before the ‘XXX’ of the top listing.

    • Pied Piper says:

      Do you remember KMB’s battle cry: Jew b’xejn jew xejn.? Brainwashing or indoctrinating the Maltese mind-set. Seems to have worked.

    • Painter says:

      I don’t think that it is typically Maltese but typical of old people.

  6. Maltri says:

    In the beginning I needed to type in the whole address to find this website.

    In the early years, I could find this site by writing your full name, and since some years ago Google would give this site preference for the keyword ‘daphne.’

    Today (on my personal computer) typing the letter ‘D’ would suffice to be suggested this site. Try it on yours.

    Probably the search for ‘daphne’ hasn’t gone up because of bookmarking.

  7. Anrasp says:

    Well done, Daphne.

  8. Marcus Tullius says:

    Congratulations. I do not always share your opinions – though I often do – or how you go about expressing them but I admire greatly your inexhaustible stamina, resourcefulness, clarity of thought and an uncompromising championing of freedom of expression.

    I am usually parsimonious when it comes to showering praise. You’re one of a kind. I am convinced few persons have achieved so much with such limited resources.

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